How do I fix this?

How do I fix this?

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what is this, a playstation for ants?

Eat it

oven should do the trick

Get rid of the ants.


In my ps1?
It's more likely than you think

turn off bugs life

Do you put in the wrong game

I had that happen to me once when I buried my old gameboy out in the woods. At first there were just a few ants but two years later I dug it up and there was a whole fucking colony with eggs and shit lying around in the battery compartment.

Elevate it. The heat from the bottom of the PlayStation is heating the carpet, so the ants see there is a heat source and go towards it. Now that they have left their chemicals all over it, the best thing to do is trash it. Place a bowl with soapy water in the exact same location.

boiling water

I'm pretty sure it still works perfectly fine.

put it in soap water. that kills the ants

old picture

This thread will spawn the other pics with spiders, roaches and shit, wont it.


Put it in an airtight plastic bag, ants should die in about 10 days. After that you can open the case and properly clean it

Put it in one of these teleshopping vacuum bags. Ants need air too.

Wrap it up in a seal tight bag or something and put it in a freezer for a day. It will seriously fix that.

lick it clean

Compressed air can for a convenience factor.


Jesus. Wouldnt think itd happen so quick

It's Ant Madness! A race against time and toil to save the world, starring Eric Shultz.

How do I fix this?

i had roaches 2 apartments ago and am scared to open my chasis.

No fucking shit sherlock

Why did they make an Antz video game four years after that movie came out?

If you want faster results, buy an unopened bag of soil and place it outside (where neighbors can't see it). I lifted it up one day and ants started grabbing eggs, and carrying them off.

And LOTS of IT!

You need to go back to gaf before I beat the snot out of you.

But user, roaches are cute

>ant wanders around and acts like a silly jew, the game

Schafer missed an opportunity here




would pet with intense force

Trust me kid, you haven't seen me on my edgier days. I'm a GG vet and let me tell ya I got scars from the crap I've seen fighting the frontlines against the likes of you for our right to free speech. Don't mess with me I ain't in the mood, punk.

Duct tape.
Make a loop like a ring with the sticky side and press it against the surface to get rid of excess ants.

I know it's picture is old as fuck and OP isn't real, but this shit is how you get rid of ants without blowing them away


Neofag projecting and false flagging. How expected.

at least post the roach girl manga

>t. Roach

Whatchu mean by "cute," cracka?

that face in the middle slide is fucking priceless

Roaches are the one pest bug I don't hate.
>They don't spread diseases, or at least any I don't know of
>They don't fly at you
>They don't try to crawl inside you
>They don't try to get in your face and are skiddish like sheep
>They don't look like monsters like spiders, centipedes, mosquitoes, snails, slugs, worms and fly's do
>They're not poisonous
>They just wanna chill
>They look cute
>They care for their young

Roaches are friends with six legs

How mad can you possibly be?


>>They don't fly at you
nigga no

Throw it in the freezer, hope they die.

just buy a new one they're 20 bucks on amazon

Nigga, roaches spread crazy disease and smell like shit. They are one of the most commonly found insects medically removed from orifices. Also, they eat you if youre sleeping. Infants that can't defend themselves get fucked up by roach bites.

I've never seen one fly, at least not for long distances same with mantises

Got a story nignon?

Step 1: *Squat*
Step 3: hold it in and let them drown in your diarrhea

raoches can bite?

Yep, and the bites are particularly susceptible to infection.

>roaches don't fly
Haha no
These fuckers are always flying in front of my screen, into walls, into my fucking hair and its irritating as all hell

it's usually the females carrying eggs that suddenly fly around

Who's the most BRO bug?


Tiny jumping spiders if you mean survives indoors only. Otherwise, preying mantis.

>don't fly

>live in a place that stays 0 degrees C four months of the year
>almost never worry about bugs

It’s great lads. In the heat of the summer they start coming out, and then there’s maybe 2 months of them before they’re blasted back to hell. Fuck bugs.

the dead ones

Nice try, roach.

Okay point taken, they can fly

Butterflies and moths

They literally fly, they literally spread diseases, one literally tried to crawl up my feet a few months ago.

Fuck off.

>How do I fix this?


How do I fix this?

moths are annoying. they are like nigger butterflies

Did you clean your psx with coke or something?

you should compile in release mod to get rid of the debugger

I'm just a big bug guys don't worry about it.


>flying biting roaches
Fuck off roach niggers. I'm so glad I bought this shit, but I am scared shitless to open up my computer case.

Literally the only good answer in this thread. I'm from Buenos Ares and I say kill 'em all.

With a ton of sodium chloride, formicidae hate when you give them sodium chloride.


i have bed bugs in my house

it's a fucking pain

Spraying/pouring soap water on the fuckers gets them to suffocate to death. It kills them quicker than using bug spray. I wish the things would just collectively stop existing as a species, what the fuck do they contribute to this gay earth anyway?

Clean it, Clean it, clean it, clean it
>had bed bugs once
Fucking kill them all.

Debug it.

have you tried turning it off and on again

Look for a button on your camera that says "AF-ON" or something similar

Coat everything in your house with a dusting of diatomaceous earth. The instant a bug walks through the stuff, it is fated to die. The tiny, razor-sharp particles work their way inside the bug's body, slipping through the cracks in their carapaces, and once inside, it behaves life a desiccant, soaking up their vital liquids like a sponge. It's pretty fucking brutal.

>Make sure your bed is 100% clean and sealed up
>put legs of bed in paper bowls of baby oil
>Now they literally cant get to you

Of course id recommend a professional exterminator if possible

yeah that's what we're doing, ironing clothes all the time and vacuuming the place often. we also have some kind of steam blower that we use on the matress.
We recently bought some cimexa, i heard it worked pretty well. Heard about it ? Any good products to recommend ?

There should be more research done about these fuckers, if nothing's done they will be the end of humanity

Jesus I want to get an air conpressor and get them off of there so badly

What if you inhale it?

yeah we put this on the carpets. Heard there was some health hazard if you breathe it tho...

I heard they could ninja drop from the ceiling

Also my bed has no feet so i put double masking tape all around the frame...

Buy a new playstation


What is this? a jpg for ants?

I cleared my house by spraying rubbing alcohol everywhere, cooking them alive with a mini steamer, and vacuuming almost everyday for 3 weeks.

Yes they are

Diatomaceous Earth should be fine as long as youre not snorting it. It my experience its best for your sanity to kill the bedbugs asap

that's kind of our current strategy. Dunno if it's really working out for us or not, we're not being bitten very often but you never know with these motherfuckers, that's why they're such a pain.

Be careful not to light yourself a smoke in your place or something like that if everything's coated in rubbing alcohol, you could blow your place up

The dead ones