I've never played this type of game before, which one should i get?

i've never played this type of game before, which one should i get?

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They're not as similar as they might look, but Bloodborne is the better gmae.

Bloodborne with DLC is easily the better game.

Bloodborne, because it hasn't been tainted by association with PC and never will be, it will always remain pure and unsullied.

bloodborne punishes you for losing. you waste bullets and health potions? have fun grinding for an hour to get enough to fight a boss again

In this case, I'd go with the one whose aesthetic you like better. Personally I hate victorian-era stuff and that really hampered my enjoyment of Bloodborne. Also the combat is inferior, but that's just my opinion.

Bloodborne is a genuine masterpiece

So does Nioh?

But wait until it comes to PC with the complete version.

They're both garbage

you face more than 5 enemy types in bloodborne.

Nioh is the better game.

No, you always get 4+ however much your kodama bonus is. Bloodborne will only replensih from your stock, if you have none stored, you get nothing

In your dreams

Get Dark Souls 3.

Everyone is saying Bloodborne's DLC is so great but I just don't see why. The bosses are tougher and have some interesting callbacks to the lore I suppose, but other than that it doesn't have much.

The main campaign is better but if you want a harder challenge and dont care for the chalice dungeons then the DLC serves that purpose.


sony players were starved for games


Bloodborne has fantastic world to explore and varied enemies to fight.
Nioh has a deep and engaging combat system and mechanics.
Both are very enjoyable, no real need to pick one or the other honestly.

Bloodborne is straight up better. Nioh is a failed Souls clone. Only good thing about it is the setting.

This. I liked Niho, but now that it tuned out to be a cheap whore that cheated on me I won't touch it ever again.

Man, Steve was such a bro.

I have not ever until this moment told someone to git gud, but git gud, guy. I had the bloodvile issue my first time playing bloodborne until I adjust from the shield play of dark souls. Took a few hours until I adapted and bloodviles were never an issue again. I'm not even great at the games, but playing bloodborne made me get better at actually dodging instead of tanking hits hidden behind a shield. After bloodborne, I immediately went back to all the souls games to do no shield runs, and had no issues. You really just need to git gud.

Man, that kid's so fucking ugly.

You are comparing the best game ever made """arguably""" to a generic samurai game.

Bloodborne no question

kys faggot.

Is Nioh worth full price?

Nioh is a good, enjoyable game, but Bloodborne is definitely on another level.

NIoh don't waste money on a ps4.

Did you spend 3 hours in photoshop to make that image for this question? Just look at gameplay videos on Youtube.

You nees to suck hard if you ever nees to grind in bloodborne.

Here's a tip, when you go to level up, how about you stack up on blood vial with the remaining echoes? You fucking casul.

If you dont have 600 vials in your storage by the time you reach the dlc area, you better go play minecraft.

Bloodbrne is A LOT better

I thought Bloodborne had the most enjoyable DLC I've experience in quite some time. The level design/atmosphere, the bosses, new weapons, and new enemies were all great. It was also a pretty substantial expansion at about 10+ hours as opposed to a lot of DLC which just has like an hour or two of content. I think the DLC for Bloodborne is some of the best content in the game overall.

Depends on what is worth it to you. Nioh has a really enjoyable combat system and the bosses are great on the whole, although some of the enemies felt quite repetitive to me after a while (and I'm not the only one with this complaint). Still, lots of people spend hundreds of hours on Nioh, and I spent probably 40-50 hours on it. In terms of amount of content or hours of play, Nioh has much more than the typical game.

Bloodborne is a better experience Nioh is a better game.

If you're not interested in mastering a pretty deep combat system and farming garbage for hours then go with Bloodborne.

You can get BB pretty cheap by now, too, so that's another factor to take into consideration. I think it's a safer bet, honestly.

One is among the greatest video games ever created, the other is painfully mediocre in every way

Bloodborne saved video games for me.

You can take that as shilling if you'd like to be cynical but it's honestly the best thing I've eve played.

Bloodborne is a far better game besides the fact it's on ps4 and you have to deal with sub-30fps.

Nioh is just really repititive. You keep playing hoping that maybe the next level will introduce something new and interesting but usually it's just a bland recolour of an earlier enemy. Its still probably the better option of you don't own a ps4 though, if you must get one.

and if bloodborne would do the same with PC, you'd say the same thing. Even though that'll never happen

Play Nioh, BB is shilled heavily here as its the only semi-passable game on the PS4.

Couldn't play it for like 10min, the game sucks ass.

And I've finished every Souls game there is, even LoTF is better than BB.

So you played it for 10 minutes and decided the whole 40-50 hour main game and 10 hours of DLC sucked ass?

The Research Hall is the 2nd best level in all of Soulsborne, losing only to Tower of Latria.

the game is shit, what can I say.

Bloodborne is arguably the better game, but I ultimately had more fun with Nioh.