Why does GTA IV look better with ENB than GTA V?

Why does GTA IV look better with ENB than GTA V?

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GTAV is a lot more optimized and thus has to deal with quality drops

GTAV is unfinished just like Mafia 3

better question, why does gta iv with enb looks more realistic than literally every game ever made?

Because it doesnt. Screenshots and youtube footage are nitpicked with tuned setting for specific time of day\weather. Ingame it will look much worse 75% of time.

It’s the neutral lighting that makes it look so real.

Thats a photo, not an ingame shot. Get that troll shit out of here.

Look at the window textures

Haha, yeah. Now let's see it in motion, braniac. I'll be sitting here waiting. Faggot.

The shadows look like shit.

Having installed both, using ENBs that make the games more vibrant and colorful, all the textures to replace shit for higher quality stuff and all.

I have to say that GTA 4 still feels old and doesn't look nearly as good as V

Its a photo, theres no 'textures'.

sorry to btfo you but


lel consolefags still clinging to this nonsense

why does skyrim look better than 99% of AAA games out now?

The Taxi says LCC Taxi on the side boy

>barely able to hold a steady 60fps on completely empty streets

it doesn't look better than much

>webm from 4 years ago rendered on a toaster

Doesn't look as good as the photo, the game is based on the photo. No game looks that good.

>bumper of the car
>rims of the car
>rightmost sidewalk
>street sign ligthing slightly off

what the fuck are you talking about you delusional fagbag, its literally the exact same

>skidmarks pop in

>not a single pedestrian
>not a single other car on the street

wew lad


yeah nice dof fag

>screeching pleb intensifies hi sshitposting

I think it looks good and I havent even gotten the LOD mods installed yet.
LOD is dogshit, need to add the mods that fix it

Again, the moving images are from gta4 and don't look as good as OPs picture, you can tell its a game right away.

OPs picture = photo
These moving images = Copied from the photo, and doesn't look as good.

>I think it looks good
There's a word for people like you.

I want to replay GTAIV, what do I need to download to make it look this good?

Where's the ENB version of this? cause this looks like hot garbage.

Downgrade to and download Simple ENB

Is this the beta

look at the windows in the butcher, it's not a photo

>be every Skyrim modder
>the modder usually quits at this point or gets his first home in Whiterun where he can pose by a fire or in the jarl's castle


>what is a window decal

How does that proof anything? The butchers shop is decorated with pictures of meat on the window so you know what the shop is. Very common.

the webm has a timestamp of february 2017, loser

Honestly, Skyrim still looks really good. I was playing it on PS4 and was surprised at how good it still looks. Its like everything has this ever-so-slight cartoonish tinge that really smoothes it out.


the stores are fake idiot

stop bullying me


LOL you're a retard

When is Elder Scrolls VI coming out Todd?

I am PC gamer, you retard, and unlike oyu i've actually played several different ENB setups. They all look like shit at least half of the time and have strange visual glitches. "Simple and realistic" in particular has reflective surfaces everywhere for example, crushed shadows and oversaturated people.

Timecyc mods are much better overall.

That’s just a picture of NYC fagit

>My PC: i5 2500k, 4gb, GTX 660. Average framerate is usually 30-40

I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world~


I'd prefer a game that looked like this but had realistic traffic density, pedestrians, lots of buildings to explore, stuff to interact with and a big map. Part of GTAV's problem is they spent a significant amount of time hand making the underwater areas that 1% of players explored.

forgot pic

> Cars don't cast shadows

I kind of like the atmosphere IV has without ENBs more.

>Average fps 30-40
That's pretty shit senpai

that doesn't even look half as good. niko, the npcs, and even the cars in this don't even look any better than normal and it's super jarring. lighting doesn't look any special either, only knowing its not on console because no shitty filter.

>tfw you fell for it