post you're toons
Post you're toons
Other urls found in this thread:
what gaym
> low resolution belly button
what a waste
I'm too lazy to load up pso2
also this
Damn that looks cool, what game is that?
Is this Paragon?
Not sure but could be Skyforge.
Game sucks btw.
What game is that, cause I'm looking for a new mmo.
Tera was good but too many lolis.
thats not how boobs work. even fake ones.
Definitely skyforge. It is a very shitty pso2 clone that does everything wrong.
Those aren't boobs, they're air bladders.
My penis is largely indifferent to physics.
Yeah I dont think arms are supposed to glow either but then again it is a VIDEOGAME.
he boobs are not tear drops of half spheres. they look like PVC tubes with caps coming out of her chest
i would accept this as a valid answer
I didn't choose the monk life, the monk life chose me.
I was about to get mad, but the "you're" went too far. The point of a good troll is subtly; you want your victims to believe you genuinely hold the shit you're saying.
is this female(male) ?
>this suffices for maximumbait on new/v/
where did using the word "toon" in the context of video games even originate from, anyways?
Other way
World of Warcraft and the influx of casual players who never played video games before.
A good chunk of WoW's userbase exclusively played WoW and the normies devised their own lingo outside of the standard avi/char/chara/etc.
Normies see them as cartoon characters so they call them "toons" for their ignorant convenience.
Disney's Toon Town also specifically refers to the characters as toons, but that meme shit was unrelated.
WoW, was so successful that there's enough people who played wow and had no prior video game knowledge, so they made shit up for things that already had accepted terms.
Like how in previous multiplayer games, including those on Blizard's own service, playing with random people from the internet was a "Pub" (short of public) and then WoW players changed this and called it a "Pug" (acronym of Pick Up Group)
>I always thought pub was in reference to literal pubs, a gathering place for adventurers
>post you are toons
neogaf is back up, gtfo
wew you are almost fittin in
I'd put a couple of babies in her.
But you're the only NeoGAFer here, you fucking Hillary supporting faggot. And you'll never understand why you're so fucking obvious.
Get in line
Game ?
what game
looks like the sims to me
I fucking hate you stupid fucking NeoGAFers so fucking much
Really dude?
there is no need to be so damn impatient with me ok
Totally not sims 4
>Be patient. I'm special.
can i get it on steam and does it require any dlc
Just pirate it, jesus.
There's no need to be patient with you.
Imagine the worst on both your questions and you have your answare
okay mister criminal do you also smoke the dank weed
my what?
is she blind or are those just low textures?
Are we supposed to get triggered ironically now
What kusoge is that?
And why does she have tiddies if she doesn't have nipples?
Champions Online
It's pretty dead game tho, the customization for it was fun as hell but if you wanted to actually look cool or play fun classes, you had to use money on it
Please go on.
I still hope valiance online will bring back super heroes mmo into the light.
I think it's just a far away angle sweetfx kinda fixed that
Why what for user
>Why what for user
Because I just found out what I'll be fapping to today.
Lewd! Sucks most of my pics are nsfw
okay but obligatory
stopped reading there.
I really want those.
/aco/ thread when?
I only have Sims 3
>Shitty thread with no content but image posting
Ya got me. I'm a sucker for bait.
get some prayer you nigger
shit server shit character shit gear
end my life
woah void elves look like this?
Sure lol
I'll make a thread on aco
Cute Warlock
that works too
Actually I'll post them on my Flickr I don't wanna deal with captcha
are you girl(male) ?
What a coincidence, I remember fapping to you in Tera.
People used it in EQ too.
>ree WoW ruined videogames reee
grow up
skyrim ultimate modern life edition upgrade for 8.99 adds swimming pools and toddlers also give a fifteenth gender option
I be uploading some Leeds but you need an account with mature filter enabled to see them
Wait what who ru
Just a nobody.
i was about to ask you to be my gf but now i see that you are into old black baboons so nevermind
>old man
I hate this. Why not /ss/ or lesbianism or a dog for a change? Anything but old men and fat guys. Why do the Japs like this shit so much?
How is GW2? Is it worth playing right now? I've never really played, besides getting to level 10 on launch.
I'm just looking to get away from bdo.
Hey this oldman made her rich and dogs ain't on s4 just yet and she has done some lesb stuff and no ss mods yet ( had to grow up her son so she could fuck him pic related)
found the nu-fag
Hey it's either play on shitty official servers, a FotM classic scam server or NovaRO. It's all shit.
Any good MMO type games I could play? Used to play XIV but I don't have enough time to justify the sub fee. It has to have waifus and good gameplay.
>elaborate costumes/armors that shamelessly have boobs exposed
only reason why I'm playing on novaRO is because of the joke tier security they have
also RMT
It's mostly the same shit really but with worse core progression and a lot of new story content/collections etc. I only play it when there's a new living story chapter or an expansion, or an event like sab or mad king.
I'd lie if i said it was bad, but i'm still salty over the whole manifesto and gw1 thing, so there.
Core is free, so just give it a try.
Is this a toon?