Skyrim is six years old today

Say something nice about it.

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It's, at the very least, a step up from Oblivion in regards to the leveling system

Are you hyped for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on your Nintendo Switch portable video game console?!

I never bothered playing it, installed some weird mods, played for an hour, never returned. Spent more time installing mods than playing the game.

That pic is from a 2006 game though???

lost to the ages was the only good quest

That's not a question you useless little cock goblin

Great game that entertained me for hundreds of hours.

I managed to play it for a decent amount of time before hitting the Ebony Knight and realizing that playing on Legendary was like using a dentist drill as a spoon to make eating dirt more enjoyable.

Fuck you

Its a fun mindless time waster.

skyrim is only good for fapping

I like it for some reason, should I feel bad as Sup Forums trying to make me?

Better exploration game than Breath of the Wild.

Perfect age to start lewding

That's a rather loose use of the word, user.

It's mechanically superior in all ways to Oblivion. Unless you like leveling acrobatics and making death spells.

Skyrim looks nice

No, it's fine to have shit taste; you can't help it if you enjoy bad things.
Now if you've bought it more than once and egged Todd on, you should feel bad regardless and shove a cactus up your ass.

even though i dont like it because its a terrible Elderscrolls game compared to the older games imo i can see the appeal especially with normies. i wish it was not related to the series or else i would probably like it but thats my problem not its

I wanted it to be good so badly.

And all they had to do was not fuck up the RPG mechanics to appeal massively to casuals.

>still no mods that make Khajiits look good
I can't believe I prefer the Oblivion and Morrowind design over Skyrims

I agree

It helped me get a good mark on a presentation I did on bad user interface design I did for uni

hope the VR port isn't complete shit but who am I kidding, you like watching us suffer, dont you Todd?

Was literally just fallout 3 with swords

It has a better atmosphere than Oblivion.

Everyone isn't a potato.

It had some nice mixes of previous themes in the series and the Dragonborn DLC bought back Morrowind songs.

Cool, looks like your screenshot is from the switch edition, based on the resolution :^)

>loverslab is down for maintenance

fucks sake

Todd is a genius. He set out to get the Call of Duty audience, and he snatched them by the balls.

the demo when it first got announced i herd was shit especially compared to the Fallout 4 VR game. i dont know if they have improved it but it seemed to be related to it being psvr more than todd

wtf i love skyrim now


An action-RPG with garbage action and no RPG, it's sad watching the middle schoolers on Sup Forums grow up and defend this awful game.

Holy shit
That was the last time I paid 59$ for a videogame.
6 fucking years already? wew

Thank you Sony PS4 for saying old games don't matter so bethesda remastered skyrim 10 billion times.

The original version doesn't have paid mods.


Sitting here thinking about it the only good thing was the atmosphere and story but even that gets bad when you see how laughably small some of those villages and "cities" are. The combat was still bad, everything is duumbed down , the level scaling, the bad dungeons, markers telling you where to go at all times, the horrible engine, I can just keep going. Skyrim is not a good video game, it doesn't excel at any single thing it tries to do


nudes where

No Todd. For the last time. We are not buying Skyrim for the 4th time! Please, make a new Elder Scrolls game. Seriously!

>Please, make a new Elder Scrolls game
Why would you want that

You're not wrong.
I only ever played pokemon, Cod and Runescape when it came to gaming and Skyrim blew me away. hell I have hundreds of hours in it. If it wasn't for Skyrim, I wouldn't of tried other games that I never played before and I think this is the skyrim effect. It's a gateway into better games in the genre

In your dreams

Because the Elder Scrolls primary quality is quantity.

Playing with the bow was fun

I'm probably the only motherfucker that hasn't played Skyrim. Am I missing out on anything?

What's a good ENB preset that doens't overdoo everything?

When I was in college and had tons of time to play games, I hated it.
I picked it up again a few months ago now that I've graduated and am living a normie life. Only play it 1-2 hours at a time, once or twice a week, instead of my former 8-9 hours per day. In small bundles it's pretty fun.

Post buff lizards

i wish it was ded

>6 years
>still no all in one Sex Mod



>Bethesda still releasing versions of Skyrim for every fucking machine in the planet

TES VI fucking when

probably 2023

>wouldn't of

christ I hope this is ironic

I don't get why you would want to waste time on purpose. Fucking degenerates.


I jerk my cock to the boobie mods


haven't touched it in a while. Might try loading it up with some new mods then break the game and uninstall it....

That's the very definition of videogames, user

i like the cast animation for bound sword

I got about 30 hours of enjoyment out of it before realizing that it's a giant piece of shit.

how the fuck do you even play this game on a Switch ?

why the fuck would a reptile need nipples ?

>tabletop mode
No idea why they keep even showing that off.

Skyrim is okay I guess. Still need to finish off Enderal.

I was never so obnoxiously sick after ~20h ingame, they sucked all RP from RPG.
Its a fucking COD with swords, worst part is ,they did it to Fallout too.
All they need to do is buy IP for Arcanum,Planescape Torment,Baldurs Gate.
Remember Arx Fatalis, IDSoft,Morrowind...would you like a sequel? Well,fuck you..


In my screenshot folder

It's fun to build a house and start a potion-selling business that you operate out of your garden and greenhouse.

For best poison, mix imp stool, mora tapinella, and canis root (all of which can be grown in huge quantities if you have the Hearthfire DLC)

That poison causes both paralysis and lingering damage to health. With a few perks into Alchemy, you can have a poison that paralyzes enemies for twenty seconds that does a total of over 200 damage within that time. Very good poison. Very expensive when selling, too!

Alchemy builds are viable.

I loved Skyrim! It was so much fun! Did you know you can make potions in this fantastic game? I love crafting useful potions and deadly poisons!

which armor mod are you using user?

What is this stupid ass looking creature?

Shit, you're right...
Good times those were. Not like they're not good now, but still

The game is this old and yet there's still no good guides on how to create mods.
Just a rag-tag of incoherent ramblings and patchwork-solutions for very basic stuff.


>300 hours played
>still don't feel I've gotten "into it"

Why should you feel bad about liking one of the best games ever made,when the retards who trash it "play" VN's?

It's one of the best games ever if you mod the shit out of it.

Or check team tal, it;s Black desert online armors

How do I RP properly, anons.
I always start off with principles and strengths / weaknesses in mind but every 5 to 10 hours in I start justifying a mary sue approach.

I just got it and started modding it.

>that feel when you boot it up and see those dirty mods in action for the first time
Makes all the hard work worth it.

>look down in first person
>perfect POV view of my character's naked body
>including her realistically swaying dick
Is it wrong this legit impresses me? We've come a long way.


>>including her realistically swaying dick
You wanna screen cap that for um, my friend who's also watching this thread.


Are you sure it's old? Didnt this just get released and another one is coming soon? With a nother one after that

I want to play melee fighter. What mods should I install?


It'll somehow be better than Elder Scrolls VI in retrospect.

>despite everything, the world is fun to explore
>very beautiful landscapes, often looks like a bob ross painting
>wonderful soundtrack

These are what keep people playing. Not the poor writing, combat, leveling system, character development, quest design etc. If you list the different attributes of Skyrim most of them aren't that good, but I think that's a bad way of rating games. I managed to get 100h of enjoyment out of Skyrim and its DLC with barely any mods, so therefore it's a good game.

It's fucking shit game and boring. New vegas is a real rpg compared to it and even fucking fallout 3 has more redeeming factors then pooprim dragonborne.

>inb4 muh hentai weeb girl mods
Just fap to anime shit on here and stop beating around the bush

Morrowind and other games make you actually think though. They aren't mindless.

I don't treat it like an RPG and I don't even put it in the same plane of existence with Morrowind and in that regard if you treat it like an open world action game where you're traipsing around in the Elder Scrolls world on an adventure bashing people's brains in with your giant Aryan retard then it is enjoyable.
But fuck even with mods the game sure looks six years.


New related thread topic: survey time
>average hours with one character
>average amount of fap with each
>character race
>altmer or the empire?
>your preferred combat style

Thanks, based user.