Honestly, good for him.
>Thin enough to eat more
>Heh, I'm much better than you.
Fuck off fatty
Wait how old is he?
>easier to cut your stomach the fuck up than not eat food
This. He had been floundering on trying to lose weight for years. To the point that a famous nutritionist/doctor quit working with him. Just, good for him.
As tempting as it is to shit on a guy for being a self-destructive fat piece of shit, doing something (anything) to address always deserves some respect. There's a point where a guy's health is so poor that even liposuction would be a step in the right direction, so good for him.
I'll never apologize because I know that my tastes in fruits are infinitely better than everyone elses
Did he get surgery because of a legit medical condition or because he had no self control
lack of self control
>god tier
unironically kill yourself
What a stupid meme image made by and posted by a moron
Dragonfruit is bland as fuck. White people go "Oooooh wow so pretty!" and think it tastes the same.
do people actually eat green bananas?
Even if he had surgery, the fact that he's trying to not be a vaccum of food and medical resources is good for him and for society
We have one man to thank for his progress, and it's not boogie
I feel like dragonfruit is slightly overrated, but I've always loved pineapples. Then again, I also like raspberries and lime juice.
I never thought my awful taste in video games and music would be worse than my taste in food.
Depends on if you define mental illness as medical conditions or not.
good job boogie!
Ironic that due to the rapid weight loss his body is only exposed to more health risks.
After a certain point, it arguably is.
what is the seed cake looking one?
>Tomatoes not GOD TIER
Whoever made this list should fucking kill themselves. It doesn't even have cloudberries on it.
45 or something
No, you degenerate piece of shit. Apologize to yourself for letting yourself go so bad it threatened your life, then apologize to me and everyone else with a real job who pays taxes for buying you the surgery to help you lose weight because you lack any self control or discipline.
I would care if he actually had the willpower to simply not eat but instead he took the easy way out and had surgery.
Nah, you just buy them when they're green so that you have more than 20 minutes to eat them.
You're a fucking retard m8 I tell you what.
Also I bet you don't even cook and just eat fruit raw. You don't even understand the possibilities of chillis
forgot sage
both cant stop himself from eating and because of that it put him in a medically dangerous situation(excess obesity)
vicitim of his own lack of self control
I will find you and I we will exchange words.
Possibly some strong language.
e-celeb/twitch board when?
Good for him, even if he's doing surgery because it's too hard for him to just not eat, at least he's still doing something instead of crying for attention
Fuck off you racist subhuman.
dragonfruit is very bland and not liking grapefruit automatically makes you a shit taste plebe.
Raw tomato is shit.
You realize that Boogie's not here, right?
I don't know why you're venting to the rest of us.
>hating on tomatoes
c'mon yall
>not sub human tier
apply yourself nigger
>How should we celebrate my weight loss?
>I know, let's go out to eat!
Boogie posts on /fit, so it's actually quite possible that he's on Sup Forums a lot, considering that he made his name on video james
carrots isn't fucking fruit you RETARD
Who are you talking to?
that's good
If you actually believe that you need to choke on a fucking cactus, you nigger lover.
Sitting at the table just drinking water while everyone else around him eats a bunch of food would be some Buddhist-tier self-control, considering his history. That probably didn't happen though.
It's not like the surgery makes him suddenly not need food at all.
Besides, if he eats the wrong things now, his body will fucking reject it and he will get violently ill. He has no choice but to eat healthy.
>Being a white cuck
>the absolute state of amerilards
You must've only eaten shitty raw tomatoes.
Try some cherry tomatoes or tasty tom's or something.
Imagine being so American that you don't know the difference between fruit and vegetables
How have you survived until now
Boogie is my internet idol
more like SUGARY xD
That might be true, but this is just one thread out of thousands across the site. He might even be sleeping in like the lazy asshole everyone thinks he is.
It's always weird when someone vents online towards someone when that person won't ever read that message.
Aren't they plantains?
Sorry watermelon didn't get ranked as high.
Just shitpost the threads into oblivion whenever they pop up
It's obvious they will never stop doing this and nothing will be done about them, so don't even waste your precious reports on it, just get it sliding off the board faster.
Was he always a fat fuck?
still sucking anita clit?
Excuse me, I'm an American and I know what vegetables are. According to the Supreme Court of the United States, pizza is a vegetable and that's all I need to know
because I get all of my water and nutritional needs from eating nothing but dragonfruit for the past 2 years
>limons at subhuman
Of all the things on Sup Forums to try and push me over the edge and some fucking fruit image does it.
who's gonna pay?
> shitpost a thread that's inherently shitty
Not even going to sage this post.
Why are you fat, user?
He can't eat more, they shrunk his stomach
Would have been a hell of a birth.
if the only way you could win is by cheating then it really wasnt a win was it?
Which one?
based on benefits and not taste the better ones are:
how do I know this? my sperm tastes hella good fampai
I'm not.
I spent years driving 30km by bike every day.
I think it has more to do with the fact no one can agree if it's a fruit or vegetable.
It has to do with the seeds right? Or maybe I have to go down google lane and educate myself too.
I'm onto really into all of them
I'm not, feels good 2bh.
It's 2D, I'll take them all.
Impressive what being humiliated by a women can do
>Trying to lose weight
>tempted to snack
>Think of boogie
>Appetite suddenly gone.
We're all gonna make it brehs. Except boogie, the chair crushin' etc.
I don't know, man. I "beat" a lot of RTS games as a kid by just spamming cheat codes. Probably wouldn't have gone back and beat them fairly as an adult if I didn't get that head start as a kid.
That metaphor might make a lot of people upset but I'm just being honest that it worked for me.
What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!
>*slurps chemically concentrated transfat*
>*punches chest to restart heart*
>*obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder*
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?
>*Gets 10000 likes*
I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!
>*smears mayonnaise on upperbody*
>*skin obsorbs mayonnaise*
Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!
should be replaced with amerimutts
>tfw spent the last year force feeding myself from 120lbs to 155lbs (manlet) and seeing people talking about losing weight
just dont fucking eat retards. its not even an action its the absence of an action
Fatties often restretch their stomachs out or switch to drinking, I'm not joking, olive oil in order to maintain their calorie intakes.
Really ? Care to elaborate ?
>Trying to lose weight
>tempted to snack
>realize I don't have anything to snack on and i would need to cook
>can't be bothered
Is this proof that bullying works?
Anything goes as long as they're 2D.