This is Lady Lyndis of Caelin. What is Sup Forums's opinion about her?
This is Lady Lyndis of Caelin. What is Sup Forums's opinion about her?
i want her to sit on my face
Best legs in gaming
Why don't Sacean girls wear panties?
They always need to be ready.
What are the odds of her being in the rumored FE 6 remake?
i want to bury my face into her cloth-clad ass and just die
Maybe a cameo. Doubt she would be playable.
shes attracted too many waifushits but shes still better than Thotja/Loosina/Cowmilla
I like her.
Tits too big.
She ruined Fire Emblem Heroes.
Bow Horse memes aside, negating DC is game breaking and should not have happened
she'll be a postgame bonus map character like Eliwood/Hector/Narcian/Gale/Brunya/Zephiel/Guinevere
Ready to what? Ready to pee?
>Don't not repost
>does it anyways
>DC is game breaking and should not have happened
I agree
Hey Ace
That would be cool. I hope the 6 remake adds a lot more trial maps and doesn't remove them. Those are fun to play around with.
Anything for Lyn.
Lyndis is for Hector
A far more interesting Lord than Eliwood but nowhere near the level of my boy Hector
Not even wrong there. But what REALLY takes the cake is cancel affinity. Nerfing TA was a dumbfuck move that further centralized the game and hammered some niche lower-tier units. And as a result there is no single build that can 100% reliably fight Lyn*. Firesweep was another fucking stupid idea by IS. They grossly overrated how good DC was and in their effort to destroy it they created a monster. DC wasn't even used because it was broken, but rather because it was the only option to deal with the legit busted ranged units in the game. I mad.
*well, two max def dragons can do it (Nowi, ATIki). But otherwise you have to engage on player phase, which is much harder to work.
That dress looks pretty tight on the tits. Has to be uncomfortable.
Big fan of her in fe7
I hope life is keeping you well as usual.
not bad but not good either when talking bout character. I just use Guy when playing 7 as she never levels up good for me
>Better than Tharja/Lucina/Camilla
user you know that's not true, she's just as bad as Tharjafags with Lucinafags being good shitposters.
When will swimsuit Lyn be available?
Lucina is the absolute worst
> implying trial maps and tm characters wont be paid dlc
Useless against the final boss
What's she wear under that loincloth?
I wanna say something but god damn your completely right. ISIS went full new during and after Awakening.
>use Tiki(A)/Nowi/SI Fae
>fodder off a F2P Black Knght for Steady Stance 3. Even better if you have a Brave Ike to fodder Steady Breath
>Fodder off a F2P Subaki for Quick Reposte
>ORKO Lyn on bait because dragonstones are unaffected by Saccae’s Blessing
Lyn made Dragons antimeta as fuck. Fae can beat both Lyn and Reinhardt.
nonsense. Without DC the entire game would be ranged vs. ranged. Armors would be completely unviable and infantry would meet the same fate.
Again, the problem isn't DC. It's how dominant range is. When a single unit can cover most of the map in red you know something got fucked.
I don't think I'll ever be more disappointed in poll results than the Heroes one.
I really hope this isn't true when holy war and thracia are still here. Imagine a remake that contained both of them with updated mechanics. FE6 is basicly where "modern" fe started (although we could say fe13 is where "contemporary" fe started). The only thing the game needs is a patch fixing stuff like the throne buffs, providing more clarity for the first time player on the requirements for the legendary weapon chapters and perhaps some weapon tweaking
Wonder if its true Sacean girls don't wear panties? Fir must have flashed half the Western Isles during her fight...
>you will never have Lyn blush as she is removing her clothing to tell you its a custom for saceans to not wear underwear
Except eliwood was already rearing to go back to look for her as soon as he left to find his father. Hector meanwhile has to take care of florina since he is the only man who can take care of her
This is Lucina. She is a brave and courageous princess who happens to be best wife/daughter!
Funny I got the opposite. Guy always disappoints with his first few levelups so I just bench him since the character count is tight enough as is. Lyn also has some neat supports. Meanwhile Guy just dumps precillia
If a PC version came out you can get all the sexy mods
I'd say she's Camilla-tier which is pretty good, and better than Lucina and Tharja. But that's just me.
Camilla gets unfairly criticised too much. she isn't a perfect character but so many people dismiss her for shallow reasons
If I remember right Marth got fucked over because votes were split according to games. Should have come in 3rd over Roy
>yesterday had a new GBA FE games thread
>had to go to bed
>see Lyn again
>ready for picking up the discussion
>its heroes cancer
>that hair and face
But can she still save the miiverse?
You can turn this into a regular FE thread if you want.
waifu threads aren't typically productive. A GBA FE thread sounds really nice, though.
I wish there was a heroes thread about now
when can we expect FE Switch next year? did they ever say
>Fire Emblem threads aren't typically productive.
Nah, the tone is set. I have enough years of experience to know how things go.
it was pretty nice.
Been replaying FE blazing blade since i played it years ago on the GBA and Im wondering whether I should just pop the promotional items on my lvl 15 dudes or keep going till 20. I got like 7 maps or so left to play.
is for waifufaggotry and bad games
Just 2018.
Sup Forums threads are nicer. I don't really like /feg/
bruising the pineapple!
There's only so many ways for me to say that I wanna sex her bellybutton.
Agreed, but heroes will just dominate the thread with endless waifu posts. And your namefaggotry doesnt do Sup Forums any good.
Expecting a delay to 2019
I can't wait for this.
While the franchise has had its ups and downs there really hasn't been a single Fire Emblem game I didn't enjoy.
That's why Heroes threads and normal FE threads are typically separate user.
it depends. Some of the comfiest, most on-topic threads I've been to on Sup Forums have been FE related. Of course, it can also go full waifu.
it's impressive how well the GBA emblems hold up. As per your question I don't think that promoting them at 15 will hurt you at all. You typically don't cap units through natural play anyways. At absolute most you'll lose a level or two for the final map(s), but I doubt that will happen.
even if the game doesn't meet expectations posting about it will be fun. Discussing Fates before it hit was very enjoyable.
Some of the comfiest and on-topic FE threads I've seen have been 'waifu' threads too. Any thread that begins with "Why is this game so shit/better than this other game" is doomed.
What if it turns out that Lyn pads her chest
No pads here
/feg/ is one of the absolute worst places here
Conquest's gameplay and Echoes characters has me really hyped for it. I can't see this turning out bad
I'd say more Conquest's gameplay and Echoes' story sort of. I'm not as in love with Echoes' cast as many, nor do I hate Fates' cast as much as most.
Quick question about the Valni tower in Sacred Stones.
Some floors have chests, but the enemies don’t drop keys, and I did not bring my thieves. Will those chests remain locked if I come back if I didn’t go for them?
Thats just magic! Lyn pads her chest!
Why? I don't think any other FE's had major delays.
>only clothing lyn wears under her blue dress is a simple loose short T-shirt
Waifufaggotry ruined FE
What do you anons what the new main title be?
What universe setting, Mainline? B-blades? Radiant? the standalone Stones?
Keep pairing up?
what art style?
should dank avatars still be a thing?
The N64 one did. Rumor has it that either FE 6 or POR are actually the delayed N64 game.
I think so yeah.
>i still dont have sword lyn
fucking kill me
it's moreso that I think Echoes did a good job giving its side characters time in the spotlight, at least better than a fair amount of other FEs
either new setting or a return to Magvel would be the best.
>pair up
pair up is pretty neat but I wouldn't mind if they swapped it out for a new mechanic or something
>art style
something new or a return of SS's if they do choose Magvel
yes please,I like having a unit you can change the stats and class of.
No way fag. Lyn was born with great genetics.
I expect it to be a completely new universe. I want to see:
>gameplay of Conquest
>presentation of Echoes
>music by Yuka Tsujiyoko and Takeru Kanazaki
>writing by Ken Yokoyama
>art by Hidari
>1080p with breast physics
>no DLC, if there is have it not be cut content
That would be my perfect FE game