Why can't Sony beat this?

Why can't Sony beat this?

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Sony is to busy making movies

Sony makes experiences
Nintendo makes games
Microsoft makes products

Spot on

This. Sony doesn't make games.

Because nintards will cry Mario is better no matter what comes out on a none Nintendo console. No hate. Just truth.

They already did on PS2

Why do Nintendogs need to bring Sony to everything?

refusal to develop games for their old mascot characters

Ape Escape fucking never

> sony
> mascots

Sony tears are my nectar :)

I'm talking about Spyro, Crash, Ratchet (a good one that's not a movie tie-in), Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, MediEvil


> any of those
> not gay

>combined switch and Wii U: 19 million
>PS4 70 million

Nintendo tears are even better ;)

> stillborne 92 meta 8.8 user
> odyssey 97 meta 8.9 user
Blown out again. How will Sony recover?

Because they think mario and banjo are the same genre, and as long you make a game with a jump button and a fuckton of collectibles, you're already doing a game on the genre.

>not a single video game listed in her post

Seems to work since everyone loves it

> yurocucks buying fifa
quality vs quantity :^)

Someone post the italian mediamarkt ad

Not really.
No mario clone sells even close to the real deal.

how fat are you?

Why do toddlers attack FIFA all the time?
Because it doesn't have Mario/Zelda or what?

Sony can't grasp the concept of fun.

Nintenfags are the worst

Remove 10 points for nintendo bonus
true mario oddisey score is 87

t. nigger

Not as nearly as much as mario.
And i would love to see sony actually making an 3D acrobatic platformer as well.
It's quite terrible to have to wait 6 fucking years for another game on the genre.

Remove 30 points of cinematic fps bonus from bloodborne and you get the actual score

>Nintendo bonus
Sup Forums likes to forget the Sony bonus exists too for some reason.

Neither pisstendo with its painfully easy games.

>tfw a nigger is better than a nintenbrony

>cinematic fps bonus

remove 50 points for sonygaf cuckold BBC sony cuckscenes

movies typically run at 24 fps you brainlet

Real talk, what does Sup Forums have against Sony?


do you like being sad in the woods?
> that paris playstation event selection

The real question is whats Sup Forums's deal with Nintendo?
Its been nonstop shitposting since the Wii

They won 3 gens out of 4. Imagine how nintenbroolds feel.

Why can't so(n)ylets go 10 minutes without worshipping BBC, bros?

i like video games

sony has no video games

> medievil
god I miss that skellington

>b-but sony
Thanks for proving me right


What the fuck does my post have to do with sony you faggot?
Sup Forums has been shitposting about Nintendo since the fucking Wii

Like Bloodborne, Nioh and Persona5?

>on PC
>on PS3

doesn't count

>3 games in 4 years
>2 of them are mutiplats
>the other one runs at


PS4 has the most exclusives this gen by far.


damn, toddlers won again! how do you even counter such move?

>only 1 exclusive

>All third party

>name some games
>do so
>they don't count

Loving these tears.
But honestly I'm kinda sad this gen was such a fucking bloodbath right at the start, it's soo boring when one console has 65%+ of the market share.

It's not about Sony not being able to do it. It's about nintendo being a particular case.

They have devs in every corner of the company structure from interns to executives. This makes executives understand their product and be sensible to the development times and periods that games demand.

A game about bing bing wahooing wouldn't be taken seriously as a successful product in today's waters if any other of the big companies was in charge. They'd go something like and call it a day.

Nintendo might be hit or miss, or not appeal to every single person, but they do try.

judging by your post, you call them names

Keep crying, sony shills,.

BB isn't totally third party, Sony's Studio Japan worked with from.

Stay on topic, sonybros. Why can't Sony beat SMO?

> b-based normies and their sportsshit


>This is a list of games for the PlayStation 4 currently planned or released either at retail on disc or via download. See List of PlayStation VR games for a wider range of compatible and dedicated PlayStation VR games.[a]

>There are currently 1649 games across these pages.[b]

>Exclusive = 118
>Console exclusive = 419
>Multiplatform = 1005

Stay on topic, sonybros. Why can't Sony beat SMO?


Because they don't care for the 5-10 audience?


>Why can't Sony beat SMO?
Because even if they did Nintendofags will just say its garbage because its not Nintendo due their ISIS tier brainwashing

>all those shitty literal who indie games
ummm congrats, sweetie?

Just wait until Last of Us 2 comes out and combines the Sony bonus and the SJW bonus.

So basically Sony is incompetent, huh non-whites?

sony has a lot games better than mario odyssey
your overrated kid game isn't good
nintenbros need understand this

>most of the good exclusives are Vita ports

Jesus, the Vita is the fucking savior of the PS4.

> unsolicited opinions on Islam

No talented developers, too many movie games

BB, P5, Horizon, Uncharted, Yakuza are indie now?

Hey I remember playing that on both PC and PS2

The saddest thing is when Sony Bronies try to slip Horizon into "game" lists.


>toddler can't read
>bringing race out of nowhere
Shouldn't you be still sleeping junior?

Sony only partially made one of those, Boodbourne. The others are third party. The point still stands, most of their first party games are movies in denial.

t. sonyNIGGER (50% of violent crime in america)

>Being so poor that you have to fight that your console is the best one

You don't need to be a console cuck if you can afford to play them all.

>t. Angry """""white""""" boy

The sonygroes would swear up and down that Knack II was a better platformer, just like the tried to compare Horizon to BotW.

And i remember playing botw on pc and wiiu and everything nintendo before switch on pc

This always happens when one company's console is way behind, having nothing to play between the 4-5 games a year (including multiplats) the can only shitpost.
Remimds me of the PS3 era and the WiiU era.

Horizon is a much better game overall as it's not 90% empty fields with a seed to find under every rock.

>The sonygroes would swear up and down that Knack II was a better platformer
And sadly it is

like fucking clockwork


>Koei Tecmo
Sony doesn't make games.

Nintendo is the indie of consoles...


That's not a Sony game.

Holy shit someone actually defended Knack II

Because they have no need? Because the PS4 has sold over 50mil? Because they ain't worried about shit? Because Mario and the Switch aren't shit next to that? I dunno, just a few reasons. And this coming from an Xbox fanboy with all the systems.

Switch only has one game since multiplats and games not made by nintendo doesn't count