Xenoblade 1 best platform?

I started playing this game on the Wii, but never finished it. Before Xenoblade 2 I was thinking of starting it again.
I don't have the original anymore. Should I buy the digital version on Wii U or play it on Dolphin? What version runs better?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you care about graphics, play it on dolphin. If you care about gameplay, play it on 3DS because it actually fixes a bug in the damage calculation.

I really don't care that much about graphics, thought the Wii version looked great besides the character models.
And I only have the original 3DS so I can't :(


Well, dolphin has a 60 FPS patch, so it'll run better if you have a good computer. Unfortunately, nobody's made a patch or mod to fix that stupid damage bug, but there are high-res textures.

PC without contest.

Care to elaborate about the bug?

Basically, in Xenoblade, weapons have a range of damage listed for what they can do. For example, you could have a weapon that does 60-80 damage. However, there's a problem where a weapon will only ever do 99 points of damage more than its minimum. So if you have a weapon that does 1000-2000 damage, even if you add an attack up gem to make it 1000-2100 or whatever, your maximum damage on any given regular attack is 1099 damage.

This only work for regular attack right ? Skill aren't affected by this bug ?

If I remember correctly, skills are affected, since they scale off the same damage calculation as regular attacks. I was just making it simpler because I'm bad at explaining things.


Is it fixed? These guys over here say it isn't:

The 3ds bug fix is super minor and not worth considering that gimped version over.

Oh, really? I was under the impression that it had been fixed, but if it hadn't then Dolphin all the way my user.

There's also this guy in the comment section saying it isn't either:
>TL;DR version of this comment - This video does not demonstrate that the glitch is fixed, since all of the damages dealt fit within the expected range if the glitch is still there.

It still is nice to know, since that means weapons with higher base damage are better, aren't they?

If by that you mean a higher minimum damage, yes.

you can play it solely on the gamepad if you buy/pirate the eshop version on Wii U.

Yeah, that. Thanks for letting me know.


I've never noticed the bug when I played the game. It never felt like
> "Man, I'm doing not enough damage.",
especially since you're pretty much overleveled most of the time from sidequests.

It might matter for the superbosses, but those are stupid anyway due the fuckhuge level difference and the required gem setup to overcome that.

I'm playing it on my Wii U
It feels like a job more than a game, fuck this submissions
But the world is great and I dont know I kinda like sometimes the execution of the story

I fell for the 3DS version, I even bought the New 3DS just for this and it kinda sucks, everything is too small, HUD is overloaded and looks bad even for a 3DS game

Yeah, the fetch quests suck balls. Also the world is way too big to travel it by jogging. X fixed both of those things, let's hope 2 does the same.

I wanted to play this before X
Also it appears that X isnt fucking ugly as hell
Hurts playing on the gamepad or my tv I can't even imagine playing on a 3ds