It's Ann's birthday in Japan! Say something nice about her

It's Ann's birthday in Japan! Say something nice about her.

Ann a CUTE

When's Kamoshida coming over?

I love cucking Morgana

I would impregnate her countless times until her ovaries are empty and she can't become pregnant anymore, then I would continue to fuck her until her blood becomes 90% cum.


almost forgot, happy birthday btw.



I love Ann!

>blue eyes

Ann is a symbol of the alt-right.

>wishing characters that are not even real happy birthday

Why do people bother doing this? Its the height of delusion

I really liked her. I just love pic related a little more.

She is perfect. The most kind, caring sweet girl there is.

I like 11th November now, wtf.

Ann is fat! FAT!

Too bad there is no birthday celebration in Persona games tho






Why did Morgana love her so much? He never shown any interest in other waifus.

Why aren't you pieces of shit saying nice things about my wife?

You. You're alright.

Why doesn't she wear more pretty dresses in the game :$

I don't care, wake me up when it is Futaba's ot Haru's

I don't know I'd like to see her in pretty dresses too.

Haru's is the end of this month or beginning of next month I think. Still you should say nice things about Ann.

she is very cute

Happy 18th birthday Ann.

Best phantom thief girl by far

i-it's my birthday today

How lucky

Happy birthday user!

I wanted to share a birthday with Ann since I'm a Scorpio as well but unfortunately that was a couple weeks ago.

Happy birthday though.

are you a girl tho