Why the fuck is she in everything now?

>lurking Sup Forums the other day, see her name get mentioned
>"oh right, that bitch"
>load up Dota 2 to try out the new heroes
>oh god it's her
>quit game, uninstall
>load up Danganronpa V3
>get to Chapter 3, which involves a magic circle
>that reminds me, there was that one game from a few years back, The Magic Circle
>look it up on wikipedia
>she's a voice in it

like seriously wtf, I don't get it. there's roughly 157 million women in the US alone, why does every western dev keep wanting to put her in fucking everything?

Other urls found in this thread:



She's hot. I'd fuck fem Anthony

>Why does voice actor (xy) appear in everything? Because they are either loved by the sick and twisted industry, or charge peanuts for their work. Her voicing Rise shows that she works cheap.

Yeah OP,literally who.

Seems like you have a fucking personal problem.


id fuck her infront of anthony and have her tell him that he also needs to give her his other consoles because after were done im gonna play them and shes gonna blow me all the while.
hes free to stay and watch though.

Because she has the (((right))) opinions and that's pretty much the only way to get any roles as a Western voice actor, that's why you hear the same 2 dozen voices in every video game. Honestly her voice works just fine for cutesy little girls like Rei in Persona Q, but I'll never forgive them for what they did to Rise in DAN.

That isn't Anthony's ex-wife, m8...

nah I think she's just a convenient Laura Bailey replacement desu

i know.
but she basically is female anthony so id want to further impart that i am in fact not anthony burch.


Probably the same reasons Troy Baker and Nolan North are in everything. They're well-known, devs know what to expect, they don't look too hard.

I wanna fuck Ash so bad

TB and NN are beloved and have a large range

AB has one voice and everyone hates her. She single handedly ruined Cold Steel

this is so fucking cringey

sure but you'll see a Nolan North credit in a game where you didn't even recognize him, and then you look him up and he was just "Additional voices" but he's an industry champ so you can call him up and get him to record some "Reloading!"s, like, later that day.

with Burch, it's like, you see her name on a game's credits list and you roll your eyes and go "oh god what kind of '''quirky''' female character is she gonna play this time"

Nah, she is far less sanctimonious than Anthony. Back in that show they used to do together he was always the annoyingly serious one and she was the obnoxiously childish one. These characters are really just more extreme versions of themselves, and especially Anthony's is close to reality.

>tfw will never throatfuck Ashley until she lose her voice

also i think they werent part of the artist "strike"
i think they dont even have unions

Horizon was an alright game but get voice acting almost ruined it. Eloy is supposed to be a warrior but she sounds like a liberal arts student

I don't play shit game and have no idea who she is, maybe you shouldn't too.

>Nah, she is far less sanctimonious than Anthony.

That's still way more sanctimonious than any person should be allowed to be.

>Everyone hates her
A couple spergs on Sup Forums hate her. The vast majority of people who have even heard her voice don't give a single shit.

Sup Forums hates her, but everyone hates Sup Forums, so

I dunno m8, Chloe Price and Aloy seem far enough apart that if I didn't know better I wouldn't have guessed it was both her.

She's a decent voice actor.

OP is behaving like tumblr whales that wanted jontron kicked out of voice roles because of his personal politics

I'm just a moron who bought Blands 2 when it came out thinking it'd be better than the previous one. played coop with a friend, go to Tiny Tina, had to call it quits there, the writing and VA went from "annoying" to "scratch your eyeballs out". ofc the friend I was playing coop with was in LOVE with her because he was a weirdo tumblr queer who just got done obsessing over Elsa from Frozen and was looking for a new waifu. he would go onto change genders five times in the next two years.

Same reason trump is the president. She successfully memed herself into a real VA and now everyone thinks she's great. Once you get one big credit like Horizon, people will hire you more just because of it, just like movies.

Making her more masculine by having a rough voice would be even worse.

Cheaper than the top tier options

Should have given her 2B's voice

I mean the real one, not Laura Bailey or whoever the fuck

It's not that she sounds like a girl. She mumbles her lines sarcastically like how a college student talks. I didn't even know it was her but the voice still annoyed me

Because the Voice Actor Union made the mistake of going on strike without considering there are loads of aspiring VAs who aren't in the Union because they aren't popular enough.

so chinese bootleg Laura Bailey?

She's cheap and rates well with tumblr fangirls and sucks mean dick

>Voice Actor Union

That’s like having a fast food workers union. People who are easily replaced shouldn’t create unions. Jesus.

>People who are easily replaced shouldn’t create unions.
That's literally the point of unions

>people actually thought the union was for a "good cause"
>in reality, it was just for well known VAs, so they could retire with a steady stream of royalties
>they could give two-shits about the union newbies, because they know how replaceable VAs are

>She mumbles her lines sarcastically like how a college student talks.
fucking this. half of her Dota 2 hero voice response are goddamned unintelligible without subtitles

''I just hate the idea of every worker being able to afford a decent existence on the wage they make! Some people just need to be poor and downtrodden!''

Americans, everybody.

Is she in any good games? No? Why should I care then?

>"I bailed on my friend"
Who's the real queer here?

honestly the biggest reason I haven't tried horizon is because of burch and how her character won't shut the fuck up in any gameplay I see

like her voice is annoying

her character is annoying

her character won't shut up

completely turns me off from wanting to try the game

dude he had recently picked up a life-size Elsa cardboard stand-up, he was increasingly becoming a literal tumblrfag, I couldn't keep up with which pronouns I should be calling him each week, and he had anger management issues that would rear their head during competitive games. I was just happy to let the guy have his loli Blands waifu, no matter how garbage she was, and rid myself of him.

Meh, it isn't as bad as the e3 demos make it out to be

It's a good game, but yeah, Aloy tries to investigate every area she is in.

*mumbles in your favorite game*

Thanks, user

Did you report him?

I'm going to go with the one who pretends you can be a different gender.

Gender is 90% presentation anyway m8

Probably. But halting a game because one obnoxious character triggered you is pretty sketch. Did they not watch cartoons?

Instead of paying her with money, she pays the voice director in blowjobs.