Your move, Capcom.
Your move, Capcom
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Capcom doesn't have any characters as cool as the Ninja Turtles.
Uncle Scrooge and Darth Maul
So, four slots or alternate skins?
They're all one character.
fucking nice.
Namco already did better.
Wow, star wars! Man, this is so rad! Fucking holy shit never seen more boring pick
>capcom can't even get the xmen back for mvci
>injustice gets the ninja turtles
it isn't fair man
>being a capkuk
That's the comic branch of Marvel being petty because they don't have the movie rights
>Talking shit about SW because it's too mainstream
>As if TMNT wasn't even more normie shit for 10 years when there was nothing but turtle merch on ever playground
Fuck off mongoloid, they're both great collabs that came out of left field.
Leave Injustice's guest character list to us
So you (I assume) play as Leo and use the other turtles for special moves?
yeah but everyone knows turtles are for kids, even people that grew on turtles know turtles are for kids
you dont see a "adult" turtles movies where all the main cast dies and the chedar starts to cut people left and right
I guess I'm going to play again.
>He doesn't know TMNT started off as an edgy as fuck comic full of people getting sliced up
Why do people who know nothing about things try and spout shit like they do?
The comics have a bodycount
>Implying any of those fags can touch Rash
capcom fags grasping at straws to insult the competition
> TMNT started off as an edgy as fuck comic
Everyone knows that, same as the mask, but it only became famous after it sold it self like a prostitute
Yugi and Yami Yugi appearing in Injustice 2 would be surreal yet rad as fuck. Basically summoning his monsters with his ultimate summoning all three Egyptian God Cards then mind crushing them in the end.
Well meme'd, my friend.
Mask in a fighting game fucking when?
And yet people still keep blaming Disney despite them not caring for Marvel Entertainment other than the movies at all.
For example tossing Marvel CEO and all-around spiteful jackass Isaac Perlmutter's pet project the Inhumans into the friday night death slot and leaving it to rot. The only reason they keep him around is because he's the biggest shareholder at Disney.
>there are people who are DISAPPOINTED in the MOTHERFUCKING TURTLES being a playable character in Injustice 2
I can't
I just can't
Maining best Turtle Donnie.
Could work
Probably going to pick up injustice 2 again for this
would i stand any chance online? i last played it when deadshot was added and my mains were green lantern and darkseid
DC had a crossover with the Power Rangers, and if TMNT could get in, I'll be the classic Five Powers Ranger can too, or at least the Green Ranger can.
>MvCI is full of literally whos and characters everyone got sick of 6 years ago
>Injustice shits on them for free
This is just sad.
These, unironically.
>Spawn pretty much confirmed for MKXI
>fighters pack 3
> The mask
>some movie character nobody asked for
>fighters pack 4
>Power rangers
>some movie character nobody asked for
>tfw my little brother thinks they are a dumb choice
>for kids
Tank Girl when?
Meanwhile I2 features two characters owned by both rival publishers AND rival movie studios.
Marvel = better movies
DC = better comics/games
It all evens out.
it's actually really entertaining to watch them go mad.
Blame Marvel Entertainment for leeching off the MCU because they're too lazy to come up with any original ideas and prefer making fans angry and sucking up to the SJW crowd while being hypocrites at the same time than actually write good comics.
It got so bad that Feige and Marvel Studios pretty much cut all ties from Marvel and went to work for Disney instead. Which explains the new logo that appeared during Guardians Vol 2.
Also, better animated stuff and I say that as a Marvelfag.
>I complained about raiden being in saying his guest slot should go to someone fun like the PR/TMNT
>Literally get the TMNT in the next pack
T-thanks boon
>some movie character nobody asked for 3
So...Steve Trevor, who will act like Chris Reinfield does in the MVC games?
>some movie character nobody asked for
So Steppenwolf, who pretty much Ares from the first Injustice?
>Capcom go out and make a deal with Fox to make a new X-Men only fightan
Movie characters only
Would you buy it? Who would you main?
>Marvel = better movies
i wouldnt go that far
They have a better universe, but DC still have dark knight trilogy, superman 1 and 2 and man of steel under their belt
same as marvel
they have spiderman 2 and MvC2.
I'm glad they're having fun with the guest characters, they make more sense in Injustice than something like MK.
Welp, guess I play injustice now
Never happening. Sadly everyone thinks of the Jim Carrey movie when they think of The Mask instead of Big Head Killer version.
I just want my goddamn Wolverine. Holy shit.
My only complaint with this pack is enchantress over mera and atom somehow managing to beat black manta and hellboy in the trailer. I mean blundergod is a given
I'm mad the turtles themselves used to have some of the best games in the industry but now can only get by with guest appearances in some C-grade capeshit fighter
Don't forget Big Hero 6 being a Marvel property, but Disney outright forbade them from making a comic and outsourced to IDW instead. That's some shit when you can't even be trusted with your own property.
Man of Steel is garbage. Superman deserves better than that
Haha, no. Granted the original Superman movie was the one that started the Superman is Jesus analog which I despise so much. But at least that was a great Silver-Age Superman movie, but as the time change it doesn't hold up as a good modern Superman movie.
I'd still say its about even, and I say that as a DCuck
>expecting constantine or any other actual comic cool characters
>instead get teenage autistic shitty turtles
dear god why is boon such a retarded piece of shit?
Do Sup Forumsmblrites hate Christ allegories because the leftist propaganda you read taught you to hate Christianity ?
>not liking the Turtles
>wanting Constantine
It was a comic originally.
I seriously fucking love that movie
they traded the balls, DC had better movies and shit games and mavel had better games and shitty movies
now is the other way around so its even
is more of a birth metaphor than a jesus one but you are on the right track
Would you prefer female turtles if they look like this over the Venus design
Will the trenchcoat and samurai armour be available as alternate costumes?
DC finally seemed to get the right idea with Wonder Woman which was fantastic (this coming from the dude I actually like Guardians Vol 2 which I believed got way better halfway through) but seem to falling the same trap that BvS and Suicide Squad did.
They seemed to come to realize that Snyder was to blame the DCEU mess. Hey at least they manage to survive, unlike a certain Dark Universe that Universal is banging their heads against a wall with.
No female Turtles period and I'm normally a waifufag.
>tfw I have absolutely no attachment to DC characters so I genuinely enjoyed Man of Steel and BvS for the spectacle alone
Ignorance is bliss. I pity the man who can't enjoy watching a rich dude in a mech suit breaking a fucking sink over an alien prettyboys head. Speaking of Superman, why does he have such shit video games?
He might be getting a good one soon.
>you will never have this level of shit taste
feels good
Not before Plastic man
Holy shit, they told me DC can't do funny, was I memed?
Plastic Man is pure fun.
Injustice is a objectively worse game than Mahvel: Infinite Cuckage though.
Lobo is one of the best out there, up there in my trinity consisting of him, Dredd and Punisher. Anti-heroes a best
That was before the Dark Knight Trilogy, when DC had this idea that the Dark Knight Trilogy did so well was because it was so real and dark and made every superhero like that. Not realizing that the reason why it succeeded was because it brought the tone of dark, noir tone of Batman back after the campy toy commercial that was Batman and Robin.
They seemed to finally realize this in recent times with DC Rebirth and Wonder Woman not being bad but rather really frigging good instead of going down the easy route and making it like the MCU.
Where Shredder at
now if only ij wasn't dogshit to play
right here
I love Marvel and I can tell you that Infinite is straight ass. It's inferior to it's sequel while Injustice is better than it's sequel.
That would so cool to see him in the game. Would be interesting to see his dialogue with other characters.
Fuck me.
>Even of Shredder gets in Uncle Phil isn't alive to voice him
It's not fair
Got you covered
Who would he work as a premier skin for?