
>All classes are very unique
>have something different they can offer to a raid group via buffs, support abilities like innervate and forms of cc like like banish.
>Classes also had tons of variety in how you build them with many talents and glyphs.
>All specs are usable but some are more viable than other, sometimes to a great degree

>Every class is practically the same with the only difference being roles available. All classes speced to DPS offer the samething to raid groups equally, tanks and healers are no different.
> every patch one class/spec will always be the best in one of the three roles but it will only be slight.
>All real class differences are not almost exclusively cosmetic, with fun little things you can do outside of combat only
>Barely any customization, just a few talents to choose from, just 6 rows of 3 and not glyphs

Other urls found in this thread:

WoW Classic
>tryhard redditor rogues ganking tryhard redditor rogues

>Classes also had tons of variety
>All specs are usable
heh, yeah totally

What specs are unusable? It seems like people were able to make do with even some of the worst but I do feel like there matbe were some that were just plain garbage

>What specs are unusable?
Arcane was shit beyond the mandatory talents you had to pick, anything beyond that was pure garbage for example, balance was laughable as well along with ret and prot for paladins

Balance was "viable" but inferior to everything else in the game.

You literally can't use a fire mage in Molten Core.

>complaining you can't shoot fire at fire elementals

oh no

Well he's not wrong, fire spec was practically useless for two whole raid tiers of 40 man raids. Not only shit, but practically useless

>[Post a Reply]
Glyphs weren't added until Wrath though???

>muh raids
You are the cancer that ruined the game.

pally prot

All spring to mind

For raids and dungeons, hunter pets and thus BM had very limited uses. They did not scale with hunter gear, didn't have AoE protection and had the same aggro radius as players modified by level. IIRC hunters only used them for suicide pulls out of shooting range.

>All specs are usable

But vanilla WoW is still a great game.

Revisionists please go. Classic was awful

t. Naxx raider (original Naxx, when it was good)

Arcane, Assassination, Balance, P-Pal, Bear, Beast Mastery, Fire Mage was trash for like 2 years, etc.

Why are there so many Sup Forums posters recently posting like they've played vanilla when they obvious didn't and didn't even seem to touch the private servers.

>I burned myself out with stupid endgame grind, which hardly anyone cared about or got to.

i agree with every you said about current wow, but you obviously never played vanilla. there was almost no variety in builds if you wanted to do any sort of progression or play the game past a casual level because of the talent system, leaving you with maybe 10 talent points that you could put anywhere you wanted. all specs werent usable, in fact most werent usable. the only tanks that were viable were warriors, and sometimes druids. pallys were out of the question for anything but an out of combat support until naxx gear, when they actually became good healers. druids were brought to raids exclusively to innervate the priests. priests could only go holy. hunters couldnt use pets. mages couldnt use arcane, and werent allowed to spec anything but frost until after BWL because everything was fire resistant. shamans were only brought for totem buffs. warlocks were only brought for their curses, and werent allowed to use DoTs because of the debuff limit. warriors, priests, mages, and rogues were the only classes that were actually useful in any sort of capacity to a raid outside of supporting. maybe watch a few raid videos of people during vanilla before making stupid threads like this

You also can't bleed them

Vanilla was shit

>All classes are very unique
>have something different they can offer to a raid group via buffs, support abilities like innervate and forms of cc like like banish.
>Classes also had tons of variety in how you build them with many talents and glyphs.
>All specs are usable but some are more viable than other, sometimes to a great degree


>Trying to use balance on vanilla
I still have nightmares

Nice retarded gibberish, you genuine quality subhuman. Vanilla was fundamentally mechanically shit on all possible levels and a significant downgrade from EverQuest

Im sorry how would a a monster made of rock bleed

If you want to argue Lore>>>Gameplay, know that Forsaken were initially classified as undead but that didn't even make it out of the vanilla beta.

>All classes are very unique
>Classes also had tons of variety
>All specs are usable


Try again

Enjoy your 50% rogue 20% mage and 10% warrior userbase while rest are shitters.

>repeating the same old content when everything is figured out and min/maxed

Vanilla was great in 2004-2006 but now its shit, time to realise.

Well the first two ones are true, the others are bs though.

>tfw I can play again as ele shaman

god I need this!

there should be a good synergy between so the world feels more immersive. I shouldn't be able to go up to a monster made of rock, slash it with my sword and expect it to bleed just like I shouldn't be able to throw a fire ball at a elemental made entirely of fire and expect it to get hurg by it

>All classes are very unique
>have something different they can offer to a raid group via buffs, support abilities like innervate and forms of cc like like banish.
>Classes also had tons of variety in how you build them with many talents and glyphs.
>All specs are usable but some are more viable than other, sometimes to a great degree
You wanna know why nobody but PvPfags complained about single specs? Because there was only ever one viable PvE spec for each class, if it even had one. It wasn't until vanilla ended, 1.12, that everything went easy mode and everything just werked for Naxx.

how is assassination unusable? also havent you heard of a 3 minute mage?

can't remember but wasn't it the poison talent tree? And elementals were immune to poisons?

PoM Pyro is not an arcane mage.

there's more to the game than raiding, you're about to find out wrathbaby. you can raid as fire after mc/bwl

>all specs are useable

what the fuck

Do you now how I know you didn't play Vanilla? Because about half of the specs weren't viable in end-game raiding. Certain classes were brought for one thing in their kit.

Restoration Shaman for battle rez. Enhancement would only be brought for a couple totems, if that. Elemental wasn't taken.

Arms was a PvP spec, not brought, fury wasn't great either if you weren't tanking in Prot it's unlikely you'd be brought.

Paladins were buff bots.

Ret wasn't taken at all for anything but leveling.

Bear druids weren't a thing for real progression, balance was a broken spec nobody used, feral was bad dps.

Hunters were only marksman. Survival was a pvp meme and beastmastery was leveling only.

Rogues were brought for Assassination. Sub was pvp only, combat leveling only.

Disc priests was pretty much a dead spec.

Arcane mages was a ded spec unless speccing for PoM pyro one shots in pvp.

Demo locks were ded spec as well.

how so, because you don't get to shoot arcane balls instead?

Focus on end game raiding is the cancer that produced current WoW, so who gives a fuck? All builds were usable for non-raid content and PvP.

Are you retarded?

>Only a 1/3rd of the Specs in the game are viable outside of 5mans
>PVP consists of Warriors one shotting people and Shammys procing Windury that procs windfury so they can Proc windury
>Raids are balanced around absolute braindead mechanics and tuned so they literally 20 people from the raid can do nothing and you are just fine.
>No one, NO ONE. NO.ONE. in the entire game had any idea what the fuck they were doing which made everything a better experience for everyone

>Every spec is viable and the complaints about usage don't come from a place of non viability but that it isn't PERFECTLY tuned to match other DPS
>PVP has its own progression system, you no longer need to spend weeks as a detriment to your team 'gearing up' just so you can start pvping for real.
>Raids are tightly balanced and tuned around active mechanics where every player needs to do something if they want to progress and one fuck up can often wipe a raid.
>Talent trees now have meaningful choices that change the way you play your character and can be fine tuned for the specific content you are doing.

>all builds were viable for pvp

for the love of god don't go around pretending you played vanilla

>all specs useable

What the fuck

I honestly wonder what portion of the people that desperately want Vanilla today actually played Vanilla at this point.

>for non-raid content and PvP.
Nah not really. Not when the operative is AND.

there are only two talents in the whole tree that affect poisons at all. combat was better for raid dps if you're min/maxing, but assassination shines more in pvp. its okay to have specs that are better at different things

Nigga I stopped playing before TBC even came out.

I'm trying to understand why you think a 3 minute mage isn't arcane, so how about an answer instead of a meme response

100% wrong. Try leveling with arcane, marksman, any tank or healing spec. Try PvPing as a non PvP spec, you were just free honor.

so please do tell me about your glorious druid pvp victories

Prot Pally leveling was a thing actually, educate yourself

the only thing a druid could do well is make the fight last forever, they could never actually win though. That guy is full of shit.

All classes are very unique
>have something different they can offer to a raid group via buffs, support abilities like innervate and forms of cc like like banish.
>Classes also had tons of variety in how you build them with many talents and glyphs.
>All specs are usable but some are more viable than other, sometimes to a great degree
OP, You might not know it but Wrath is not Vanilla

Then you have what they call "nostalgia glasses". Your glasses are filled with nostalgia and it tastes like Dr Pepper even though they are filled with Pepsi.

If you farmed large groups of mobs, sure. Ret was more efficient normal leveling.

sounds like you need to get good

Sounds to me like every class had a useful niche, but some were more core than others.
What's wrong with that?

very much aware, there was a good reason druids never bothered to fight eachother, because druid vs druid pvp ended when someone got bored and turned off his computer and not a minute sooner

Sure every class had a useful niche, but not every spec like what OP is sayin. You trying to change the timeline or sumthing, nigga?

I suppose that counts as a 1:1 victory in America.

Except not. Hunters were straight up garbage.

Fire mages were useless in pvp too except as ap pom pyro one trick gankers (and you only really needed what, 11 points in fire to get pyroblast, they were really arcane mages because you needed ap). Frost was where it was at in pvp too. All the famous vanilla open world mage solos? Frost as well.

>Focus on end game raiding is the cancer that produced current WoW

There was literally nothing else to do at max level.

>Every class is practically the same with the only difference being roles available. All classes speced to DPS offer the samething to raid groups equally, tanks and healers are no different

You have no idea how wrong this is, the safe number of rogues to bring to pre nerf M-avatar was 6... dumbass

>fireball at a elemental made entirely of fire

>shoot fireball at fire elemental
>eat up the oxygen fueling it

>>All classes are very unique
In the sense that only your class had a certain buff or could remove a certain debuff
>have something different they can offer to a raid group via buffs, support abilities like innervate and forms of cc like like banish.
These still exist, although some in altered forms, but polymorph still only effects humanoids and beasts and banish still only effects demons so not sure why you're wanking over those
>Classes also had tons of variety in how you build them with many talents and glyphs.
>All specs are usable but some are more viable than other, sometimes to a great degree
Flat out lies, special snowflake builds were viable like a sailboat in a speedboat race, you might make it to the end, but you're gimping yourself and everyone else is going to outperform you unless they're functionally retarded.

Most classes had one viable PvE spec, one viable PvP spec and then one vestigial spec no one used for anything except a specific talent or two.

So yeah, you were pretty much forced into a role or you had to get lucky if a raid just needed some filler.


>all these noobs calling bear useless

their itemization was shit but they could offtank raids and maintank 5 mans easily. they were also fucking amazing in pvp you scrubs.

>pretending for a single second that anything but warriors was going to be your tank

Sure. Tell me the one about how you totally paladin tanked for your raid.


funny how you refused to address what I actually said, especially the fact that bear druid was a legitimate offtank in raids and great for 5 mans.

It's viable okay. It's just that you need let the bear solo the boss for 5 minutes so you don't pull threat.

They had like four fucking abilities.

>funny how you refused to address what I actually said
he literally did by saying only warriors tanked

what an idiotic thing to say.

bear tanks are better at getting threat than warriors unless warriors are already fully geared. bear tanks main issue is the lack of parry/block and crushing blows as well as getting defense stat high

you clearly didnt play vanilla

See, thats three buttons more than the Warrior needs. Literally just sunder all day every day and you're one of the best warriors on the server

wrong, best dps spec was 31+ in arcane

balance was good in PvP and decent enough in 5m

see above
see above
best DPS spec
>pally prot
great for leveling and 5m content, from 1.9 great AoE tank all around
niche use in PvE, ZG and AQ20, amazing in PvP

- Balance
- Feral
- Beast Mastery
- Survival
- Arcane
- Protection
- Retribution
- Discipline
- Shadow
- Assassination
- Subtlety
- Demonology
- Arms (for PVE)

from the survi rework all 3 specs were viable in PvE and PvP, ret is one of the greatest most underrated spec in the game, disc was good as a supplement to either Holy or Shadow much like Arcane, sub is the de facto PvP spec, Demonology was fine especially if you lacked gear the non grata spec in PvE for locks was affliction.



Forgot enhance and elemental

you clearly don't know shit

>X wasn't a viable spec

You can raid as enhance to give melee windfury.

No you couldn't. Not only did resto provide Windfury Totem anyway, but it also had the extremely important Mana Tide Totem.

>I didn't play classic and spout bullshit made up by butthurt faggots who didn't play classic either and who don't want blizzard to open classic servers out of tribalism even though it doesn't take anything away from them because if they don't want/like something instead of ignoring it no one should be allowed to want/like/get it.

>All are either PvP specs or can be took to raids and just don't perform optimally, with the exception of one or two which are dogshit fullstop.

you can tell the people who didn't play vanilla by their opinions on spec viability. If you retards had played vanilla you'd know that some specs were meant for PvP because PvP was a huge draw to the game during that time, it was actually the games biggest draw, before dragon slaying carebears started to fill the game up in BC

Having regents needed for some buffa and rezzes was dumb and added an extra step after raid wipes and raid prep that wasnt necessary

fire mages played differently in pvp and had different advantages/disadvantages than frost did, that doesn't make fire useless. there are plenty of fire mage pvp videos. not everyone you're gonna meet or fight is vurtne or laintime, most people are shitters

>that wasnt necessary
You weren't necessary and yet here you are.

>PvP was a huge draw
>game came out without BG
>like 3 different BG were fully developed but never released
face it, the chad dragonslayer will alwayas be blizzard's favorite boy

>All specs are usable
Stop spreading this blatant lie

Balance druids provide Brez
Fire mage provide food
Protection and Retribution can give DI
Demonology locks have cupboards

These are all viable, important raiding roles!

>Joined during TBC
>Don't have the vanilla nostalgia goggles to turn me into a whiny cry baby
>But also don't have to deal with people addiing the -baby suffix to the end of me to discredit things

Truly TBC players are the ubermench

Balance was really good in PvP because there is no arcane resistance and improved starfire shat stun

But TBC had flying you dumb weeb

literally less than 10% of players in vanilla ever even saw molten core

the design philosophy of the game was entirely different.. Instanced battlegrounds isnt what PVP was back then, underagefag

but wotlk players had this
man it hurts

>literally less than 10% of players in vanilla ever even saw molten core
no, that's false wrong and untrue