What's next for 3D Mario games? (I mean after Odyssey 2)
What's next for 3D Mario games? (I mean after Odyssey 2)
Rosalina Returns: Super Mario Galaxy
But seriously, they could keep alternating between sandbox and linear games.
well the capture mechanic definitely isn't returning but I can see hat based platforming and attacks staying. I also think we'll get mut
ltiple plable characters but probably not multi player
super mario 3d maker
Is this an actual game? they should go full animation like this and it would a billion, first company ever to make a billion if they did it like this style
This fanart has a better UI than Odyssey.
are you retarded?
Luigi's Mansion 3
Wouldn't mind a 3D World 2, the joy-cons and non-split screen are perfect for accessible multiplayer shenanigans.
Allow me to unfold my pretentious autism before your picture, OP.
Whoever drew that picture foreshadows the problem with fanbase shaping up games.
The picture is called "Super Mario Universe" as if that's what the artist expected from future mario games. But what the fuck does he expect? Nothing. He has nothing. It's just mario 64's yard yet he has the audacity to call that "Mario Universe". YET he probably complained about mario 3D world as if he had something more brilliant in mind. Jesus christ.
I know, assumptions, assumptions, blah blah blah. Whatever, that pic tickled me the wrong way.
I'd like a 3D World 2, and 3D Maker.
>tumblr nose
>after Odyssey 2
your dad works for Nintendo?
Nintendo should make Mario is Missing: Peach's Untold Tale official.
True VR mario experience for next gen. The likes of mario 64 kind of leap forward in tech+game design. They'll come up with something great when the right technology is around.
Mario game where you head to other nintendo game worlds. Zelda, Metroid, Earthbound, etc
Yeah. I hope they keep the 3D Land/World style of games as a spinoff series.
For me it's just a innocent fanart but I understand what you're talking about, self-entitled fanbases are the worst shit ever.
I mean, look at Metroid fans, this is what happens when a good part of a fanbase only played the games in emulators and then complain when there are no games released.
I hope we get an open world Mario without levels and with great focus on lore.
Bring back Daisy as the ruler of her kingdom. I'm surprised she wasn't the ruler of the Sand Kingdom
Honestly, where can Mario even go now? He's been in space, he's been globetrotting, what's next for him?
Yeah, it's infuriating. I'm skimming that pic of yours and just fuck him.
AM2R fans need to calm the fuck down. It was a very nice game on its own but it's very important to try to keep pushing the series forward experimenting with new artstyles and mechanics.
If metroid comes back it needs to bring some new stuff with it or else the franchise is actually dead for good.
more of the same with bigger and/or more intricate worlds
inter-dimensional travel. Pokémon has been obsessed with it so it's only natural that Mario will do it next.
This. The artist is most likely some nostalgiafag who also just saw Galaxy and thought "what's the next level of EPICNESS they can go? Galaxies, pfft, how about a whole UNIVERSE!!!" The proceeds to imagine a game that somehow uses paintings in peach's castle again.
And the worst part is, people would eat that shit up from nostalgia alone.
I wan't pannenkoek's mario complete with qpu movement.
Damn thatgame is STILL being updated. Can't believe its almost done
Hopefully they take a break and give opportunities for other Mario characters to shine.
Ivan Aedler, the madman, is made of sheer determination. Too bad the game is all clogged and wonky. That aside, it's a masterpiece of ingenuity and collaborative effort.
Made me fucking hate AM2R and the faggots that started infesting every metriod thread, forums. good thing I had already played the game otherwise I would have been reminded of these obnoxious cunts when I was playing it
I want Super Princess Friends
>game starts out at bowsers castle during lunch
>suddenly goomba runs in
>”bowser has been kidnapped, we have to go rescue him”
>chain chomp escapes his chain and runs away, bullet bull flies out of there, boo turns invisible
>”okay, cowards, looks like it’s up to us, fellas”
>and thus, Goomba, Shy-Guy, Koopa, and Bob-omb sets off to rescue bowser
>game is top down 3D like Mario 3D World
>each character is assigned to a face button and has a specific purpose
>goomba jumps
>koopa throws his shell
>shy guys let’s the group become invisible
>bob-omg blows things up
>7 worlds with a major Mario main character as the world boss
>Mario is the final boss
add online multiplayer with up to 8 players and that would sell like hotcakes
It's the next logical step really, could call is mail universe or some shit
somehow this is the single most retarded reply I have seen for a while
>super mario universe
>it's sm64 with the pipe moved closer, yoshis egg brought down and a block
>tumblr artstyle
Predict the next jump correction companion.
>What he looks like
>His abilities
>His role in the story
They just did this in strategy rpg form in the Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga remake, it was pretty charming. It might work.
>double jump
>wants to walk a 1 000 miles
>Super Mario Universe
>literally just in front of Peach's Castle
Nice fucking """universe""". What shit art.
A lot of great ideas in here.
Honestly, this is the best idea possible but also highly unlikely. If you just changed Odyssey's worlds to be other Nintendo Worlds, it would be perfect. Imagine getting to dress up as Ness or Samus and going around the worlds.
Imagine the boss battles.
That would be perfect.
>Goomba stomping Ridley
>No Goombette hat for HOT GOOMBA SEX
Damn it, is it too late to revive newgrounds and make this happen?
A time travelling adventure where actions in the past can affect the futures that Mario visits.
Basically, think Day of the Tentacle + Odyssey.