Now that piracy is dead on PC too; whats next for us?

Now that piracy is dead on PC too; whats next for us?

>some of us PCbros went buying nooses from hardware shops and helium tanks

Other urls found in this thread:

Why wasn't I invited to the funeral?

No cucks allowed

weird I just torrented some stuff.

I think it's funny you care

Why is it dead? Piratebay works fine on my machine.

>PCbros buying anything
They'd jump under a train just to avoid paying.

>Piracy dead

>piracy dead

>Now that piracy is dead on PC too
Is this another Denuvo shill thread?




Do you live in germanistan/ameristan OP?

someone pls post link to piratebay, ive lost it and google is tsundere

>public trackers

Just look for aproxy site you lazy nigger

Is Nioh fun? It looks like a chinese dark souls bootleg with PS3 graphics.

>Is Nioh fun?
Ye, but the port is kinda shiet.

its extremely similar to the onimusha series on ps2

This. You're itching for (((lawsuit))). VPN or bust.

I thought piratebay was a honeypot now

>paying to pirate
Time to move to a real 1st world country.

I don't pirate anything besides older games which are usually easy to find elsewhere anyway. Also nice falseflagging faggot.

but first world countries are the ones that actually try to fight piracy

Might as well just pay for rapidgator or something then, which incidentally is the only safe option here in the German Califat.

Piracy dying is the best thing to happen to vidya. Now underaged faggots have to actually be productive and buy games instead of pirating and ruiining the industry

>private trackers
are you retarded?

>piracy is dead cause a few sites went down
You realize theres like thousands of other sites

What if you live in a country with no software piracy laws?

Nice try fbi

>piracy is dead
They're saying it since the 80s and guess what it's not dead

What does that mean?

Then your internet is probably so slow that pirating isn't really an option.

I have an idea, how about you buy your games .

>The TPB team says the downtime is caused by a network issue. This should be cleared up soon.


Not him, but it essentially means that government officials lurk there all day to monitor anyone downloading stuff from there.

I get up to 3 mbs when acquiring my media

You're pathetic lol.

I was downloading porn from there a few minutes ago

>piracy is dead
uh ok

it is, I'm playing it right now and I'm having a blast.

I found that the start was A LOT harder than any souls I've played, but now that I got the hang of it its kinda easy, but still very fun.

I just know its a waste of money is all

>they don't know about rutracker
>they don't use magnet links

>Then your internet is probably so slow that pirating isn't really an option.
>99% of the market today runs through virtual platforms, even physical games are starting to ship half of their content through an extra download


>Now that piracy is dead on PC

>download everything from the pirate Bay
>Don't use VPN
>Never seed
>Been doing this for 6 years and never had a problem with my ISP ever


companies contracted by movie studios and stuff definitely watch every TPB torrent, but that's been the case for a long time due to its popularity. It doesnt really matter if you have a VPN.

Isn't it russian? Better to avoid.

explain this then

It's the common opinion of "hurr russian bitcoin miners", but it's actually premoderated, so risk is extremely minimal.
Copyright holders prune their stuff from there sometimes, though.

Me too.

Got a letter from a lawyer company about some porn movie i must have downloaded some time, but with the way the law works here, i basically just had to tell "wasn't me, and i don't want to help your investigation", and they had to drop it.

You bough a noose from a helium tank?

Same, I download all my movies from tpb and all my anime from nyaa or bakabt. No throttling or letters or anything.
Based FiOS

Did someone forget to tell you tpb changed back to .org from .se?

Yes, good goys, god forbid EA can't buy that private jet

Piracy thread?

>piracy is supposed to be dead on pc

>not paying
are you retarded?

>impliying ((freedom)) lawyers can get here
I could literally put a sign outside the house of my president saying "I pirate everything"
he would go out and put a "me too" sign

t. Americuck with 20kbps down and up

real piracy isn't ever going to go away

Why is piracy dying every month now?

I assume you too live in a country free of torrenting/software piracy laws, but what I wanna know is if I immigrate to America could I be retroactively charged with the crime?
Could I just delete my history and all torrented files?

don't go to antartida OP, you migh have a hearth attack off all the games you would get to play
no bullshit renting for steams or anything, just an installer and a crack, and it's yours forever
either a miracle happens and the industry goes back to physical media with no "register to this site" and i would reconsider buying games

No,consoles dying would be the best for vidya. Stay mad, peasant

Seed you fucking nigger

>PCbros buying anything
>for full price

>now that piracy is dead

man I love getting those emails

>user that game on your wishlist is 75% off

I just got Fallout 4 out of TPB.
Watchu talkin about OP?

why would you want to go to murica? never consider it so never looked into that shit
you're probably in one of their list anyways
just don't take anything pirated with you when going there and you should be fine I guess, buy a cheap shitty notebook that cmes wit an original OS or smething and go with that
and its great here, internet is decent, pot is banned and it mostly end in death sentence so crackheads don't live too long, streets are clean, but the goverment started to get into that reen bullshit recetly, so now you have bikers going like they own it, and women tried to jump on the feminism meme but got quickly shut down, and there is close to no welfare, just enough to have things working, so forget about being a need
you can't have loli tho, but you can marry 14 years old, weird shit

Where do you live?

fuck off we're full

>you're probably in one of their list anyways
I had a feeling, I was able to travel there a few times but I was always cautious not to bring my laptop or having anything I torrented on my phone
As for why, Education
Where do you live?

Just out of curiosity

Not even close

piracy dead hahahahaha....bruh...demonoid, nosteam, fitgirl repacks, piratebay, etc. tons of places to pirate from

>installing Shadow of War right now
>piracy is dead

>tfw I got in in one of the best porn private trackers, but all I jack off to is sadpanda
>tfw I can't get in in any vidya/movie/music private tracker

Do people really think that private tracker is another word for VPN? How retarded can you be?

singapore, mudslim part of it
>muh debt
HAHAHAHA NEVER EVER, but yeah education is kind of a problem here too, and the quality control on teachers is really bad, you either get a really good one or the shittiest one possible

You can only be caught if you're torrenting a file that someone on the copyright owners' payroll is monitoring, and if that person notes down your IP adress to denounce you. Technically it's still an offense to have the files on your hard drive, but unless you explicitely let a police officer look for them on it they'll never be aware of that

>private trackers
>have to constantly seed
>seeding is how you get caught
stay absolutely retarded

>piracy is dead
how is this news

How do people pirate games without worrying about getting viruses? It must be so easy for someone to put a virus or a bitcoin miner or something into a game.

>This. You're itching for (((lawsuit))). VPN or bust.
k y s

When it's an old torrent for an old game with lots of downloads and "thanks!" in the commentaries it's fine. Viruses are put in the files of new games and popular shit, so don't get those.

no. not if you check your sources, ive been pirating for years, only had my stuff hacked ONCE because i trusted some local piece of shit, in doubt dont dl it

that does happen but it is a very small price to pay, i can always remove stuff and wouldnt care too much about it


When you don't buy the game or pirate it, you had no interest in the game period or you're waiting for a sale.

Piracy shows desire for the game which the user has a choice to buy or pirate it which can lead to a lost potential sale.

I can still pirate stuff. How is Piracy dead?

>It must be so easy for someone to put a virus or a bitcoin miner or something into a game.
No respected group is going to lose their reputation by trying to sneak a miner into their crack. It takes only a single autists finding something (and they are looking) to ruin your entire name.

Never touch a 0-day. (New release titles are the most monitored by the studios, plus everything is buggy as shit for the first month anyway.) Don't download the Uncle Stucky repack and you're fine.

Honestly, i never caught a virus pirating anything on pirate bay or kat.
If the torrent has multiple seeds and comments, its clean. Honor among thieves or something, its actually very clear. I honestly trust random people on internet more than i trust google or facebook selling all my info