Why are gnomes the best race?

Why are gnomes the best race?

Because meta.

>not femhuman with giant monster schlongs for the sole purpose of subjugating elvenkind

post more


because i have a midget fetish

Because pedo.


gnomes are seriously underrepresented in sfm porn

I want to impregnate a Gnome

The Gnomish sub race in BFA will be Giant Gnomes. Like Gnomes but twice the size.

>implying anyone would resist a big dicked cute girl


I just know they're just gonna bullshit a medicine that cures mental illness from leper gnomes and then make them a subrace.

I surprisingly want to nut to a gnome now. Thanks OP and post more.

Are there any new MMOs that might be worth checking out`?

They could also make the mecha gnomes a sub race too.

Fucking Gnomes

because they're very tasty

I don't play this shit game, but the breast to body-size ratio is nice.

Yea I'd love to throw her around

because they attract degenerates
spares us the trouble of rounding them up

I've got mixed feelings about this image

I want a Gnome wife

I want to be a goblin wife

this, gnomes, dwarves, undead, human, troll, worgen, goblin, dranei, pandarian, elves, tauren.

if you are attracted to these, we know what you are and should get rounded up.

I want a goblin mistress

Shouldn't you be hugging trees or something?
Fucking elves.

Go away Garrosh.

>sausage fingers



Hardly any ERP neckbeards play gnome females either, why even live.



>orcs only acceptable race

i don't buy it, but at least you aren't one of the elves/dranei/panda fags that always derail threads, so you're safe to stay.

just know you're wrong

>tfw no fem orc gf to hold you captive and eventually fall in love with you

smol mommy?

Video games


That's because they have shit taste unlike proper degenerates.


>Implying you're a gay faggot who likes dick on chicks and needs to fucking die

1. Undead
2. Dwarf
3. Gnome
qt ranking

about to lvl a new character

what race
what class

Blood elf

wait for 7.3.5, roll an allied race.

fem gobbo fire mage

Who is this man?

play gnome, goblin, troll or orc
warlock or rogue, they're in short supply and always wanted

Small races are objectively the best race in every game.

>ywn marry Chromie and go on time adventures together

Humans are always the best race in any fantasy or sci fi

micro bikinis are god's gift to man


>165 cm "man"
No wonder the little boy looks angry.


Really fucking hard if I didn't have to look at her legs and she kept her arms under the pillow.

I don't get it.

Neck yourself faggot
Literally the /tg/ patrician opinion
Humans rule

Global average is around ~170cm, so it's a fairly normal height.

Keep in mind that it's from Japan as well.

Gnomes are disgusting. Dem tiddies though.

Why the fuck in a game where you could be anything you pick a human? I bet you pick some boring shit like warrior as well.

Did I trigger you, snowflake?

>human warrior
the superior taste in any game

>being such a faggot that he can't appreciate dickgirls
Maybe go back to a normalfag board like gamefaqs?

too bad about the face

Because huge, superior round ears

not him, but it could be easier self insertion into the world OR because no other race in the faction looks any good.

I was kidna forced to play faggot Alliance by my friends who were all alliance, I didn't want to be an elf or a gnome, dwarves became boring too me after playing them too much in single player RPGs, so I rolled a human warlock. Humans had badass racials.

Because shortstack is fucking top tier and doesn't exist in real life unless you're into midgets

nice meme opinion

I mean, the racial is superb, sure - that's a good explanation.

Faggot snowflakes are a crutch for any sort of character building
Humans are GOAT faggot

Not in actual civilizations. Sorry manlets of the world.
>still 5 cm shorter than average
How embarrassing.

lol /tg/ would crucify you for posting cringeworthy HFY shit

now stretch it out and give her proper proportions and it's great

/tg/ frequently has threads full of posts about muh human master race you mongaloid

>mfw chilean, 30yo, 1.84 cms
>every kid here is taller than me

True, Asia definitely brings the global average down with all the pooinloos and chinks.

>10cm taller than my country's average

Feels good.

Nah, fuck off with your shit opinion.

Hottest midget girl I have ever seen. Most have fucked up foreheads and awkward looking bodies. She looks like a hot normal gal, just short.

I'll stretch it out alright

superior opinion*
stop living life in the wrong aspect ratio friendo

you do know reading screencaps from a board doesn't count as browsing that board, right?
from the way you type you are quite likely 15, so I won't be replying again lol

I'm perfectly fine where I am, thanks.


>yfw you realize most girls look like midget, but midgets don't bother with make up

Gnomes are undeniably the best girls.

Earnest and bubbly
Energetic and goofy
Sweet but honest
Cute and childlike
Absurdly intelligent
And they're sexycute.

that is why you have a piece of cloth to cover her up.

If you're still this salty about losing an election, the internet is not the right safe space for you.

You're clearly mentally retarded, Sup Forums is my least browsed board because it's a cancerous shithole filled with cock gobbling spastics like yourself my man

>sirens blaring

Not that user but you do realize you yourself come across as a "cock-gobbling spastic".

yeah minus the whole not a midget part they're alike

Not that user but you do realize you yourself come across as a "cock-gobbling spastic".

see that's exactly what I mean

The model update really fucked up the female gnome faces. They can't look as cute anymore

>Not that user but you do realize you yourself come across as a "cock-gobbling spastic".

Sup Forums here.

That's honestly the only hot midget I've ever seen. 10/10 would mercilessly pound, but she has to get tossed in the oven when I'm done. We can't allow her kind to continue smuggling contraband genetic code.

>>Not that user but you do realize you yourself come across as a "cock-gobbling spastic".

Not Sup Forums here.
You're fucking cringy dude.

>look at me mom, I go to pole, aren't I cool now? Mom? MOM? I SAID LOOK MOM GOD YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH btw can you buy doritos and soda when you come back from work?

>when the 400kg american mongrels start talking about eugenics

Apparently it's possible to slide on dangerous surfaces.
I never knew that, and I'm sure most other Mario 64 fans didn't either.

Bretty gud