Do you like PC98's dithered art?

Do you like PC98's dithered art?

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no looks gay

Both artstyles are shit.

Maybe, both look pretty cool.

>cocky commander with stoic neutral faced subordinate behind her
>commander is angry or determined, subordinate is deeply concerned about something
Amazing what a few minor shifts in features can do to alter the mood.
At any rate I like the look of the dithered art more I guess. The various elements like the holo panels and char seem to be rendered more similar to how the characters are. Makes the image feel more consistent.


What did they mean by this?

I love japan anime style 80's - 90's

Why is the second face so offcentered and ugly?


Most Japanese computers had those high resolution monitors because you need to them read the kanji. Its just that Japanese artists just also took advantage of it with beautiful art. But once you didn't need that anymore it's just less time consuming just putting up the normal digital art than transforming it into pixels.

I like it. Also I like how the dark and light colors are further apart from eachother. In modern anime they just have a skin tone gradient or a single slightly darker shadow

What are some good translated 90's hentai pixelated games? I saw one in this documentary and they look pretty cool.

>old one is widescreen
>new one isn't

They cut off some of the bottom portion for some reason.

Divi-Dead? Translation is famously crap though.

>people honest prefer the original when the new one is absurdly faithful

Looks pretty cool, I'll try it out. Aesthetically there's something nice about hentai horror.


From the photos posted in this thread like and op the backgrounds are completely different and the colors are no where near as saturated. The lines are way tighter and cleaner in the originals too. The remasters look all smudgy and the shading isn't as defined. The originals are just a lot more appealing.

If you got anymore list them, I've always wanted to get into this shit but just don't know where to look.


Well the only oldies I've played are YU-NO and Desire
You might want to check out Eve-Burst Error and Nocturnal Illusion

This one actually looks pretty good.

this a joke
being pixelated and less then 16 colors = cleaner and not smudgy

I'm okay with it, but it's overrated as fuck.

Shading was better, but it's pretty accurate.

Yes, this is easily the most faithful reproduction of PC-98 art I've seen.

Maid's Story havent played it in many years but I remember having a good time.

Kakyuusei looks kinda good.

Pixel dithering is one of my favorite things

>kinda good
It is good. Kaykuusei and Doukyuusei series, being the granddaddies of dating sim along with Tokimeki Memorial, was so popular that it has both TV series, H ova and tons of merchandises.

What magazine is that from?

Good update, painted nails are garbage.

I like the Tokimeki Memorial songs.

Saturn Fan 1997 05/16-23 vol 16

God I love how dithering looks.

Nice ass.


>no pantyhose in remake

Two bottom pairs are close, ride side strongly superior otherwise.

>removing pantyhose

absolutely haram

Good taste

Mio was the best non-Eriko girl.

Everything had a nice round and simple design to it. Every character was recognizable without being an over designed mess. The only other show in modern anime that pulled it off was Eureka Seven. Fuuuck I love the design of every character, it's perfection.

the old versions are way better, better art and details. The new stuff is soulless.

tumblr vs steam

honestly either is same garbage

more so the older style of jap art that took more effort, but yes


>no fang

Huge downgrade, especially the background.


>The only other show in modern anime that pulled it off was Eureka Seven.

The guy doing Eureka Seven character designs also did them for King Gainer and G-Reco. They all have the same qualities to them.

Trigger also pushes for strong shape design with minimal details and that's true for both KLK and LWA.

I wouldn't say it necessarily required more effort.
The thing is that the more detailed ones were also done on a much smaller resolution.
Drawing something and going over every single pixel to achieve perfection is something you simply can't manage in a reasonable time-frame once the resolution goes up several times the original.

Well, you could but you'd need to remove 3-4 frames per one that makes it into the Windows port.

Why the new YU-NO so short?

oh yes, absolutely
you can bet your ass on it




you do realise that PC98 is the best what they can do with 90s technology,
remake is just lazy slap in the face.

like Metal Slug all over again.

yes it looks better than the shit on the right

Dithered pixel art is not exclusive to the PC-98 you inbred underaged shit.
This entire thread reeks of underage

Nobody said it was retard

Read the OP again.

Where in the OP did it say dithered effect was exclusively on PC98? It just asked if you liked the dithered effect from PC98 games.

Read the OP again.

>tits bigger than head

Left is superior until orange shirt girl at the hospital.



tfw there's no eroge company who makes nothing but aesthetic dithered games or VNs

its sad, no, its fucking depressing that this kind of sorceress/seductress dress doesnt exist in animes anymore, except for just one hentai.

Sometimes i wonder, why do i have such an obscure and limited fetish?

As they should be.

PC98 is AESTHETIC as fuck
Art from adversity

Any reason the guy doesn't have a knife in the remake?

I would probably cost a lot of effort and wont give good enough returns. Hell I wouldnt be surprised if nips like the modern style of anime more than the old style





I like the concept of this game.
>Tentacle Monsters invade, capture girls for breeding
>You command a squad of troops to fight off the monsters and save captured girls, basically XCOM with hentai
>Boss monsters are frequently encountered in the process of raping girls, triggering an H-scene

I just wish it had better gameplay and more of a connection between the sex and the game. (You never interact with girls you save, you never have to clean out a hive of monsters full of impregnated girls, your all-female team of soldiers never gets caught and raped, etc)

True love, maids story and immoral study.
You can play them all here online.

>Fucking the redhead's ass using her blood as lubricant

>Black hair chick so desperate to get away from her abusive stepfather she'll become a whore
>Whore her out to her stepfather lel :^)

That game was some shit mang.


Oh shit, thank you.

And which documentary was that?


Does this style have a tag on some site?

>The only other show that i watched was Eureka Seven

>Does this style have a tag
I fucking wish. Other than hoping people put PC98 or whatever format in the title your best bet is to check the new uploads filtered to show only games. Then hope you spot uploaders that specialize in this content and then search for everything they have uploaded. Will help you out a little if you want to go diving for content though.

This guy stopped uploading a while ago but has 8 pages of stuff to sort through.

and this one does lewd arcade rips and other miscellaneous content. Has been on a run of random free game shit the last month or so but hopefully they go back to normal at some point

Both of those are on g.e/ex hentai.

Pixel dithering made Sim Tower (or Yoot Tower) one of the most comfortable vidya experiences I've ever had. In fact, most early 90's Windows games are just comfy as fuck. I know comfy is a meme word by now but I have no other words to convey the expression.

Noted, thanks!

whats the game in the second row?

It's all from 1 game.

shitty low budget VN artists




Why is this allowed

Holy shit.

Sup Forums will still defend the right though.

>They made the hat guy look like a fucking gay

That's the worst offense
Japan stop thinking that's trendy let alone a good solution to having hair long enough that it can go over your forehead. It's not in the slightest. Give them a haircut or let it hang or fuck off