No one even talks about this shit ANYWHERE
ITT: Overhyped Irrelevant Trash that aged poorly
They do on NeoGaf, oh wait they left the place
Plenty of threads about it here, senpai
Also it's pretty good and I was one of the people who was ready to hate it. Reminded me of Half-Life 2 mixed with RE4 in terms of writing, pacing, level design and just overal polish. Its overtly long tutorial sucked is the only minus I'm gonna give it. And the ocassional ladder and palet sections.
Your mum.
Oh boy I wonder if this game that everybody on Sup Forums hated on release was actually overhyped or not.
Get a job fucker.
bait thread?
You take that fucking back
>>"Get a jerb"
>>Unironically has a WWE reaction image
That's power rangers you fucking pleb
I love how no matter how many years passed, Sup Forums is still SEETHING over The Last of Us
honestly my biggest dissappointment on PS4. so fucking boring.
I played most of the game and got to the bit at the end playing as Ellie when Joel was injured and just couldn't be arsed with any more
That was like halfway through
I really enjoyed it, but wished there was more gameplay. I would have loved an open world segment where you can stealth around scavenging and taking out zimbos. I did replay it, but I was bored halfway through. I hope tlou2 has more actual gameplay.
like chapter 10 out of 12.
You should play Factions, it's the best console multiplayer in a long time. I got that shit again on PS4 just to play factions.
Oh, I must be remembering wrong. I just remember the seasons and I thought it ends at summer
Metroid Prime has aged horribly. It was revolutionary at the time for the atmosphere but the gameplay is just bad by today's standards
We are talking about it in this thread, moron.
Star Fox
They dropped the ball so hard on the AI when it was on of the main advertised feature in early footage. I’ve never seem worsr AI on such a high profile AAA game
It's a Youtube game. I don't understand why anyone would pay to play and not just view the story when gameplay is so basic normiebait.
It didn't age horribly at all. Just played it a couple of months ago and thought it was overrated but good.
What. Nobody hyped this ever.
Pretty much yeah
Nah, it was pretty cool especially since it was a new Doom game and not a "worse version of PC Doom" like pretty much every other console Doom ever.
>Aged poorly
Yeah I'd say it aged marginally more poorly than Doom and Doom 2 considering you have to play it on an N64 using an N64 controller and composite out blurry shit unless you emulate.
neofag/resetera still praises this trash
almost all western games are generally like this tho. they get old real quick and everyone forgets it. same goes for garbage like gears of gay. nobody talks about it anymore.
meanwhile non-western games, besides japanese games, look stalker. people still keep giving attention to it.
thank fuck for doom64 EX then