Switch bros, which one should I get?

Switch bros, which one should I get?

play Skyrim on PC, dumbass. It isn't worth playing without mods.


Neither, spend your money on something that will actually be useful like food or a book.

none, both already released on pc, and seriously you did not want to play skyrim without mods

if you really need to pick one though, pick skyrim because LA Noire is shit and can't be played for 300+ hours

Nigger, food is a fucking necessity, it doesn't factor into luxury expenses unless you're eating McDonalds every day.

>bros... which bad port of 6 year old game should I get?

Imagine buying a Switch lol

>both already released on pc
I didn't know my desktop was portable.

I didn't know they released $300 laptops that can run Skyrim.

LA Niore and .
Doom is unplayable below 60fps or with a pad. 30 fps with a controller? just play it on pc, it runs on toasters

Nigger they release 300 dollar HANDHELDS that can play skyrim with mods

Honestly it's not even just mods. I advised my friend against getting Skyrim on PS4 but he did it anyway, he finally understood what I meant when his favorite companion stopped responding to him and he couldn't use console commands to fix it

Skyrim isn't worth playing even with mods.

I agree, but if OP really wants to play it he should do it on PC.

literal retard BTFO

both of these games are trash but L.A. Noire if you absolutely have to choose one between these two.

Wait for XBC2 and buy that one.

>Skyrim isn't worth playing

vanilla skyrim will never be good even if it's portable, you can only kind of make it good with mods.
Why are Nintenbros so fucking stupid?

>muh portable
>increasing the actual quality of the game

why would you buy something again that can't be modded when you have already played it before?

Oh, I'm getting Xenoblade for sure. I just wanna have something new to play on Switch to make the wait bearable lol

>I just wanna have something new to play on Switch to justify the purchase

It plays fine at 30. The game isn't nearly as twitchy as you people make it out to be. It's not difficult either.

Skyrim. LA Noire has zero gameplay.

Yes doom is life. RIP and tear!

The average normalfag that buys Skyrim does not care or likely even know about mods.

No it doesn't you fucking idiot. Go the fuck away.

Also, post your screencap of UN completion. Thanks.

Yeah but this is Sup Forums, we're supposed to care about the quality of games here. You do have a PC capable of running fucking Skyrim don't you user? It's a five year old game

Yes I do. I'm just stating the average person who buys Skyrim these days does not care about mods.

the average person doesn't visit a video game image board, so I would imagine the people who do would care about their game's performance a bit more.

> Sup Forums
> daily neptunia thread
> neogaf drama approved by hiromoot
> care about quality of gaems


I am not implying the contrary though, I am directing my post to OP and OP only.

Judging from his "snarky" response he has already played skyrim with mods.

la noire is kino

Isn't open world and shit too?

I said we're SUPPOSED to, whether we actually do is another matter

>this is Sup Forums, we're supposed to care about the quality of games here
I traveled back in time I see

Normalfags like portability. And the average normalfag cant be bothered to spend a hour to get a mod to work.


Skyrim is fucking terrible and the worst game in the franchise.
Not even mods can salvage it, and non-PC versions even have abysmal mod making them even worse.

>space before an implication
>supports mods silencing an entire board because they dislike a certain subject
>hate weebshit

I wonder where you originates.

would you please fucking read my post first before replying.

or an Xbox one
or a PC
or a PS Vita
or PSP
or an xbox 360
or a PS2
or a PSX
or an Atari
you know.. literally ANYTHING except a Ninendiot toy

Skyrim has more replay value

>falling for the portable meme
>tfw I'm a big boy and the videogames can wait until I get home so they can be played as intended

Try playing a AAA title on portable mode in bed, man. Bliss.

>this user is such a fucking fatass he can only play games in bed

portable is good when the options are limited.

NDS is the tightest shit back when it's first released because nobody has smartphones until a few years later.

Portable is only a good feature when you can't stay too long in one place for extended periods of time.

>buy an adjustable bed where you can control the tilt of the bed
>buy a big ass TV so you can see the screen clearly even on the other side of the room in your bed
>play with remote controllers


I have a huge 4k TV connected to my PC and PS4 I can use to play videogames from my bed, user. But I generally use my bed for sleeping. I'm not dropping hundreds on an underpowered handheld and more on top of that to play downgraded ports of games I already own in bed or on the toilet


Actually portable mode sucks if you have fat hands, so it's not the case here :)

Kek that runs like absolute shite you desperate double nigger.

Left has the superior box art, as such you should buy that game.

Don't support lazy box art with your money. Don't buy games with bad box art.

Support your local box artists, vote with your wallet!

Honestly, this shit is pathetic
>normal consoles get AssCreed and CoD WW2
>Switch gets fucking Skyrim (not even the enhanced version), LA Noire and shitty looking DOOM running at 30 fps
They should stop pretending like Switch is a good environment for AAA games. It's way too underpowered, they should focus on smaller Japanese titles instead (stuff like Mario, PuyoPuyo, SMT, Xenoblade and so on).

>muh portability
Not even people who played on older handhelds circlejerked over this feature, they always talked about the games

>suddenly toddlers care about fps


>or a book

I'm an adult who owns his own house. I normally play my games in my livingroom but when its time for bed, I have to turn the PlayStation off and go and read a book or shitpost on my fone in bed before I eventually fall asleep. But with the Switch I can just pick it up and continue playing in bed. It's liberating as fuck.

See 'portability' doesn't mean taking the console on the bus or down the swing park. It just means I'm not tied to any one location. I can move to any room in the house (I'll soon be buying a couple of extra docks for a few rooms in my house) or I can sit out back drinking a cold beer on a warm autumn evening and still bing bing wahoo.

You'll also notice that adults will most likely not give a flying fuck about graphical fidelity and 8K / 240fps bullshit and just want engaing fun games to play.

The Switch is perfect for adults.

Ico was terrible. If anything, the right box art is more indicative of its quality.

>implying Skyrim's box art is bad
Fuck off. Box art is the one thing that's consistently good about TES.

I can't tell if this pasta is fresh or not

>I'm an adult who owns his own house.
That's something a kid would've said. Try next time, maybe.

LA Noire by far, Skyrim is a terrible game and not even worth your time without mods, even then it's still shit.

>Switch owner has to preface his post with a blurb about how much of an adult he is
Every fucking time

>It's not difficult either.
Nightmare and Ultra Nightmare say hi.

That's cute coming from a tween posting cartoon reaction faces.

>implying Skyrim's box art isn't bad
Typical TES babby with shit taste.

So does the switch. Probably runs out of battery sooner too.

is dark souls coming to the switch btw?

L.A. Noire, I wouldn't support a $60 Skyrim port with little to no changes

>berates somebody for using cartoon reaction faces while he sits on Sup Forums and desperately tries to justify his handheld and maturity to strangers on the internet

Why the fuck woud you buy inferior versions of games that have been out for years now? Is it stupidity? Disposable income? What drives stupid people to waste away good money on something that pales in comparison to the original?

Maybe you should go and wash daddy's car, maybe he'll you a switch for Christmas.

L A Noire is one of the most disappointing game of the decade. It's missed opportunity after missed opportunity: the game. Your choices don't even matter, the interrogation gameplay doesn't work, the city is as dead as it gets, the gunplay is entirely optional and clunky as fuck. It's only redeeming quality is the story which touches on mature subjects such as exploitation, corruption, ptsd and even pedophilia.

Get it on PC for dirt cheap, or on the PS3. It's not worth playing it portable because it's a story heavy game that requires concentration and paying attention to the conversations.

>he needs a fuckton of garbage on his box art or it will look "bad"
You don't know shit about design.

>maybe he'll you a switch
Damn, this toddler is SHAKING

Yes keep crying about things because you can't afford them kiddo. Only silly teeny boppers like yourself wage console wars.

Holy fuck you faggots can we go one day without constant consolewar shitposting in every Nintendo thread? Sup Forums mods do your fucking job.

>should I get this bad port of an ancient mediocre multiplat or this bad port of an ancient mediocre multiplat?

Being a switch owner must be a lot of fun.

You can always spot the sonykiddies with posts like this. How embarrassing.

>3 different font types on a minimalist black box art not including copyright and trademark
That box art is tacky as fuck.

b-b-b-but muh bartability!

>pc mustards are so used to cheating they forget that there are consequences for being bad at games

i'm not saying skyrim without mods isn't shit, and i'm definitely not advocating buying it on any console. But anybody who's upset they can't savescum away their own fuckups is a faggot. You'll never get better at games relying on crutches like that.

>those ports suck don't buy them
that's all that happened ITT

lmao, this toddler is embarrassed

Nobody's waging a consolewar, you're just pathetic. And the funniest part is I've seen you post this exact shit before to desperately justify your shitbox handheld and how mature you are. Consider suicide

It's pretty cool yeah. Cry some more if you're that threatened by it.

Do you guys avoid the rune challenges or something? It's not difficult if you upgrade your shit.

just buy some indie eshop games if you're just looking to kill time until XBC2. Axiom Verge is fun if you haven't played it, hell you could buy it on steam instead and probably have just as much fun killing time until XBC2 and you'll have spent less money.

Doom and Skyrim. Been having a blast with Doom, played it with my coworkers on break.

>b-b-but sony
Give me a break

>N-no you!

Nice argument kid. You seem awfully upset that millions of people you don't even know are having fun with the switch. Of course you're not salty.

Not him but you're also getting salty over people you don't even know not liking the same thing as you do

>bbbbbbbut millions!
yet you toddlers are triggered by fifa

>this is the average Switch owner

It wasn't a fuckup, you goddamn retard. The companions got glitched and wouldn't react to his commands even though they were still following him around and shit. It's bethesda's buggy ass engine. Go fuck yourself for being an illiterate tard

The ports aren't bad, obviously sacrifices had to made for a $300 Tablet compared to a $300 console.
The main thing that's just a scam are the prices, $60 for a 6/7 year old game is just ridiculous

>the switch s just for kids! Nobody with have a brain would have one! REEEE TODDLERS.

But adults are the ones playing the system.

>Nooooo! You're just salty!

Fuck off child.

>this mad

The average switch owner is an adult with a mortgage. Ok kiddo seems about right.

Meanwhile you're still festering in your bedroom and jerking off to hentai while mommy and daddy quietly whisper about where they went wrong. How close am I?

Mods never make a game worth playing that wasn't worth playing to begin with except for unofficial patches but that's just unlocking the original content to begin with.

>can't go a single post without calling someone 'child' or 'kiddo'
>says only children perpetuate consolewars
>yet calls somebody a 'sonykiddie'
>all this because he's trying to show people how much of a big boy he is on Sup Forums for owning a Switch
>has been this assblasted in other threads before

This irony is fucking delicious
