Would you join team rocket?

Would you join team rocket?

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I would launch my rocket

I'm blasting off again!!

Absolutely not

Maybe to follow lusamine




I want this shit to fuck off and die
>Oh my God I make asinine videos or shit drawn porn art PAY ME MONEY MONEY MONEY FOR MY HOBBYYYYY

to be fair we all would do this if we had the skill

you are so fucking cringy Sup Forumsirgins

may I recommend you another videogame forum

>completely optional
>good artist release content after a week or later during the month anyway

The reality is, as people demand more of your content between commissions and request it requires more of your time which you should want to get paid for.

Pateron is great for the smaller artist that isn't pulling $3k per commission or $14k on a single ych a week like popular artist.

As a kid I had my first boner to Jessie.

>Stop making money doing something you like! REEEEEEEEEEEEE

I would join whatever has cute girls

Fuck this faggot meme """"""artist""""


Team Skull is more my flavor.

i would have a FUCK on that big pussy

Complaining about porn behind a paywall is like complaining about canned air, there's more everywhere ese.

Unless, you somehow feel entitled to it

Depends your right about general vanilla stuff, but when everyone in the fetish your interested does nothing but paywall everything then you got room to complain about.

remember when Diives made quality gifs and not porn

Original and Johto yes, the current one no.

yes, because their outfits are cool and i want to be Jessie's footslave

i see him everywhere i go now, and to be honest it isn't particularly arousing for some reason i can't put my finger on. good for him for making it big, though

maybe if his shit was more than like, 5 frames it would be better

Minus8 > Diives >>> Sunibee >>>>>> Shadfag >>>>>>>>> Lego'cantfinishadrawing'man

my nigger

No you don't

>Korean virgin minus8 who has mental breakdowns 24/7 and constantly removes his own stuff because he doesn't get enough attention

>Chad Shädman who tosses out high-quality images left and right just about every second.


I would put Boogie somewhere behind -8
He's a bit of a niche but is a great guy who puts out quality stuff

>Pedo 8 above sunibee
>diives that high

neck yourself faggot

>gib money
>more porn exists

failing to the see problem there champ. This dude could be making shit tons of porn for himself and never posting it and you'd never even know. Instead this dude tries to make some change so he can spend more time making porn and less at his shitty job probably as a shelf stacker in some supermarket. What is wrong with you, do you hate porn? Is that it? Or are you just triggered by the watermark that means someone else is trying to make money in a way you can't?

Lighten up dude, you don't gotta pay, people will rip all their shit and post it online anyway.

>Someone who is literally in fear of his country but still tries and has put out a ton of memorable flashes
>Someone who is actually a criminal who just goes with whats popular or with get a lot of people frustrated and has only put out one flash

Most patreon artist just make the tease for their shit animations then charge people to see it early before they "release" the actual porn weeks or months later unless someone leaks them.

>liking Sunibee

Do Jesse and James still have anything to do with it?

Its funny because back in my day no one actually used those porn pay sites in the early 2000s. We all just went to the free shit. I even remember some sites were when they were the first "free" sites, they'd only have trailers for arbitrary reasons. Good times.
Now, people will pay for porn again if it panders to them directly. How funny.


I would cum on her boot if she kept that up.

holy shit

>high-quality images

>waaaah!!!!! why isn't it freeeeeee????????????????

>lmao oof!!
its the same song and dance.
Anything new?

>maybe if his shit was more than like, 5 frames it would be better
This is honestly what it is. It's only like "enough" frames to look animated, so it wets all his cocksuckers. I've seen so many better animators get overlooked, it's common practice amongst artists now sadly.

Another patethic attemp from dives to adverstise his shitty patreon here? Shocker!


Does ZONE still make flashes?

what in the name of fuck

is this the image you're referencing?

He also stopped doing guro.

You gotta pay for good shit. It doesn't come free you fucking commie.

>screams in edge
>guy dabbing when shot

>coloring is flatter than his feet
>has drawn porn of his mother
not bad

yeah but they are fucking 20 minutes which is way to long with your premature ejuculation, david

Just use Yiff Party you incompetent retards

Is Shad the physical manifestation of 9gag

thats not very nice to say, david

>has drawn porn of his mother
why and where

check his newgrounds.
He did it for mothers day twice i believe.
showed it to her too

I'd exploit the shit out of my drawling if I could draw.

Still nothing better than that Wakfu flash.

Problem is, that guy can't draw, he just take porn gif/scenes, draws over them and call it a day.

>ERROR — Submission not found. It may have been deleted.


only picture i could find in short order since it seems like the Newgrounds drawing was deleted, either that or im an idiot who can't find it

keep going user-san

Doesn't even work anymore since most artists are on cash up front mode, so someone's gotta pay.

>showed it to her too

Do these people actually make good bucks ?

I'm a decent drawer but i assumed i could never make money with this.

Doesn't change the fact I wouldn't exploit it.

So why do people hate Shadman again? Seems like his content fits in with how edgy Sup Forums is.

How often does Shadman creampie Chel?

hi shad, now this is embarrassing

We can all agree that Zone is, in actuality, better than everyone else? It's an unfair competition to even put her with other names, but it goes without saying, right?

>the green weed shirt kid
goddamn it

Shortstack king coming through.


But you can do it right now, bad re-drawing over other images/porn gifs isn't hard, you just probably dont care.

Only 1 good video and sorta overrated.

holy fuck thanks user

Unironically one of the best porn artists around.

No because the organization is full of fucking idiots who have no idea what they are doing and they choose the worst pokemon ever as their poster childs to be quite honest.

Terrible, laughable, and embarrassing antagonist organization. Nothing would ever get done.

They steal like 2 pokemon and that's it they are done for the year, who the fuck cares?


Boogie is pretty good but goddamn some of his Sketches Could go above godtier if he finished them and didnt draw so much Vore.

Depends, is the rest of the pokemon world still as retarded as it normally is? If so, I'd probably just grab a crowbar and start bashing kneecaps until I took it over entirely.

the most BASED artist, too bad he spend alot of time on that ghostbusters thing and that she probably ruined the chance for the modifyers to get picked up by a network.

BigDead requiemdusk JLullaby notsafeforfruit norasuko bizounette noill hua firolian randomboobguy bard-bot derpixon


>you will never be this alpha

S-saved. Might fap to this.


>looking at western artists


Its' an orginization that successfully runs off of morons and netting a total of two pokemon a year to be used for undisclosed means, it's a ponzi-scheme and I bet all it's members pay dues to Giovanni.

Would it be gay to fall in love with a convincing trap who lost the entire lower half of their body in the war?

A man of exquisite taste.

hi zone, now pls fuck off

he was good before his obsession with prolapsed assholes and subhuman futashit

>tfw -8 thread ruined by -8 of all people
Does this happen often?