Finally SEGA is making a REAL video game! Mario stands no chance this time!

Finally SEGA is making a REAL video game! Mario stands no chance this time!

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This is the reason Jim Sterling enjoyed Sonic Forces

This is why nobody respect this franchise

Hes a fucking faggot. Thats also why.
>This is why nobody respect this franchise
Only children take social media seriously.

Sonic was never good, but at least the Twitter account is.

I want to give whoever OK'd the Classic Sonic songs a pat in the back with a spiky chair.
The death egg song made it so hard to go through the level.

Forces is a good game, but will be hated because it's not 2D.

>but will be hated because it's not 2D
The game is 80% 2D, you dope.

Ghost Town is alright albeit completely out of place.

You can't pretend to be this hip and self-aware when your mainline game just shit the bed on every fucking system.

What kinda person would write this song?

>lol forces is a piece of shit but it has no lootboxes! you better buy it!

Fucking pathetic

I mean it's not like he can talk about the actual game so I can at least praise him for trying his best with what's he given.

its the definition of an average game tho, not many gamebreaking bugs, meh story,meh gameplay
its not insultingly bad, neither a masterpiece, its just mediocre

>meh story
The story is completely awful. Not much of a surprise, but still.

that... wasnt the point at all

Poor Aaron
I hope we get a Mania 2 soon so he'll be able to talk about the game itself until Sonic Team shits the bed again.

>the state of Aaron
Poor dude, he was doing fine with mania and the lull between lost worlds and forces, imagine having to shill the game hard even though it's mediocre.
Maybe he can roll with the infinite shit or OCs.

It's fucknuts like you that help keep Sonic in the dumpster. No matter how painfully crap their games are, you'll fucking buy and defend them. Sonic's fanbase is pure cancer.
>not many gamebreaking bugs, meh story,meh gameplay
And here we go again. Defending a Sonic game merely because it isn't completely terrible .. by Sonic standards.

Yes it is
The only way to put forces in a good light is to say it has no lootboxes

>saying it isn't the worst thing ever is "defending"

I don’t really get how they think posting unfunny ironic jokes on Twitter is supposed to cover up their painfully average, boring game.

>i-it was only a couple of gamebreaking bugs!
>the physics aren't that lousy, come on!
>:insert those webm's showing how broken they are:
>that doesn't count!

its like a cartoon that tries to be edgy, the characterization is nice on sonic, the power of frienship stuff works, even if its stupid, infinite is cool but his backstory is lame
to be awful it would have to be way more serious, have time travel fuckery, and have sonic kiss a human girl

>When your game is so shit all you can do is take the piss out of the current toxic game industry meme

What else can you do though?
Comics aren't starting up until next year. Maybe you can meme the plot.
What happened to all the sonic spin offs?

>like every 3D iteration, Forces is crap
>Mania is the best game of 2017
I'm not even mad, since the first trailer I knew it would be a trainwreck. Only DA literal autismos and furfags are mad about this turd

dumb animeposter
noone is defending it, but its just a fact that the game is by all intent and purposes, mediocre, sitting at a 60% in metacritic, thats 1 point above 5, the middle score, the mediocre score


He needs to stop.

2.5D =/= 2D.

Of course, I love the series and I'll always buy them.

And again, Forces is a good game.

have they ever made "sonic style" horses?

The Forces level takes design inspirations from Sonic & Knuckles Death Egg. Literally a trance remix of that song would've been better than what it has.

>And again, Forces is a good game.
Keep dreaming bud.

sonic is the worst though, his one-liners and try at banter are completely insufferable

>What happened to all the sonic spin offs?

People have speculated that Sega cut the Sonic budget tremendously after RoL fell flat on its face. It would explain why Forces feels so slapdash and low budget.

>inplying you even want Sonic to be good

You’re just part of the faggot rabble who keks at provoking Sonic fans.

i enjoyed them in an ironic sort of way, but i respect your opinion

Don't mind me, ACTUALLY saving that franchise.
