Old Thread: Original Question: >All of Sup Forums is transported into Ocarina of Time. End goal is killing ganon. Real world logic applies to everything, and there's only 1 of each key item drop, though things like arrows and bombs can be used without needing quivers/bomb bags. How far could we get?
How about we expand it to other Zelda games? Could Sup Forums succeed?
Bentley Rogers
Wow this is some serious virgin shit
Jace Cruz
Other zelda games or not, I'm going into hiding immediately to live as a handsome jew hermit. Maybe I'll steal some masks in MM and end up doing something useful
Joshua Thomas
Yeah this is some pathetic nerdy virgin shit, why isn't this thread about Generic-chan's armpits?
Angel Gonzalez
Never. Someone would pick up a key item and log out.
Levi Martinez
I'm immediately throwing any key items I can get my hands on into lava to fuck everyone else.
Ayden Scott
would anyone even be able to do the shit in the volcano?
Julian Fisher
Implying half of the lardasses here could ever climb back out of the Deku Tree or even fit through the crawling space to get the Kokiri Sword.
Kayden Smith
>implying you would get so far in the first place
Samuel Allen
I guess that the red tunic would have some magical properties to allow that. Well the other half would be fine then
Alexander Jones
We know he's eventually going to be at the gate on the horse. We all just wait there and fucking kill him. Yeah, try to do that magic attack on a gorillion no-life faggots when it couldn't even kill a kid.
Cameron Hughes
good one red tunic for one user, good luck, the rest will wait outside
Joseph Martin
There IS a store that sells an infinite supply of them.
Gabriel White
How would Sup Forums get down from here?
Luis Richardson
human ladder, we are more than enough
Jackson Foster
>implying a human ladder made of lardasses would work
Personally, I advocate deforesting the whole place. You could build something to get down that way
Michael Green
do we have the slate with it's apps?
Cameron Ward
And how the fuck would we deal with these cunts? I'd assume there's only one slate
Jack Cox
Make something to cushion a fall, then throw one user down. Have him spout stupid bullshit, baiting the retards into jumping off to get to him. After a while, there should be enough bodies to land on safely.
Blake Anderson
Blood for the blood god
Leo Campbell
We'd have to craft some kind of huge rope ladder from trees i guess.
Jose King
ok, some anons place bombs under water between some rocks, get away, blow them up, repeat till it's open, from there we can work
Carson Rogers
they seem to only attack Link, so we should be fine?
Ryan Morgan
That's for ingame reasons. We can assume they're hostile to all.
Elijah Rivera
this. we'd just do what the hylian army failed to do.
Jordan White
ok, but they can't shoot through brick walls, let's break down some old structures, build some moveable shit out of wood, place it on top, there we have some unbreakable armor
Levi Baker
>visit hyrule >tell the king hook-nose gerudojuden are not to be trusted >clap and laugh during public execution
Leo Cooper
Nathaniel Kelly
>some lardass, who looks totally different than anybody in this world gets to the king in the first place >he tries to tell him how to rule his kingdom I think you would be executed
Brayden White
Okay let's be honest here and not beat around the massive bush right in front of us.
Sup Forums, in essence, are a bunch of whiny underage faggots with some massive parental issues which formulate into immense sexual degeneracy as you see from some of the absolute garbage porn and borderline porn images posted on Sup Forums on a consistent basis. So imagine if a party of these people were transported into Ocarina, a group of sexually immature faggots who indulge in some of the worst shit possible, what do you think will happen?
Firstly they would probably try to waterboard themselves in Lake Temple for pure enjoyment or try to melt their bodies in Death Mountain while being simultaneously being both crushed and then having their anuses torn open by big Goron cock. Supposing this legion of autismos make it to Ganon do you think they wouldn't just go crazy for that tan skin 24'' dick? Hell they'd probably line up to get some ganoncock and as their large intestines are ruptured by the sheer force of the eternal beast the anons cry in joyous pain with the words "no homo, its only a feminine beastcock"
And thats exactly what would happen, nobody would win because the degenerate souls would fuel Ganon's power for a 1000 eons and he would take not only Hyrule but the heavens too thanks to the autism of several thousand gaping buttslaves.
Brody Sullivan
>Everyone drawing straws to see who deals with the re deads
Ryan Lopez
How to deal with the birb machin gawd thing?
Eli Moore
>humming sun song >redeads are now stunned >walk away
Kayden Ramirez
>Ritos have to carry all these obese anons up there gg
Ryan Young
>Your vocal cords are a magical ocarina
Excuse me?
Daniel Cruz
I think the answer to this is the thing that people pointed out last thread: Sup Forums's population most likely has people among its ranks that can into gunsmithing, and black powder definitely is a thing in the Zelda universe.
Kill it with musket and artillery fire. If a powerful bow's arrow to the eye can cause significant damage, musket shot definitely can.
Austin Gomez
these songs also work with Sarias ocarina this one isn't magical, only song of time wouldn't work
Elijah Taylor
>Sup Forums's population most likely has people among its ranks that can into gunsmithing
The fuck Sup Forums do you go to?
Leo King
I know a guy who's a retarded brony gamer that's a licensed and employed gunsmith. It's sad that he's allowed to not only own guns but also make them.
Alexander Hall
There's only one Kokiri sword. We just rip and tear the shrubbery of the woods until we're all armed with deku sticks, shield babbies can rummage in the tall grass for cash to buy a deku shield.
Shield babbies form a defensive wall at the castle, 2handers poke from behind with their deku sticks. Everyone has the flashbangs seeds. At the back we have a slingshot fag and any other ubermensh that got the key items.
And when we've finished ganking the 'dorf we all go to Gerudo for some sandnigger pussy as they won't have another cock for 1000 yrs even the incels will get laid. Anyone that isn't a complete loser is free to look for poon elsewhere. I'll probably be spelunking for some Great Fairy clam.
Then, with our autistic knowledge of the game dungeons and such, we form a new powerful nation with all the powerful game world trinkets at our disposal until one day a little elf boy in green turns up to put an end to it all.
Robert Lee
If Sup Forums has sufficient overlap with /k/ and/or /diy/ then it definitely does. Casting a smoothbore gun barrel out of bronze or brass isn't very hard, people do it all the time in their back yards. The only question are the raw materials. Making cast iron requires vastly more knowledge and effort, but iron is of course much easier to come by. Sup Forums would have to come up with a god damn blast furnace.
Nicholas Stewart
>I know a guy who's a retarded brony gamer that's a licensed and employed gunsmith. ... Me too. Oregon?
Robert Rogers
fuck, maybe. I don't keep tabs on him or anything but I know he's in america atm
Daniel Perry
>faster you lazy fuck, we may die because of you
Blake Reed
I think it would be easier if we skip it and fight the ganon thing in Hyrule Castle
Luis Garcia
Build a fucking blimp out of octo balloons put cannons on it
Austin Hernandez
Skip that one or shell it with artillery.
Christopher Edwards
Zora prince gonna sleep with the fish with some user in his back
Hudson Robinson
>impling anyone would fit in the zero armor in the first place
Nathan Gutierrez
We shall take Gerudo!
Jacob Myers
your asking us to make siege towers? nigger do you know how many anons it would take to push those around? Or even horses to pull?
Evan Taylor
i think there are enough anons on Sup Forums to do it
Dylan Price
Use you imagination user, just tie it to the arm
Dylan Phillips
>Real world logic applies to everything We already won. Ganon is just a regular dude who can't put his plan into execution, so we just kill him with an arrow or something. That was easy.
Jayden Garcia
Anons may get tired just for standing
Ayden Cooper
"I said not to lock your knees you bloody greens!'
Austin Phillips
>get the gerudo skill >die because the thunder
Isaiah Foster
>How far could we get? You know damn well that there's like 50 NPCs in that game. If an army of 10k+ neets rolls in then everything that even remotely looks like a human being will be raped.
Connor Russell
>everyone storms Mido to get to the Deku Tree >a large portion of the Deku Tree dungeon can be done on sheer collective weight to get to the lower levels >we zerg rush the guards in the castle garden >we disable Ganon right when he's faking loyalty to the king instead of watching through the window like a pussy bitch
Leo King
Assuming people made it that far, people would either get killed in the fire temple or fucking drown in the water temple.
Cooper Parker
What's the most useful temple to clear? We only drop arrows after someone picks the bow
Ethan James
>Build up a arm of gorons, kokori, hylians and zoras >swarms gerudo castle >gets the princess >... >profit
Jeremiah Diaz
Wyatt Martin
Couldn't a user make a makeshift bows and arrows from wood and twines? Or a trebuchet even
Jeremiah Long
Read the thread. user can make full-on cannons.
Leo Parker
Austin Cruz
going to have to hit up some Gorons to get the metal though.
Landon Roberts
Now i kinda want to see a show where a large bunch of NEETS and outcasts from every walk of life and up in a vidya world and use what they know and the mechanics of the game in order to not only survive but steamroll the content outright.
Caleb Howard
the question is who would end up in control in the end. pol , tg, or his? Each are familiar with politics and the vitrues and vices of such.
Anthony Mitchell
We can use he fatties for block puzzles and to cheat ledges. They still have their uses
Levi Bennett
Well, at least enter in the camel divine beast its easy, we just need good aim
Luke Cox
That's BotW, not OoT
Jaxson Jenkins
good aim while being drug around by a seal. Honestly couldn't we just hire a rito to fly onto it?
Nicholas Perez
Im in the Botw variant of the thread, its more fun think what to do there because of the climbing and slides
Elijah Hughes
Only champions are allowed to enter in divine bea- oh shit
Evan Carter
>not being a turncoat and serving the true King (of Evil) Ganondorf
Austin Garcia
If anyone of you can backflip we could give him a gun to wrongwarp to gannon to shoot him in the head.
Cameron Gonzalez
Wrongwarp doesn't apply. We're subject to real life physics unless disabled through magic inherent in the setting. Wrongwarp is part of neither. We can cheese the system only through the sweat of our brow (and our everywhere else). We can hack the Deku Tree, not the Matrix.
Evan Martin
I call dibs on Kokiri Forest. And don't look for me.
Hunter Cooper
huh, looks like its bum rush gannon tactics then.
Cameron Morales
How the fuck would we beat the dodongo boss though? You have to drop down to get to him. If you fell from that height you would break your legs at best and die at worst. We have to fight all the bosses to get the master sword. But then who gets the master sword? Do we just pick the most capable person and let him solo the bosses (Very few bosses would be able to be fought by more than 1 person, the arenas are just not capable of hold more than 2-3 people.) As far as I can tell there are an unlimited amount of shields in the game. So realistically everyone could just farm enough money to buy a shield and just shield smack everything. But I just thought of a major issue, how the fuck is anybody but the master sword guy gonna get to the future? Do we seriously have to wait 7 fucking years?
Brandon Clark
I know enough about the game's world to convince him I'm some kind of seer or something
Logan Sullivan
It shouldnt be that hard to make parachutes out of the skin of the foes to be able to survive the long drops.
Because its realistic physics we could just have an user rapel down the hole to trigger the bosses, then climb back up, and then just kick a keg of explosives down to finish it off.
Why would we need to use the master sword when we can just kill gannon when we see him on the horse as child link? just ambush him and set him on fire.
Jose Cook
Holy shit this is a fucking comfy thread, don't let it die
Kevin Cox
I wasn't talking explicitly about Sup Forums though, just "generic bunch of NEETS" Would be fun to see the classical "hero and villain meet at the mount doom for the dramatic showdown" turned on it's head to become "hero and villain meet at the mount doom for the dramatic showdown but the villain is killed by 100 guys with crossbows laying in a ambush"
Blake Perry
I thought ganon could only be killed with the master sword? And that the master sword could only be properly wielded by link, or someone who proved heroic enough
Chase Martin
How would a bunch of fatasses be expected to beat bongo bongo or morpha? Also, are we gonna revert to our young selves? Also who fucks Malon?
Caleb Bennett
Lots and lots and lots of arrows.
Wyatt Butler
Then just cut off his head and seal it in a chest, throw it deep underwater, and eviscerate his body.
He won't be dead, but he won't be able to do harm, thus winning, we wont even need to do any of the dungeons, i assume we all wake up in links home, we can just beat up the little shit if he tries and stops us getting out early.
Cooper Bennett
>Also who fucks Malon? Link, while we all watch
Daniel Russell
While all you nerds are busy bumrushing dorf, I'm gonna beat the shit out of this guy, steal majora's mask and become the true final boss
Christopher Barnes
ok, I'll do my best
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>implying you'll be more than a vessel, you'll probally just die
Jose Jackson
Whatever, enjoy your moon, fag
Easton Rivera
if we do the intro to MM too then we can all just bumrush skullkid and take his mask
Xavier Morris
we are not Termina user
Daniel Sanders
I'm sure majora has a million other ways he could slap your shit silly He's much more of a threat than ganon
Charles Butler
only Ganondorf without the Triforce
Blake Allen
that smug ginger has tricks up his sleeve you just know it.
Josiah Richardson
I'm gonna swear myself to ganon who's coming with me?