Post thread on Sup Forums

>Post thread on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums says: Fuck off to Sup Forums
then the thread get's shunned/deleted
>Post thread on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums says; Fuck off to Sup Forums
then the thread get's shunned/deleted

So where on Sup Forums can we discuss the SJW Problems?

You don't.

>So where on Sup Forums can we discuss the SJW Problems?

You do it in Sup Forums. Their board is way shittier and your thread is probably an improvement compared to most of them.

On another website, fuck off.

/trash/, /bant/, /s4s/, Sup Forums are some examples

clearly people don't want to discuss this because it's bullshit

But in this case it's about Video Games and their supposed, liberal agenda.

>reddit: the post
Maybe you should fuck off
