>You still don't own a Switch
switch emulator is in the making
>He still buy consoles during their first year
How many times have you made this thread?
It’s 300 dollars
>He waits to play the two best games of the generation
this is what mental illness looks like
How many drops of water are in the oceans?
Because I am an mature adult. Games like Zelda and Mario are for children
>But Doom
user, 30 fps 540p doom is trash.
>But muh portability
Kek, yeah that's good if you want everyone to think that you're a pathetic virgin
The switch is a childtoy, not a real console
more like "how many days have passed since the Switch's release date"
That's how many times he's made it
I don't buy consoles for only 2 games.
But I do have one and it is a garbage system
>buying a console during it's first year of release
There's only 2 games I'm interested in playing. I'll wait till more games get released.
What are some worthwhile switch games besides zelda and mario?
Stop replying to the threads and they will stop
Mario+rabbids :^) And vroom in the night sky
dumb chinkposter, all consoles are toys
"""gaming""" PCs too
It's not hacked yet
Some consoles are more toys than others
>best games of the generation
Nigger, Mario and Splat2 aren't even the best games of the year.
>this thread literally NEVER gets deleted despite being made almost every day with the exact same OP
>meanwhile if someone makes the same thread but replaces switch with ps4 it gets wiped and banned within minutes
Someone please explain to me how this board is not nintendogaf in every way. I want to see you all defend it.
>The switch is a childtoy, not a real console
I can argue that, if the defining factor of a console is a CoD every year or the newest AC then yes its not a console. Thou i just have to state that i haven't had that much fun with a 'not a console' in years. Also i have a Ps4 right next beside it, even if it only has Persona 5 and as turned off for the last 5 month.
Because these threads are good. Video games are discussed. Watch and learn.
I own a Switch. I own a Wii U too. I really enjoyed the Wii u and am glad Nintendo expanded on the idea. I'm currently over 400 moon in Odyssesy. I'm on the fence about buying doom. Probably will skip it and just buy xenoblade later down the road.
Because I'm waiting for it to either drop in price or get a new version that works out some of the kinks
I'd like one, but I'd never play it. I've got a back catalogue of PC, PS3, PS4, 360 and Wii U games I'll also never get around to playing. Might as well just shitpost on Sup Forums instead.
Stop posting Asian girls, cute Asians makes me question my political beliefs .
There really isn't defending it, you just have to get lucky when you post and hope the faggot mods are asleep.
Not him but
How many loaves of bread have you eaten in your life?
just move to a white city that's been overrun with asians to cure your yellowfever
Stop trying to resist it, and embrace your yellow fever.
There is absolutely no video game discussion going on in this thread and you know it. If someone wants to discuss a game they should make a thread about that game, not a "BUY THIS CONSOLE" thread. These threads along with "SWITCH SELLS 100 GORILLION IN 1 SECOND, NINTENDO WON" threads are made to incite console wars and nothing else.
If you still believe that "BUY OUR CONSOLE GOYM" is good discussion, why do threads like this get deleted? They're full of discussion after all.
Mario kart and xenoblade in december
i dont care about mario odysee or the new zelda
also ps5 is gonna be out soon so ill just wait for that
I am still playing PS3 and 3DS and I decided I will not buy new console until I finish all games I own. Currently I am playing SMT4 and Yakuza 0.
this is the 5th time ive seen this question, i keep telling you.. i can't afford it
X2 isn't out yet.
Literally me. Lots of unfinished games on Steam and PS3 and I'm intent on buying the switch next month. My brother is also getting a PS4 so the backlog never ends.
I spent all my money investing in crypto.
>Because I am an mature adult
That's why you're shitposting on Sup Forums.
does this android device have any video games?
I bought one and regret it less than 2 weeks later. Waste of money.
Didnt cae with the VR case
I need a revision based on 7nm tech.
I'm not a nitendrone, sorry.
>Objective truth
I'm waiting for Black Friday sales.
i bought a cheap laptop instead
I don't want spend 300 dollars for console when there are already so many good pc games I haven't played
>"I'm a mature adult!"
>plays video games
Fast RMX, like it unironically better than Wipeout.
The best version of Puyo Puyo Tetris.
I'll buy it when the Switch gets a Harvest moon game.
i own one op, ive had it for over a month now, i bought mario odyssey on release an ive not even played the damn thing yet! too many games in my backlog to even start zelda or mario..
Because I actually have good taste in games, and am not an autistic manchild.
sonybros are SEETHING because switch has more games in 1 year than PS4 did until 2017
>mario oddysey
>mario xcom
>disgaea 5 portable
>mario kart