Persona 5 is finished

Persona 5 is finished.

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Japanese > nu males

That image alone already screams "this game is shit boooooiiiiii!". I will stick with Persona 5, a game with likable characters and good music.

>All that effort put in presentation.
>Gameplay looks like absolute garbage,

>main protagonist is a hipster who throws vinnyl records

Jesus fucking christ is like they were really trying to make "Nu-male: The game".

Also what the fuck is with the pretentious tagline "HOW DO YOU FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN'T BE FOUND". WOW SO FUCKING DEEP AND PHYLOSOPHICAL 10/10.

Even the presentation is bad. This game doesn't have anything going for it. It's just Persona 4 but put through an SJW filter.

I saw this game at EGX 2016, and I say saw because no way was I going to play the shitty looking demo. The developer looked and was also dressed as the main protag, and I just wanted to puke. I left the indie area and went to play Sonic Mania.
Persona 5 trailer for comparison.

>Earthbound for adults

if any of the persona 5 males were western, they would be classified as numale soyboy cuck by Sup Forums.

Does every single attack have some cutscene and shitty mini game to it? Got old from just watching the trailer, can't imagine how fucking tedious actually playing through an encounter must be.