Fuck sake

Fuck sake

Other urls found in this thread:


>b-b-but it's a handheld

>j-just play it on easy mode
>fps drops below 30
>game speeds changes
>cool matrix slow motion effect bro

>playing doom on a console
>playing doom on a HANDHELD console

>Getting flash backs from cringelord PowerPoint presentations in highschool school: the game

It has less FPS than a 1920s silent film :-/

Killzone Vita looks better

>it manages to look worse than PC's lowest settings

literally lower graphics than lowest settings on PC

and there are retards saying it's almost as powerful as the Xbox One

>Playing Doom on an oscilloscope



LowSpecGamer wasted his time, all he had to do was wait for the Switch version

>t-the switch can run Monster Hunter World!
>It totally doesnt have issues running Mario!

>took calculus just so I could laugh at a brainlet wojak
thanks college

what the fuck did you expect? lol.

it's fine for a hendheld, though, don't be such a spoiled brat.

>it's fine for a hendheld, though,

cool to know, now where's my new nintendo home console?

0fps on other handhelds

"It tastes fine for being a steaming pile of dogshit!"

Get some taste kiddo

You'd think after one of the biggest criticisms of the Wii was the fact that the games looked like shit, they'd try and make it a Wii bit better, but here we are

>Nintendo trying

You dont have to try when drones of manchildren will rush to buy Super Mario 16 and Legend of Zelda 8 without a care

if you're playing doom on console you're losing either way desu

Nintendo can't compete in terms of hardware so they don't try. They do unique angles instead. A portable system is something the other guys aren't offering. Even if it's shit, it's unique

Nintendo could easily compete on hardware, they just don't want to spend 100 million dollars on every game.

So 3DS gets a port too?

>it's fine to sell a handheld game with handheld performance(lower than the lowest available PC settings) for full console price
>when the full console versions aren't even full price anymore

The absolute state of Neoshitkiketendronies

The 3DS can play the good Doom games.

welcome to the new age, to the new age

>90 FOV
Actually quite surprised at that, I mean it still looks like total ass but I was expecting something like 60-70 FOV.

Shut the fuck up Nintendo always does the best for its customers
*runs off to buy more amiiboo*
*buys a 10 year old game for $56.99 (ON SALE)
*buys the sixth hardware vrevision of the New NEWER 3dx XL 2DS edition

>Borderlands 2 on the vita got laughed at for running like ass
>Doom on the switch runs like ass
>c-come on its fine for a handheld

Maybe because Sony and Gearbox don't have paid shills on this board.

>There are babbies so jaded they can't enjoy the simple elegance of Doom on a handheld
You've strayed far from God's light, Sup Forums

Doom 4 isn't even a good game, though.

What is it about Nintendo getting a 3rd party game that makes everyone so foam at the mouth rabbid?

Feeling threatened fanboy?

B2 on Vita literally hits 12fps with no enemies on screen.

Doom on switch runs perfectly fine considering.

Their fans are stupid enough to do it for them
for free

Sup Randy.

What is it about Nintendo systems getting shit on for getting shit ports that makes their fans foam at the mouth rabbid
Feeling betrayed fanboys?

>Sub 60FPS for a shooter
>"Perfectly Fine"
>30FPS with frame hitching and drops and severe graphical downgrades
>"Perfectly Fine"

I wish people like you weren't shitting up my hobby

>he actually thinks nintendo would make another home console after the Wii U

Pretty clear that it's not even close. Makes sense given it's got 1/3rd the memory bandwidth.

Underage please go. Some great shooters have run below 30 fps.

>best game of 2016
fuck you

I have the fucking game and it plays great. And looks great. And I can play on the train. It seems like Sony fags are just mad as usual

>Severe graphical downgrades

It's literally just a bit fucking blurrier. It's actually you hyperbolic sensationalist fanboy retards that shit up this hobby

Pretty much. Retards like these are unique to this hobby, it's fucking infuriating. I'm gonna be honest, I'm playing doom on my gamepad and looking at the ps4 version and I can barely tell a difference. People need to be less autistic. But then you realize frame rates and console wars are all some people have to keep themselves from suicide.


The Switch version is the e3 build.

>being THIS much of a Nintenbro

If you can't tell the difference you need to get your fucking eyes checked you shit eater

>and looking at the ps4 version and I can barely tell a difference.

>lying and using "muh sony boogeyman" crutch
being a nintedofag must be hell on earth

Unique shit is still shit

All I own from nintendo is a snes and wii and they're just collecting dust (got the snes for free and the wii for 25€ - I only bought it for the MP Trilogy and ez normie games for when my normie friends are over (not even my wife plays on it). At least it's nice to look at lol (red 25y anniversary edition)). Even my PS2 gets more attention.

The switch deserves to be laughed at, it's shit, but devs getting DOOM on it at all deserves mad props.

Also I never said anything about pricing because it's an obvious as fuck topic - almost all console games are overpriced and anyone paying 50+ bucks for a game deserves to be ripped off.


I hate this argument.

If this were a valid argument, ALL consoles would be invalidated by top of the line PC parts existing.

yeah dude no difference at all

>Be nintendo fan
>Bending over for Bi-Monthly assfucking
>look over
>see the games coming out on other consoles
>see the games coming out on pc
>Bite my lip and shed a tear as i cry knowing i will never get games as pretty, that run as good, or released on the same day
>Get excited when the nintendo pii u comes out

>I'm playing doom on my gamepad and looking at the ps4 version and I can barely tell a difference.

>be idort
>be rich
>have all the games
>everyone else drowns in salt

>>It totally doesnt have issues running Mario!
it doesn't

Samefag i'm not falling for your falseflag

>wasting money on shit console

Keep telling yourself that

Thank god it's not my imagination, I thought I had glaucoma after watching some Doom on Switch footage.

Oh yeah man, I'm so jealous about Ubisoft Sandbox game #586 and LootWars Battlefield 2. Ooo! Ooo, ooo! How about that shitty sequel to that game Bungie made that is only tolerable after purchasing all the DLC? I'm so goddamn jealous of you guys.

you would be surprised to see the lengths nintendo fanboys are willing to go

t. poorfag

>not making more money than you can possibly spend on your hobbies
>wasting money on videogames at ALL
pick 1 and only 1

not on Sup Forums

you need a switch to play handheld doo-

>Im absolutely not bleeding from my anus: the post

>those meat logs for hands


>Buying Nintendo consoles for anything but playing Nintendo games

For what purpose?

Lol it's impressive for that POS to run DOOM too but if you wanted to ridicule the switch that's not the video to do it with, lad.

>Doesn't change the classic maps to Doom64



>bought it on pc
>didn't like it nearly as much as the old dooms
>dropped it
>now it's like the only AAA 3rd party switch game
what is this monkey's paw bullshit


Lower FPS overall notwithstanding, I'm enjoying the Switch version.
I didn't think I'd like the fact that Gyro controls got swapped up for Motion Control Melee and I wish they combined them somehow but the MC Melee is actually pretty solid.

On top of that, the HD Rumble on Glory Kills is a nice touch too. Solid overall

at least it's more portable than the switch

You're right actually...that would have been much more interesting and a better throwback for the Switch.

>Not reporting this thread for console war bait
Why do you faggots let these console war retards run amok?

it has to do with standards and entitlement (nintendo users have a maximum of one of those traits)

It's like different people have different opinions.

was it the same reviewer?

Basically it's a disaster in TV mode but in handheld mode it's pretty cool.

Does that thing have a heat vent? I'm afraid that guy's gonna be cooking his hands with that thing

>dude handheld lmao
I wouldn't actually mind some handheld ports that ran well, even if they were older. Port some 360 and PS3 games that'll run well and that'd satisfy me. I don't really want to play 15fps shooters on the go

>worst version have better scores

Then don't, you white faggot.

>Buy a switch
>Can't really stand going to sites that focus on news for it because they are full of fanboys who are insane.

It sucks. this game in particular is driving those people to insane lengths to act like this is the first port from a console game to a handheld and that it's the greatest technical achievement ever.

It's literally a port with huge visual and performance downgrades, that's not surprising.

Borderlands 2 for Vita ran like ass 100% of the time

I called this fucking weeks ago.

I said that when the Switch got ports of AAA games it wouldn't matter that they got good reviews, Sup Forums would still try and shit on them because of muh graficks.

Predictable as always.

I'm not shitposting, I genuinely don't notice the FPS in handheld. I think it may be because it's a small screen at 720p.

Never used the GPD but since it's a x86-based computer, it wins by already being the most versatile and most useful platform.

I won't, don't worry you dumb baby

Not the same reviewer

6 0 0 p


Man, please don't joke like that, maybe Doom isn't a great port, but seriously, nothing can compare to BL2 on vita.

The comments on nintendoeverything are pretty hilarious
>Fanboys who spam PLZ BUY THIS GAME GUYZ
>Something Awful-tier trolls who make essays worth of text on each article
>drama queen miiverse/tripfag tier idiots who treat the comment section like their facebook page
How is it any worse than here?

Post face, faget.