>story takes place in Japan
>characters are supposed to be Japanese
>everyone looks like a White teenager
Why is this a common thing?
>story takes place in Japan
>characters are supposed to be Japanese
>everyone looks like a White teenager
Why is this a common thing?
they look like dolls not white people
They don't look white tho?
You know what the Japs say, white is right
>not using metric
They like many other Japanese characters are stylized in such a way that race is impossible to determine unless outright stated.
asians wanna be white so bad
boondocks is white, lads
Because actual japs look like shit without tonnes of makeup.
how do they look white? they look like cartoons to me
Does this look like a doll to you?
Sorry, I've never seen white people look this good
Looks like a person.
they clearly look like hapas at least get that part right
But she's a white girl
They don't, fuck off with this bullshit
white people > asian people
this is a fucking fact and any other argument is based on feelings and unsupportable misinformation.
The one thing that gets to me is that they all have hair colors white people naturally can have, but not the one 99% of Asians actually have (black)
I like both.
This. I thought japanese just liked white anime characters or something but they are actually styled in a way that youre not supposed to tell whether theyre outright asian or white unless they wanted to. Think of anime characters like simpson characters with their original use of yellow skin
Are Koreans asian equivalent of Canadians?
I always thought everyone in the Simpsons universe has a severe liver disease.
Because the Japanese secretly hate themselves.
whites always want attention and believe anything that looks stylish represents or originates from them
WE wuz animen shiiiet and Kangz The japanese make anime for us whitezzzzz looking up to uzzzz
>lets fill her face with some kind of shit, frekles? mud? I don't give a shit, its gross anyway
Koreans are too Christian to be godless Canadians.
five of them have black or brown hair and one isn't fully asian, only futaba the ginger and chihaya's blondeness are unnatural
Sigh, again?
Because that's boring. Don't make cartoons about race goy
What's this, Sup Forums?
you are in the timeline where white people think they look like anime characters
>game is made by Japanese people
>has Japanese characters
>is in Japan
>everything is Japanese
>"Oh, I prefer the Jap dub because its better."
I dont understand
Only the slut on the left looks white
They also make people with darker skin being rude and uneducated. Japs are red pilled as fuck
pretty surprising actually that they "want" to be anime characters
Apparently they said that Russians are like non-whites, except they have the wrong skin. I must agree with them.
>average height is 5'1
When will they learn?
This, they are of the anime race unless stated otherwise... also Ann is half Finnish or something.
White people don't have blue hair or violet/red eyes either.
Top kek
fucking womanlets, when they will learn
This. It's so fucking embarrassing. Anime characters are Asian unless stated otherwise.
>not a single THICC character
Makoto > *
Atlus hates thicc girls
> half Finnish
Nope, half American. She only lived in Finland for awhile.
Why are they so goddamned short? Fucking womanlets will steal my seed and create a manlet abomination.
Shows how much I cared
Womanlets are ok
No they're not. Tall women are infinitely superior
she's actually 1/4 American, the rest of her background isn't stated other than she's part Japanese
Sure wish i could read this
Dont post stuff written in tentacleporn me no understand
But I have a shortstack fetish.
I knew a girl in high school that was like 4' 5", had huge tits, and a thiqq ass. It ruined me forever.
Is top left from East Asian Genocide Simulator?
Nips are quite well aware of the superiority of the white race.
it's essentially saying that Japanese people don't pick a specefic ethnicity when designing anime characters, they just look like people to the Japs
In other words, total bullshit. See
>Cherry picking pictures of models for whites and random old home photos for asians.
I shiggy diggy.
A friend of my has a 6'2 gf with huge tits (similar to pic related though not that big) and an 8/10 face. Too bad that she's a WoW addict.
>so much fucking photoshop
These girls could look like Vin Diesel for all you know.
Japs are short, user. I think short women are cute but 5'0" is pushing it. 5'5'' maybe.
IIRC interviews with anime fans from different parts of the world found that pretty much every light-skinned ethnicity sees themselves in anime characters. Japanese think that they're just drawing stylized Japanese people, and other people wonder why the elevens are drawing them.
To treat this actually seriously for a moment, dark-skinned anime characters are supposed to come from some of the smaller islands from the south of their archipelago. Who other Japanese do traditionally look down on as lesser versions of Japanese.
These are pictures taken from tv broadcasts, user. Well, most of them. #3 is clearly set up.
The Manlet uprising is caused by this retarded idea that short women are more attractive. I see so many dudes with these tiny midget women that will shit out some 5 foot 5 fuckhead.
this gets old af one meme aint last so long
re-meme it yourself
Japan is the Argentina of Asia.
>the elevens
you got me
You've never been to Japan. Most chicks are FUGLY.
Protip: most chicks anywhere are fugly. People tend to obsess over slav girls too but most of them are ugly, you only get to see the pretty ones.
That's not true, there are slav migrants where I live and the chicks are hot 9 times out of 10. They age like shit though.
Some countries have a much higher percentage of attractive women than others, though. For example, Dutch women tend to be more attractive than Indian women, on average.
Once i date 4.9 ft girl. It was awkward. I mean im short, but even for me she was like a kid. And small breasts doesn't helped the case.
>there are slav migrants where I live
user, people who migrate, as in, legally, usually tend to be better off - you won't see the bad cases as they're mostly on the poor side and will remain in their country.
Same applies here, but with India being a literal shithole the ugliness is just due to the environment.
and those many bald young males who look like some tired men?
this argument is ridiculous
Because asians are the most inferior race on this planet, they are physically weak, tiny, have small dicks, ugliest race on this planet, no their women aren't hot just because you americans are flooded with fatties doesn't mean asians look good, every average european women looks better, their whole culture is a mess, you work 80h per week and 40 from those for free, they got fucked in war, they try their hardest to appear european (bleaching their skin, korea is the mekka of plastic surgery), they can't eat cheese or drink alcohol, asians are the scum of this planet, 2 nukes from america weren't enough.
As a slav I say you are full of shit. Every time I take a ride on a public transport I'm amazed how many beautiful girls we have here. And I'm a picky motherfucker because anime ruined my standards forever.
I live in Russia and i think japanese girls look good, i even dated one.
It's a mixed bag but most aren't
I'm a non-white studying in a Western Europe and it's amazing how many beautiful girls there are and they're all out of my league. You do not know my pain. No one knows my pain.
shut up slavshit
from left to right:
>white, more prominent brow and nasal ridge, (slightly) more prominent chin
>not sure/mixed, jawline looks white and the face isn't flat, but the nose looks more on the jap side
>can't tell because half of her is obscured and this image is too fucking tiny for the few details these lazy japs decided to put into their faces
>jap as fuck, super flat face, weaker/soft chin
>jap for same reasons as before
>mixed but unsure because the image is too low res
>jap, flattest face imaginable and no nose bridge at all
>glasses covering everything identifiable
t. never played any persona games, how right am I?
>I like tall women
>women cannot get taller
>let's make a generation of manlets so they can satisfy their degenerate fetish
fucking soibois
>putting shitty American-made women on the same level as superior Slav vodka magic
Stop trying to mooch off your cheeki breeki overlords, America.
>To treat this actually seriously for a moment, dark-skinned anime characters are supposed to come from some of the smaller islands from the south of their archipelago. Who other Japanese do traditionally look down on as lesser versions of Japanese.
you realize those are extremely beautiful models? most japanese girls look like goblins.
white women can be cherry picked
but japanese cannot
>can't tell because half of her is obscured and this image is too fucking tiny for the few details these lazy japs decided to put into their faces
She's Hifumi and will this help you for it?
The one on the left is 1/4 white and the rest are 100% jap
stay jelly faggot :^)
Japenese people are the most xenophobic people on the planet
Persona characters in particular are white and I have proof.
They look like halfbreeds if anything
People need to realize that these images don't prove anything.
>story takes place on Sup Forums
>OP is supposed to be straight
>is a total fucking queer instead
Why is this a common thing?
>anime characters look white!