So now that the dust has settled can we finally all agree that, while good...

So now that the dust has settled can we finally all agree that, while good, 64 is overrated and Odyssey is objectively better? Face it, the only reason you love 64 so much is because of nostalgia and because it was your first 3D game.

wrong, I love 64 because of nostalgia and the movement. but odyssey is still better

all mario and zelda games are overrated

Notice how ever Mario game has some sort of spherical reference

I thought you were chatting shit so i went and checked super mario world

Sunshine > Oddessy = 64


I don't think it's overrated, but yeah, Odyssey is better.

HOLY FUCK deepest lore?

Super Mario 64 was challenging

Odyssey is not.

wtf is going on? i cant unsee this shit why did yo even do this?

Yeah, it was challenging because you were 5 years old.

this sphere thing, were they always planning Galaxy then? from the distant 80s? this is doing my head in

64 gave you an arena, and a hint. Go find the star based on the hint in the arena.

That simple method, without all the costume prissy bitch dress up, is why 64 is better. One of hundreds of reasons.


A little harder to see on 3D World's boxart since it's a crop of this full artwork, but you can clearly see the curvature here as well.

I just found this from virtualboy, im actually getting scared

DEEPEST FOCKING LORED does Nintendo ever stop with this deep shit!?

Thank you

the globe theory never ends

i'm getting spooked bros

Are you blind

its only just begun this is going deep


doesn't seem to apply to third party Mario Games

inverted sphere, shit is getting serious now wtf

You can't say 64 is overrated. It took over 20 years for them to finally make a game that's better.
Even then it's still the second best game in the genre right now.

They don't know the secret.

best mario game


Explain to me what "objectively better" means.

it was challenging in the sense that launching yourself out of a cannon required aiming or getting the winged hat.

shooting yourself out of a cannon in Odyssey you're literally on a rail that can only go to one possible place

In 64 if you saw a star in the distance, it actually required thought on figuring out how to get there.

In Odyssey you accidentally find moons.


what about this?

Well, the sphere is a very recurring form so it's not that unreasonable or even that strange that it appears frequently.

was it made by nintendo though? sometimes these third party fucks dont know about the sphere theory so cant into sphere covers

fuck off science fag

It stops as soon as you stop cherry picking.

yeah it's a second party game


Sphere flags BTFO

How will they ever recover?

the titles are actual on a spherical plane look close you retard

It's called super mario WORLD for a reason, of course theres going to be spheres

>spherical plane

I don't think you know what those words mean.