Video game related filename thread

video game related filename thread

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5'11 vs 6'

uuuuh, sticcerrrr



which ring



Covenant of Artorius, perhaps?



i can't even see it

there's a cat in the pic

top of middle wood stack



>Mouse sensitivity.webm

It would help if it wasn't a picture for ants.

All I see is a tree. What's so special abou-






I fucking hate this site

>implying /vg/ actually likes their own games
Just check destiny general



Woah, hey guys

What hentai?

This is perfect.

Sauce me please


>neurons from a rat's brain
>not rat's brain


I concur, what is this?


Bubblegum Crisis.

Nene is mai waifu, best bubblegum.









Holy shit that's rad.

but can you eat it?


Anything's food if you're hungry enough

This is amazing

Considering its nothing but sugar and chocolate, definitely.

Probably would taste as good as it looks though. I dont think rock candy and chocolate go that well together.


>That slide action
My brain is full of fuck. It didsnt make sense dimensionally, let alone /k/ wise.



This, I got so morbid curious excited just for a nothing burger. The brain tapped cat seeing people as cats is cooler. Platonism and doors of perception, and all that.






>je suis monté


Opossums are so fucking adorable

You know the rules

That's not a filename gag. The filename is a literal description of the image.



Need a filename.


Where do you find that many black amputees willing to crawl around naked on film

They are real slaves

I dont have to listen to you buddy
but i know the fucking rules

God damnit. Do I have a fan fetish now? Is that even possible?
Just everything about this webm is patrician.

It's amazing isn't?

>real slaves
>in 1971

They're pretty cute

>You feel a tiny prick

Get in here people.

You're pretty cool user


>being this retarded
And don't even try to claim you were only pretending to be retarded



Just started

Nobody wants to watch that shit for the 18th time, it's just a meme saying to stream it.

Not him but some countries only abolished slavery in the 1970s. They could have been ex-slaves or whatever.


already 8 viewers

Fuck you faggot


>A loss of board quality.png

There's a world outside the anglosphere, user.

Thank you.

Okay, why the fuck is Lupin with the DC cast? Was there a time when DC owned the US distribution rights of Lupin III?

>he thinks human slave history ended in 19th century america
Are you always this retarded or are you just going through a phaze?

Is this a jojo reference?

No, it's loss