>40 year old woman
>Not married
>No kids
What went wrong Sup Forums?
>40 year old woman
>Not married
>No kids
What went wrong Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
bitch has a face that looks like khadgar
only letting dragon cum enter her womb
Well she was pretty busy. She'd probably raise some fucked up kids.
she's hardly 35 dude
marriage is a meme
>she is literally becoming khadgar
god save the queen.
way past her prime, she'll probably adopt a baby ork and advocate for ork refugees lives
i want to suck on her milkies
>past her prime
>this is what Sup Forumsirgins believe
Saving herself for Anduin
Both her princess, Kael'thas Sunstrider & Arthas Menethil let her down and betrayed her
Jaina is full on GAS THE ORCS RACE WAR NOW mode
>fall in love with a prince
>a heroic man, destined for greatness
>no one more perfect
>until that fateful day
>love of your life goes off the deep end
>starts killing civilians
>turns into one of the biggest evils the world has ever seen
>can never love again
no kids that we know off
she was gone a long time maybe she has some
if not she could always do some timemagic shenanigans
35 and up quickly become infertile and if they do become pregnant the chances of that baby having down’s syndrome is pretty high.
I can pinpoint the moment everything went wrong.
>Im sorry, Arthas. I cant watch you cook this.
>i don't follow the lore but let me post some /pol9k/shit anyways
Thanks faggot
She rode the orc, elf, death knight and blue dragon cock carousel in her youth and now wonders where all the good Alliance Men have gone.
She's waiting for me, duh.
And I'm just waiting for romance options.
>she'll probably adopt a baby ork and advocate for ork refugees lives
Tat was young, naive SJW Jaina.
Cougar Jaina is a Sup Forumsock that wants to gas all the filthy savages.
>being this retarded
kek, stay virgin :^)
>find green orc thats civilized and wants peace
>gets cucked by no named brown orc girl from nowhere
Ways to make WoW even worse for 600, Alex!
She's 23 in Warcraft 3 which is Age 20 in the timeline
She's 36 in WoW Battle for Azeroth which is Age 33 in the timeline.
Looks like someone chose career over family, too late the eggs are probably dried up or if she does indeed spawn, it will end up like some sort of downs.
Fucking this.
>No Horde will step into my city!
>Sunwell Elves already had a sanctuary on Dalaran.
>Dalaran teleports to Broken Isles
>The Sanctuary becomes a fucking BoO for the Horde and it's citizens freely walk around.
Jaina is a sleeper and she will betray the Alliance. And that's not all.
>Pit of Saron
>Finished defeating Tyrannus
>Man begins speech
>Saves the players in a heart beat but doesn't lift a finger to save everyone else.
>She let Alliance members die
And all she could muster was a "Shit happens let's move on"
>No kids
Why do you think she covered up her belly.
>Mattering to a Mage
Pretty sure Aegwynn was older than her when she had Medivh. Arcane magic lets you give time and space the middle finger.
falling for unproven superstition fear-mongering families used to make women of that age desperate to copulate by that time.
In the Warcraft universe most women have kids before 20
lewd tattoo or piercing
well thats explains Mevihs autism
>goes off the deep end
You mean, is abandoned by his friends and mentors that lacked the fortitude to do the right thing and instead chose to twiddle their thumbs and do nothing?
look it up
i guess your mom was pretty old when she had you
He's not wrong about the 35 thing.
>13 years
I honestly thought it was some good 20 years between W3 and cureent wow
life expectancy is a lot lower in a game that you know has quite a bit of WARS
t. /r9k/
>tfw mom had me in her 40s and I'm way more autistic than my older brothers
She's an Archmage.
They stay relatively young and fertile for a good long while because of magic. Like every other fantasy sorceress in anything ever.
Shit, Aegwynn was also a human, and she remained a smoking hot and fertile milf for about a thousand years. The only real difference is that her hair went from blonde to silver later in life.
She didn't even really GET old. She just kinda died.
Legion Jaina doesn't look old. She just looks tired. Probably from all of the legnthy "I fucking told you so" letters she's been obsessively writing every night since Teldrassil started to burn.
The silver-grey mana hair is just throwing you off.
Article includes sources to studies too ^)
She was supposed to become Thrall's wife but we went down the wrong time lime
more like corrupted evil titan that's living inside of you that takes control of you every now and again.
It’s not some societal bullshit. Women do have issues getting pregnant at an older age. It used to be 40 but it’s been dropped to 35
Do you really think it's difficult for hospitals to share that data?
Nah m8 he went off the fucking deep end.
>Hey we have literally dozens if not over a hundred Paladins ready to go in and help if he explained what was happening
Uther and Jaina could have come up with better solutions in five minutes if he didn't sperg out loke the retard he is.
>his mom had him in her late 30s
ahahhahah. Let me guess you are “bisexual” too
>She was supposed to become Thrall's wife but we went down the wrong time lime
Do you have a tree to burn down and an undercity to lose?
Why are you wasting time on the Nethernet?
>Uther and Jaina could have come up with better solutions in five minutes
But they didn't. And Jaina was in the know actually, she had the chance to study the undead plague and it proved to be incurable even by paladins.
Why didn't Varian dismantle the Horde like Jaina asked him to?
>Implying my Horde didn't die with Garrosh
>Implying I see any kinship in this Nu Horde
>Implying I don't play a DK so I am not technically part of the Nu Horde
>Not nu horde
Jesus Cata babbies are retarded.
Does anyone else find it strange that Jaina never jumped on Varian's dick despite all the time spent working together?
*nods respectfully towards you*
Jaina wants the dick but aint no man enough for her in the alliance nowdays. She could go after that orc dick, but they went out of their way to piss her off more than once
Because hes a pussy
Garrosh literally did nothing wrong and was the best Warchife we've had, second only to Orgrim
>t. green nigger that blew up his own planet high on demon crack
The DK class campaign was so much better than all the others.
She prolly tried, but Varian is a "married man" duh
She's currently taking the dragon cock unless Kalec ended their relationship already.
pretty sure he still had feelings for his dead wife and she probably knew that too.
First he ruined her pussy, then he ruined her life, fucking dragons man
You wouldn't have liked Ogrim. He was only fighting the Alliance as much as he needed to. He negotiated to spare Alterac if they let him pass. He was trying to out underneath the thumb of the Shadow Council.
>can never love again
Isn't she with that blue dragon now?
>Garrosh literally did nothing wrong
He did everything fucking wrong.
Even if you ignore his warcrimes against the Alliance, the stupid pig nigger completely went out of his way to ignore and antagonist the non-Orc members of the Horde.
The Horde was never so divided as it was under Garrosh Hellscream.
t. beta humanlet
how does it feel that we raped and pillaged your lands and now how claim to half of your planet?
Varian was such a bland character holy shit
I'm fairly certain Jaina will reveal that she ended that shit right around the time he opted to assist a bunch of filthy Orcs fight the legion instead of siding with her.
Why don't Worgens have an exclusive Beast class that let's them RIP AND TEAR like their king? Watching Greymane fight on the Shores of the Broken Isles was pretty thrilling to see. We also need more leather outfits that look like Greymane's suit and stuff.
She did. Valeera too. Vereesa might have even done it once or twice to fill the sexual void Rhonin left.
Wrynn men can only love women who can both murder them in their sleep and whip their ass in a straight fight.
Azeroth took his wife away because she knew the truth, and didn't want Varian tied down like that to a woman he couldn't love.
It's also why Anduin's going to marry Vanessa VanCleef.
Yes, and?
Thats specifically why I liked Orgrim. He was a hard leader but not a war monger. He only ever did what was best for his Horde and openly stated that the only reason he went to war was because he knew the alliance would never accept their claim to the land.
Nope. Garrosh wasn't racist until all the other races of the Horde started trying to kill him for things he didn't even do
to people talking about the fertility rate and defect rate from 35+
Why do Alliance characters need to do quests to 'persuade' Kul Tiras to lend Naval aid? King Anduin can just flat out TELL them to do so?!
The half of the planet you claimed isn't even hour half. It never was.
All you did was take over Night Elf lands.
And let's be honest, after the shit Malfurion and Tyrande pulled all throughout Legion...They kind of needed to get their collective shits kicked in, burned down, and raped in the butthole figuratively and literally.
Malfurion's recklessness cost us a Dragon Aspect, and Tyrande's bitchy cunt attitude pushed the Nightborne right into the Horde.
Fuck the both of them.
no she's my wife. Brad pitt the fuckboi can't have her.
Anduin is the king of Stormwind not the king of the world. He'd (and varian as well) would get a boot up their ass if they walked into Iron Forge thinking they could command the Dwarven council to do jack shit much less some Kul Tiras shits. The Alliance and Horde are coalitions of nations, not singular nations
I still don't get how this is a thing, ingame or otherwise.
You're fighting another nation to the death, everything fucking goes
>Why don't Worgens have an exclusive Beast class that let's them RIP AND TEAR like their king?
Because that would be fun.
Hell, they could just give Worgen Druids a glyph that lets them remain in their normal form while in "Cat" form.
>thinking nu-male social justice approved "science" is better than hard data
Anduin is king of Stormwind. His daddy was High King because the other remaining alliance nations backed him as supreme commander of the military, I don't know if Anduin inherited that position.
Kul Tiras has not been part of the Alliance since the second war, and they have not officially acknowledged Anduin as supreme commander.
Anduin can't do jackshit.
He can provide the succ though
>Cairne challenges him to a duel to the death before even giving him a chance to lead
>Magatha poisons his weapon to kill Cairne
>Vol'jin threatens him to kill him at the beginning of Cata when he didn't do shit
>Sylvanas disobeys him and continues using the plague when he told her not to do it
Gee I wonder why he didn't trust the other races.
>Garrosh wasn't racist until
Twiloght Highlands. He wasn't racist until the Twilight Highlands. You know, where he fully allied with the Dragonmaw, the clan that's completely unrepentent about chaining up the Aspect of Life and force-breeding her (to the point where all but one of her consorts died)? The ones that to this very day would do the same thing again if given the chance?
It was clear as day that he didn't give a fuck about what the other races thought when he got to TH, and he didn't care what Orcs had done in the past.
>Thats specifically why I liked Orgrim. He was a hard leader but not a war monger. He only ever did what was best for his Horde and openly stated that the only reason he went to war was because he knew the alliance would never accept their claim to the land.
That's what makes him different to Garrosh though. Garrosh wanted subjugation. His first reaction to Pandaria was to claim it for the Horde.
at least we can both settle on our hatred for knife ears. Literally everything bad happens because of these pointy ear crack addicts
leather outfits are coming with kul tiras leveling gear
rogues are gonna look like greymane
Even though the leather duster is cool, why doesn't Genn wear armor?
>I still don't get how this is a thing, ingame or otherwise.
>You're fighting another nation to the death, everything fucking goes
Because there are some things you don't do.
The Horde are very shamanistic, and dropping that mana bomb fucked the land in and around Theramore with unstable magic.
A lot of the other Horde leaders, especially Baine and Vol'jin, didn't care for that.
It also goes against Horde philosophy.
Garrosh gave Sylvanas shit for using plague bombs to wipe out an area because he claimed that shit was cowardly...Then rolls up on Theramore with a bomb, instead of wiping them all out with blood and thunder like a true Orc.
Garrosh was a hypocritical piece of shit and a terrible Warchief.
Being part of the Alliance means getting involved in a whole lot of shit, so no wonder they aren't eager to join.
Draenei women are a good hook, though.
Warcraft has no concept of how medieval military actions work. There was no UN, no geneva convention, nothing in a time back then.
But WoW has been pop fantasy for uneducated BBT-watchers since day one, and thusly everything must be measured by modern standards or else they'd lose their shit over muh morals.
Ok fine, so Anduin could just tell Jaina that when the Horde navy shows, not to call him?
What do you expect from a fantasy hero game aniki?
Well, she IS a wizard, after all
Jaina probably has little influence there since she helped the horde kill Kul Tiras leader Daelin back in Wc3
That's a myth. Women are perfectly able to have children well into their 40s. Around 50 is when they begin to lose fertility.
>>Cairne challenges him to a duel to the death before even giving him a chance to lead
To be fair, this is kind of how The Horde works. If someone has a problem with the new leadership, it's their right to stand up and say "Fuck this I can do it better, fight me faggot. Prove you deserve this shit. I'm old fuck you I know better."
If anything, Garrosh likely respected the balls it took Cairne to stand up to and challenge him. Cairne followed Horde tradition, and Garrosh can't get mad about that shit.
The other shit though, you've got a point.