>pay $40-$60 for a game
>can't even play the character you want
you can't make this shit up

is this ranked or some shit? don't even know how overwhored works, only following yesterday drama

What drama?

nu-Blizzard everyone
Jesus Fucking Christ soon you won't be even allowed to lose and you will be banned because you went into non-meta direction on the map.

ded game

probably the fanboy of some streamer got banned for using a character that is shit in the game and he didn't want to change it, a ban for that still sounds bullshit but I would believe it from blizz

>Ruin 1000 games by playing shit niche hero
>get only 24Hour suspension
>REEEE discriminating hero choice

Sounds like typical nigger talk

>probably the fanboy of some streamer got banned
fuck, I mean
>probably the fanboy of some streamer posted here about how the streamer got banned

Blizzard officially joining the Riot club of "play the meta or get banned". Of course, you deserve it for paying for always-online rubbish.

yeah based blizzard amirite? they;re so kool!!!


millennial shit happening there

yes, you should be forced to play meta instead of playing something you enjoy

You just know a game is dying once they start doing this kind of stuff.

it was a 24 hour ban, not a permaban. At least read the OP image before spouting of your retardation

>poorly balance a game where only 6 heroes are picked
>wahh play those 6 or don't play at all.

>this is the future of videogames
>this is the future YOU CHOSE

ignore this post wrong thread, sorry

yeah that's how tribes died.

The real problem is that they're just blanket banning people for this specific problem. Sure, it's a problem, but they're not treating it on a case by case issue.
Sure, people that ONLY play Hanzo and drag a lot of people down for it deserve to be taught a lesson, but this particular streamer was playing nothing but Torb(A turret building character), and hit top 500.

His stats are fucking good, he didn't drag anyone down and it clearly worked for him.

Also, it's only a 24 hour ranked ban from what I hear.

More like taking it. Overwatch has been incredibly positive for League, it's hilarious. Soaking up all the ME UNGA TEAM BUNGA shitters because the design of the game makes losses actually more the fault of the team than yours, pulling all these SJW situations repeatedly, and now even taking that spot of literally banning for off meta like Riot used to do; I am all for this, let them keep messing up. LoL killer gaise!

Everybody's going on about "muh meta", but overwatch was designed from the ground up with the core concept being healer/tank/dps trinity. That isn't "meta game" wanting people to do that trinity. It's just "game". It's literally what the game is. It's not meta at all.

Calling that meta-game would be the equivalent of saying that your team mates asking you to capture a control point is metagaming. "but I just want to hang out in spawn and punch the basketball around! stop telling me to do the meta of capturing control points!"

I don't see how this is a problem at all, can anyone explain it to me? This is for competitive play, the whole point of competitive play is for people who want to try take the game seriously and actually play for the purpose of winning, so of course someone in competitive ignoring his whole team and playing a shit character, off doing his own thing is a bad thing. Quick play is right there for people who just want to play as anyone they want and not have to communicate and coordinate with other people. Quick play is to jump in and just do whatever you want, whether it's because you're a garbage player or because you realize and understand a game like overwatch is too shitty to ever be taken seriously, point is it's there and it's the main game mode.

So what's the problem with people getting punished for fucking around in competitive exactly?

>Design heroes around a concept
>Design heroes outside that concept
>Punish players for making use of the second category
Thinking is right.

He wasn't fucking around though. Dude hit top 500.

>competitive games
>games with a massive competitive element

It's well established at this point that ranking in overwatch is a grind system, not a skill based system.

so the dude was basically team killing
since when did you ever not get banned for that in any game ever.

I'm sorry that people spent money on a company full of fascist nazis that try to dictate what you can do with the shit you bought.

>I don't know what I'm talking: The Post
But let's go over your post for a bit
>it's not about specific characters who are part of the meta is about roles
Absolutely incorrect but if it was true it would be much easier to enforce max number per role on competitive, fuck even have the team vote and pick the number of healers, tank, dps they want at the start.

if you don't know what you're talking about don't post

The only problem with it is that people report you the moment they don`t agree with your pick.
Even if you managed to reach top 500 with playing that hero.


You shouldn't punish players for attempting offbeat strategies you retard. He wasn't inting he was playing the fucking game.

Torbjorn fits perfectly fine as a DPS for defensive situations. Any situation that isn't defensive he's dead weight, and any situation where you're missing a healer or tank he's dead weight.

Of course, if you're playing in bronze with actual retards you could solo a game using melee only as tracer, but if you're playing people who aren't shit, picking torb on anything other than defend is just trolling your own team . desu I think they should just make it impossible to select torb on offense and also make it impossible to have more than 1 sniper on your team, to prevent shit picks

>in order to be competitive you have to play what your pre made team wants or get a 24h ban

According to your logic you must think it's acceptable that people can hack in multiplayer games because they bought the game and so they can do whatever they like?

>being so shit at balance you ban anyone for playing the unbalanced characters instead of just fixing them

You deserve worse for playing Overtrash.

>picking outside of the meta = hacking
just throw in a fruit analogy and your 10/10 bait material

No, hacking =! playing a video game normally. Stop supporting fascist game developers like Blizzard that literally ban you for playing their game normally.

This is part of the reason I don't play multiplayer games much.

The game does try to tell you how to balance your teams, and most people actually try to make a balanced team. Only like 1/10 people are fucknuggets that will pick two defense characters on offense or 3 snipers

literally pandering to league players and they aren't even hiding it, blizzard now takes all its ques from riot, how absolutely fucking pathetic

I wasn't comparing the two at all, obviously it's vastly different, i was just pointing out your logic makes no sense because it can be applied to a multitude of things and was giving an example of one. I made a point and i backed it up with an example. Now you do the same.

People should be able to hack on servers created for it.

>yes, you should be forced to play meta instead of playing something you enjoy

Yea, except the thing these fucks enjoy is pissing people off, not playing that useless hero.
The thing they enjoy is getting reported by 1000 people while still being allowed to play.

>ignoring almost the entirety of my post except a few words
>still replying even you don't understand this ISN'T about roles but about picking outside of the meta

>We don't have to properly design characters, we'll just punish players that user them incorrectly according to our intent
How does Paladins not have this problem? Don't offload the responsibility and consequence of having shit design on the players. You're always going to have players go against your intention. It's your job as a designer to work around that not ban when it doesn't go the way you want.

I'm not the person you were originally replying to, and you were obviously comparing picking outside the meta to hacking.

>I wasn't comparing the two at all
>it can be applied to a multitude of things and was giving an example of one
That's literally a comparison. Your comparison is bad because they're not equivalent at all.

I still don't get how you can enjoy shit games like this. I tried it in the free weekend, the uninstall was strong in this one. You need to be braindead or never have played another shooter I think.

>thinks he has any right to tell others how to play when a guy literally trying to lose does better than him
you really need to commit suicide

you a mind reader now?

>REEE reports are useless
>My teammates don't cooperate or adapt
>*bans onetrick*
>REEE why are you banning people for playing the game

Make up your damn mind.

>pour your time and energy into mastering one specific hero to the point where you're the world's expert on that character
>playing other characters would literally be a detriment to the team because you're nowhere close to being as good with them
>banned for playing your best character
>banned for throwing if you don't play your best character

Esports has killed multiplayer video games.

I was desperate for a TF2 replacement man, can you blame me? I looked past flaws, but I've learned from my mistakes.

those are two different players you're strawmaning
only one of them is trying to force others to play the game the way they want

Spend years destroying wow with homogenisation because its unfair little non gendered Tarquin wants to play a non meta spec.

Banning non meta in overwatch.

Blizz logic

The absolute state of overcuck.

I blame my friends.
Played 200hrs of it
Hated about 150hrs of them

>ban people for playing sub-optimal characters
>instead of balancing the game properly


>troll in ranked matches
>get banned


no its the developers fault for that comp not working, or there to be comps at all, all characters should be viable

If it was quickplay nobody would care

Is there any other game that bans you for playing what you want to play?

it's funny really, I've got a 24h ban on wow once for getting everybody to kicking baddies from raid finder for low dps or shitty healing

>banning people for having fun

Serves them right, they trusted Blizzard.

League of Legends
>picking outside of the meta is trolling

>heroes have such shitty kits that they just plain don't work in half the maps
>ban people instead of making every hero viable

If a large number of people doesn't want you in their games they have every right to remove you.
This would have also happened before esports was a thing. Piss off enough people on the server and the admin bans you for being a faggot.
Nothing new there. That's how society works.

Getting kicked from a server != an account ban from all servers.

>picking a certain characters is trolling
Kill yourself.

Unable to balance their game, ban people instead.


Wow. Glad I never picked this up.

I have only 3 playstyles when I play Overwatch:

>Playing Mei and blocking my teamates with Ice Wall as much as possible, often trapping them with enemies.

>Playing Symmetra and placing the teleport so anyone using it falls to his death

>Playing Mercy and using the exclusively the gun

I have never been suspended, explain that OP.


>piss people off
>get banned
why are you defending the children who are learning this.

You can actually and he probably did
It's not bannable

>Devs encourage swapping to counter the enemy
>People still main for some reason

Mercy fags are pretty much the reason why I stopped playing. Cant admit they are shit and refuse to play something else.

>get to the top 500 "trolling"
You retards are a cancer upon gaming.
A guy could OTP to win 999/1000 and still genetic dead ends like yourself would pop in to announce that the guy with a 99.9% winrate was definitely the reason your team lost the only game he was in that he lost out of the last thousand.
Then you go brag on reddit about your 51.4% winrate from slavishly following the meta and making sure that nobody ever has a reason to report you for your unceasing display of staggering idiocy. You're just doing what everybody else does, the majority can't possibly be wrong

if you don't know what this thread is about you should leave

>>Devs encourage swapping to counter the enemy
Because thats garbage, the game itself discourages this in many ways.
Why have ults? Why have ult that you lose on switching? Have to be dead, can't force switch kill yourself to switch faster or even queue it up while alive.
They may WANT players to switch, but the game clearly doesn't.
It's stupid, the game isn't nearly that deep that you're playing chess with these classes, stop fooling yourself.

So if you get banned for refusing to switch, who decides which team member is "refusing"? In other words

>p1: switch
>p2: no u
>p1: no u

Do they both get banned for refusing to cooperate with each other's demands?

Are you stupid? It's a ban via # of reports. Whoever gets reported the most.

>in a game based around switching characters when necessary
>picking a character you know doesn't work for a situation
>refusing to switch from that character
>refusing to listen to your team asking you to switch
>in a ranked match

This isn't LoL where you can get reported merely for picking that character. When you have every opportunity to change to benefit your team but you stubbornly refuse because you have a "main", then yeah, you're a moron who gets what's coming to him.

pretty much this
there was this other GM ticker that was circulating a few months back that confirmed this
it was like "we know you were doing x or y because you were reported z times and we checked those REPORTS" nowhere on the message it said they checked the game or anything, just the reports

He's in top 500 so he's doing something right.

>How does Paladins not have this problem?
Hi-Rez: Not enough popularity nor money to give a shit about what players want to do, not in the public eye enough.

Constantly mentioned, TV commercials, a Disney XD Overwatch World Cup show, loads of money, and a brand that's basically nu-male cocaine. Combine this with that whole "WE'RE NOT RELEASING CONTENT BECAUSE TOXICITY BULLSHIT" thing, and they're ready to ban/punish at the drop of a hat.

Fun fact, if you play Heroes of the Storm, you can get someone silenced by friending them, reporting them for harassment/language, blocking them, unblocking them, and doing it again until they get silenced! I think Starcraft is the only safe place to do what you want in Blizz-Land

I do it for her

>6 people team
>you're the one that has to switch and we'll all report you if you don't. enjoy your 24h ban, should have queued with friends retard

Could gamers get anymore cucked? Can't wait for the bans for killing streamers and not spending enough on lootboxes to run rampant.

>form a team to accommodate your play style
Why the fuck can't the complainers form a team that meets their standards instead of expecting every pug that joins to do what they say?

>Can't wait for the bans for killing streamers
doesn't that chinese ridden game already do that

>play terrible brainlet game
>get banned for playing the hero you want
>get banned for not following meta paths
>get banned for saying gg
>get banned for using emotes
>play non-shit game not made for subhumans
>none of this happens

Really makes you think.

because # of reports

>Make shit imba character
>People like shit character for design or some shit and want to use them
>Ban people using shit character because the character is too shit to be used


>this is a serious E-Sports game, honest

It's only going to get worse. Relish games like Odyssey, Yakuza, etc while you still can.

Im siding with blizz on this one. The game is essentially picking counters to the other team. The only people who can get away with solo champ select are mercy mains.