Now that the dust has settled, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
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You love the game and you want to fuck the loli
loli cunny
I'm tired of seeing threads about this shit game every day on Sup Forums. The main character should be an adult man. Fuck the developer. Holy shite this game couldn't have a stupider concept, all it did was rip off Sunshine as well but of course no one credits Sunshine where credit is due right!?
You hated it
Absolutely nobody would care if the main character wasn't a loli. Even now, I bet at least half of the "fan base" consists of ironic pedofags.
Better than it had any right to be being a crowdfunded project hyped up by nostalgia.
Some glitches here and there in the platforming, and the ending was a bit abrupt, but still a charming and fun experience.
I was having a blast, then I got to the part where the purple flowers infest Alpine Skyline and lost interest. Is there any point to continuing or am I pretty much at the end anyway.
Where the fuck is muh ps4 version
Tell me if this isn't one of the most banging vidya osts in a while
you should be able to access the end if you have at least 25 time pieces, so you can just finish it now
Exactly this.
8.5/10 from me. It was excellent.
That's the worst level. Just muscle through it. The 100% is somewhat tedious, but fast enough that you may as well do it.
Train Rush is my jam.
pretty damn good
It was a nice game, it's a shame they didn't make enough money to make a sequel.
Alpine Skyline might be my favorite level honestly.
Not so much the part where you need to immediately backtrack to find all the purple flowers after finishing, but all the initial tower climbs. The giant windmill and twilight peak were probably my favorite platforming sections in the game.
They can alaways crowdfunding it again in the Obsidian fashion.
5 cute facts about Hat Girl:
- She's a girl!
- She wears a hat!
- I love her!!!!!
- Hat girl!!!!!!!!!!
It kind of depresses me that Yooka Laylee's middling reviews are still getting more hype and attention than Hat in Time's positive reception.
how many times is the dust settled for this shit, shilled game?
It's not a secret that the same few people keep pretending that there's any discussion about this game.
never played it
6.5 to 7/10. Disappointingly short and easy.
Garbage tier art style.
This is more shilled than asscreed origins and cowadoodu ww2 combined
This. I'm surprised more people weren't disappointed by how short the game was, it's pretty clear that the last two chapters were really rushed, to the point where the finale feels like a beta version, middling difficulty platforming, missing voice acting and the worst boss fight in the entire game.
Waiting for lots of level mods and a nude mod.
They already fixed the issue of custom assets making a mod crash the game, so we're off to a good start.
Even though mustache girl was shown off from nearly the very beginning, it's clear she was forced into the game and her storyline rushed. She shows up for two chapters at the beginning, a single one where she steals some hour glasses, and then shows up at the end as some super evil villain. And that retarded ending of them sacrificing themselves, which had zero buildup in any way.
Yooka Laylee spent most of its money on marketing and hype. I'm pretty sure the Hat In Time developer seen the viral marketing here and figured that he could just receive the same results for free.
It's okay and should be enjoyed on its own merits.
>spent most of its money on marketing and hype
Citation. There was very little advertising outside of their own youtube videos and kickstarter updates.
I thought it was mainly people hyping up the return of Banjo Kazooie and shrieking about Jontron's inclusion/exclusion.
that's 4
Anyone giving this game more than 7.5/10 is a LITERAL pedo or closet pedo in denial.
There is not one exception.
The game is ugly as shit. Fails in every category visually
mustache girl apparently originally had a much more prominent role in the game but for some reason they took most of it out.
I really enjoyed it a lot.
Had some framerate issues on PC though, and on my rig that shouldn't happen.
It was also too short. Think I beat the entire thing in about 8-10 hours.
At least it didn't wait out it's welcome.
what have you done
>incoming "t-t-this is a falseflagger, AHIT fans aren't really like this" post in 3.... 2..... 1....
I'm proud of who I am
Fun game loved it, only major complaints were the length and there being way too much fucking yarn that served no purpose after you got all the hats.
I thought we weren't supposed to lewd the hat loli.
Perverts are perverts no matter what they play.
It took me a while, but I think I'm finally okay with being a lolicon.
too short and shit final level/10
Is that what they taught you on reddit?
we lewd everything, this is Sup Forums
We're not.
You're not supposed to lewd Yotsuba, and that's it. Even other Yotsuba&! characters are okay. Miura is fucking hot.
kickstarted it, dropped it. they really dont make enough use of their worlds, and all the ones after the first are much more linear and booooring.
The game was probably rushed to release, as I recall seeing in beta videos some other stuff that seemed to be prominent but was cut. Riding on the rocket for a race, using the umbrella to float down manually. I suspect that they realized they couldn't "delay" the game any longer and decided that this would be the final content.
meh game but great shadman material
I liked it. Waiting for more custom levels.
oh boy now you've done it
I honestly don't get it.
It just looks like an inferior Odyssey.
Is this the power of a loli?
Good music, good characters, good levels. One of the biggest surprises of the year.
Isn't Odyssey switch only?
>Is this the power of a loli?
Yes, never underestimate it again looser
Game is an honest, and super strong 7/10 and an absolute triumph for the small dev team.
It's everything Yooka Laylee should have been and I hope everyone at Playtonic is ashamed as fuck.
it's more fun than Odyssey to be frank, since it handles momentum much better.
When is A Hat in Time 2: Hat Harder?
I disagree, and so do most people. Being able to turn on a dime doesn't mean better momentum physics.
Your degenerate sexual fantasies are blinding you.
>and so do most lemmings
A thousands of flies cant be wrong.
The Hattening.
>Your degenerate sexual fantasies are blinding you.
How do you people end up on Sup Forums?
The irony of calling someone a lemming when you yourself are doing the same thing.
Yeah, I didn't have high expectations but it's probably in my top five this year.
>when you yourself are doing the same thing.
Anybody have a wallpaper of the Parade loading screen? I really want it but can't find it. I'd love it in 1080p or higher resolution than that but at the same aspect ratio.
All I have.
looks most adorable in this pic desu
What if Hat Kid is actually an adult on her home planet?
then i'd be able to fap to her with piece of mind
Where’s the fucking port
>don't lewd yotsuba
literally redddit mentality
if she's hot she's hot the fact that she's the Sup Forums mascot makes it even more appealing
Pedo Bait: The Game
Why do I come here?
Even as a degenerate loliposter I believe in upholding the yotsuba truce
My favourite AHiT meme is people acting high and mighty on fucking Sup Forums of all places
Like man you're getting no good karma for "fighting the good fight", it's a fucking anonymous nigerian crop farming board for fuck's sake
>high and mighty
Are you talking about the anti-loli posters? Much of that seems to be reaction to the circle jerking that goes on in these threads
Here you go
Its the best suit
I just want to talk about a damn video game.
If you want to fap take it to /trash/
I-is she wearing makeup?
It was good until the sills and falseflag faggots started shitposting everywhere
yes but just blush
Tell me how you personally differentiate between shills and falseflagging.
Who on a movie set isn't?
Is this a mod for Mario Odyssey?