Game completion % goes over 100

>game completion % goes over 100
That's not how percentages work.


OP is 110% correct.

Portrait of Ruin comes to mind. I went up to 1000% or something.

When will making shit threads with the forced memes of the month to try and fit in be a bannable offence?

A single adventure is based on 100% completion. By getting say 106% you've completed 1 adventure and 6-hundreths of another adventure. Something like 200% would be 2 whole adventures completed.

Well most games is made for kids so you need to go over 9000
When will shit posters be banned for memeing and not adding to the thread.

>Autist gets upset over a stupid joke in games made for children


It was a clever idea in DKC and later in SotN. Was very surprising and fun to find out that even when you've done everything, you STILL have more to do. Especially in SotN. What's so hard to understand?


>not giving it a 110%

Doesn't Binding of Isaac have something stupid like 10,000%?

Contributing to shitposting threads should also be a bannable offense.

SotN I'd actually excuse from that, since the reverse castle was supposed to be a secret thing and the game had a generic end in killing Shaft and Richter.

>Contributing to shitposting threads
Shitposting in a shit thread only on Sup Forums do we get this level of posting rate it 9/11 my dude :^)

>i need to le 100% my games!! and get le platinum xDD
>please show me more arbitrary hoops to jump through master
collectionism was a mistake

go buck too reebbitt

Some games are more than one game so there is more than 100% to complete.

>beat the game
>status: 54% completed
Nuh uh, I fucking finished it, that means game is 100% completed

the game is not a loading bar, it can go over 100%

It's a joke

>take a math exam in school
>solve only 3 out of 20 problems correctly
Nu uh, I fucking finished it, that means the math problems are 100% completed.

>finish tutorial mission
>18% completed
