This is one of the greatest games ever made

This is one of the greatest games ever made.

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I remember not knowing what this game was, seeing this ad and thinking "holy shit first person parkour that was awesome"

never bought the game at launch because buying a game with just a girl's face on the boxart would be awkward desu

agreed, is the second one any good?

True. Came out of nowhere, and it was kino. It was just a game without bullshit, simplistic yet effective gameplay, great level design, great sound design, clean graphics that still look amazing and better than the second one. The physx blew my mind at the time.

One of the very very few games I actually bought after pirating, easily in my top10.

>ever made.

Played it for 30mn, it's shit.

not really

>make a game about running of rooftops in a beautiful cityscape
>add a sewer and boat interior level
>those terrible flash cutscenes
still one of my favorites

If you can get it for like 15 bucks tops it's alright, but you need origin to play it and it really isn't as good as the first. Fuck all the tardos who kept saying the sequel should be open world.

I didn't mind the flash cutscene much, gave it a comic book style that wasn't too bad. but yeah, the boat level....

I thought the second games was an improvement in the platforming aspect but the awful forced combat drags it down.

why the fuck don't devs make more fps parkour games

The sewer level is majority pretty good, and it was definitely necessary to break up the normal rooftop environment, if it were majority rooftops it would be pretty bland. They did a good job mixing it up - subway, mall, atrium, Krugersec. There's no defence for the boat, though, obviously.

FUN FACT: if this game were released now, Sup Forums would be spammed with "MUH STRONG WOMYN" and *SJW FORCING THEIR VIEWS ON US" threads.

remember when Sup Forumsitics hadn't ruined gaming yet and you could just enjoy games like they were entertainement and not a statement?

no it wouldnt

The sequel *could* be open world, although I would personally have preferred that it were semi linear. The problem was more that it was a terribly implemented open world.

it actually wouldn't, she only looks autistic on the front cover, she looks gr8 ingame

2012 was the tipping point


It's good, but flagrant exaggerating only does it harm.

Why don't you refresh our memory, grandpa?
Post some screenshots from 2008, when Sup Forums was still good.

He didn't even said Sup Forums was a perfect place before, but it surely had one less problem that was shoving political statements at every single aspect of a game. I won't be surprised if someday Project Cars get a Lada DLC and the thread became a shit throwing contest about socialism and marxism


>all police officers are men
>get easily taken out by a slim and small woman
>main bad guys are men
>main bad guys manipulate a female friend to do bad things like patriarchy always does
>main bad guys kidnap your sister
>you save your sister my kicking the bad guy out of a chopter 100 stories high to his death
Sorry, underage, but Mirror's Edge has to much Sup Forumstriggers in it, it would be triggerbait as good as TLOU for /po/tards.

You realize it's not Sup Forums's fault but the fact Sup Forums has such a cancerous community to begin with that constantly tries to fit in right? The video game community has a ridiculous inferiority complex and is constantly doing shit to make people take them seriously and a lot of this board is underages.

I like it