Dead Space 3 worth playing?

I enjoyed the first two, but only ever hear about how much of a shitshow 3 is. Kind of have an itch to finally play it since the series/visceral is dead.
Is it THAT bad? Even worth the time or nah?

Just wait for Mandalore to review it.

>Dead Space 3 worth playing?
better than 2 but still garbage

>better then 2


It's actually great. One of those good games destroyed by a random hatewagon.

Only play Co-op with a friend if you're going to play dead space 3 because everything is better with friends.
If you enjoyed the first 2 you will feel nothing but disappointment playing singleplayer.

It it a good game, but it is not a good Dead Space game.

It's not as good as the first two, but still very playable.

If you loved 1 and 2 you will hate this one.
The people who say it's not a bad game probably never were fans of this series to begin with and just fell for the marketing and co-op meme.

Still worth playing. It is way worse than 1 and 2 but it can still be fun. Starts horrible but then it gets pretty good but again it gets pretty bad. Only the real ending is DLC.

Fuck you. I'm a big DS fan and I love the three games.

It doesnt feel like Dead Space anymore, still worth playing.

OP here, gonna give it a shot. I figured it would be a step-down from the first two but not the dumpster fire I was lead to believe it was.
Thanks, friendos.

Don't come back crying we didn't warn you.

just don't get discouraged by the gears of dead space part at the start, it only lasts like 15 minutes

It's my favorite of the three actually. The the thing/mountains of madness vibe won my heart.

don't even bother. it's straight up trash.

It's shit when playing solo, but kinda fun when you play co-op with somebody.

So just like Resident Evil 6?

The game begins with you crouched behind a waist high wall headshotting soilders with a machine gun.
It has a love triangle in it.
Most areas first appear empty but as soon as you venture in a little bit necromorphs will jump out at you, often with one appearing behind you.
Issac is a clumsy motherfucker, everytime he meets up with his team he falls down a ravine so he has to continue solo.
Issac has his normal suit that can withstand the vaccum of space, once he gets down to the planet he starts to freeze.

In the first two, you can control your engagements to a good degree: stasis one dude to focus on another, exploding enemies, leg chopping, simple stuff like that. In 3, beyond every enemy sprinting faster than a stalker and crawling just as quickly while de-legged, the late game gets unfair.
Waves of unflinching bullet sponges, 5+ big enemies that you simply shoot to death, spammed old gimmicks, and an active attempt to make the og plasma cutter useless.
If you don't experiment enough to make an op weapon, you'll get wrecked finishing up the game

Was such a letdown compared to the first two.

I did enjoy the space part at the start of the game exploring all the derelict spacecraft. Was the only eerie part of the game.