What team's it gonna be?
New Splatfest
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My fantasy with Marina.
For once I actually have to make a hard decision
Fantasy is so overdone these days its lost all its charm.
Sci-fi is correct answer.
pick neither, genre fiction is for children
Sci-fi is broader. You can have a fantasy setting and just include one guy with a laser gun and suddenly it's no longer fantasy, it's sci-fi. But have one guy with a sword in a sci-fi setting and it's still sci-fi.
So both are highly appropriate for you, then.
o fuck is is gonna be a touch choice
the fuck
sci-fi IS fantasy
Who cares, give more seductive sexy inkling girls
sci fi
fantasy's been done to death
lol back to your Steven King and John Green, sweetums ;)
/tg/ reporting in
Fantasy is 10000x better than scifi
oh yeah? consider THIS
I'd let Perl cuck me anyday :3
Ladies first, girly.
you forgot accompanying music
who won furries vs vampires? and how was the fallout after
absolute devastation
clown memes fuck up this game, getting nerds thinking it's deathmatch feat. clown
Vampires won all 3 categories. Pearl rapped about it.
Multiple plazaposts about FURRIES BTFO
Furries posting "w-well im still gonna fuck dogs" reminding everyone why we don't like them. Not that we needed a reminder.
A couple posts from Marinafags upset that choctopus has won nothing in NA or EU since launch. Marina lost EU again this month, as well.
Is NoE doing this shit again?
>Toilet Roll orientation
>Hot or cold breakfast
whilst NoA is getting all the good stuff?
Toilet roll is important, what side are you on?
Mummy handing master race
Toilet roll was goat, fuck that Halloween bullshit
For EU's sake I hope they get the scraps and re-run some of NA's Splatfests a few months later. Disinteresting Splatfests can't be good for their already dwindling playerbase.
NoE won't even write raps for Pearl when she wins, instead writing Marina freaking out about losing. Marina eats a block of FUCKING CHEESE for breakfast.
In the SciFi/Fantasy announcement they make a joke about breakfast cereals. Shots have been fired.
As shit as NoA can be, NoE is like a fucking parallel universe where outdated facebook-friendly shitposts run the system.
Sci-Fi so I can win again with Pearl.