So Xbox One X comes out yesterday and there aren't even any threads with people actively discussing on this board lol figures, do the graphics even look that much better?
Dumbass microsoft
Other urls found in this thread:
Even the BBC didnt consider the graphics upgrade much of a selling point, and they're filthy normies who will cum at the first sign of bloom.
It basically makes everything crisper, and 4k in itself is not worth the price hitch.
Stay in school kid
Maybe that'll fix your grammar and teach you how to elaborate compelling arguments
Sup Forums won't talk about it because it has a massive hateboner for anything console-related. From what I've read it has a big boost on paper but you won't notice it unless you have a stellar 4K TV.
probably because no one bought it
I need help. I want an Xbone but basically it's for Xbox 360 games and original Xbox games that I used to enjoy. The only xbone title I want is rare replay because that isn't on pc or anything else. I only have 1080p displays as well. Should I get an xbone s or x? I really want good advice on this because I don't want to spend an extra 300 or so dollars for the x if I don't need to.
Xbros aren't faggots who make blatant threads shilling products like everyone else does. I don't care if Sup Forums buys an Xbox in fact I would prefer it if none of you did. I come here to annoy sonygroids and nintenbros. I think a lot of pcbros come here for the same reason. We don't want you on our platform, we just wanna laugh at you.
Unless you want to play xbone/win10 exclusives at the highest quality on consolw your better off just getting a cheap xbone s.
That way you have a console for all the BC and the odd xbone multiplat/MS exclusive here and there.