This is the future of MGS

>this is the future of MGS

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What the fuck am I looking at?

MGS6 trailer

Not that user, but I do want an actual answer.

Took me 1 minute to find.

Its just star ship troopers.

MGS Space Hulk Armored Core crossover

Oh shit, I forgot about the new Starship Troopers CGI movie by Shinji Aramaki.. Tnx for being a faggot, OP.

>John Rico became Big Boss

>closest we get to Starship Trooper vidya is EDF

Got a webm of them dropping from orbit?

Starship Troopers the Anime was lit fAm.
Seriously watch it was good

>johnny is pinoy in the original novel


that was a star ship trooper bug
is this SFM?


Is that a Starship Troopers arachnid?


>can't recognize the ST bugs at a glance
Get the fuck out of here

>cgi films are direct sequels to the verhoeven movies
nani the fuck

Its the first CG Starship Troppers movie, not the recent one on Mars.

Both are fairly eh, good to kill time though, but aside from that, pretty generic and boring.

Go watch the Gantz one the studio made since its violence as fuck.

>Not video games

>Punished Guts Jensen

Holy shit, Paz looks pretty good in the new engine.

when did he lose an eye?

At some point not shown.

woah RF Online 2 looks good, I love me some MAU

fuckin kek

there is a ST video game and it's pretty good too

>Book and movie heavily imply that the asteroid could not have come from Klemdathu and was a falseflag to justify creating enemies.
>sequels expand the bug hierarchy to the point that you can accept it was 100% their fault and just become action schlock

This is terrible.

how the fuck did they make these movies so abysmal. hell they even got casper van dien and the lady who played diz for the attack on mars one and they still fucked it up


I still haven't seen any adaptations that show that crazy shit they did in the book intro where they carpetbomb a city while leapfrogging in jetpacks

the movies will never show the skinnies unfortunately

they were in the cgi series



It's a shame that series didn't get an ending.

well shit i stand corrected.
was this any good? do they just fuck up awhole shitton of skinnies civilians like in the book just to remind them that they can?

they skipped that part
they're already allied with humans

>that final touchdown

well shit
fuck that noise

No they didn't do that, but it was an alright show if you can stand early cartoon cg.


We tacticool now



Which highmacs is this?

>hey guys let's just put a Zenith in our game no one will notice

>none of them still properly depicted Mobile Infantry power armor
I think the OVA did but I haven't watched it

Except that one ST game, y'know