ITT: the best entries in a series

ITT: the best entries in a series


entire series is poo-poo

lol checkpoints


What bad taste.

I love it when people try to explain why they don't like FC2.


First and two were great if a bit flawed
rest goes to shit
what other series does that.


came to post and god's work was already done for me, fpbp




OP here, wrong pic lol

I really liked how immersive FC2 is. It's really something special.

You can't break a man the way you do a dog or a horse. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands. To break a man's will- to break his spirit- you have to break his mind. Men have this idea that we can fight with dignity, that there's a proper way to kill someone. Its absurd its anesthetic. We need it to endure the bloody horror of murder. You must destroy that idea. Show them what a messy terrible thing it is to kill a man, and then show him that you relish in it. Shoot to wound, then execute the wounded, burn them, take them in close combat. Destroy their preconceptions of what a man is and you become their personal monster. When they fear you, you become stronger, you become better. But lets never forget: its a display, its a posture like a lion's roar, or a gorilla thumping at it's chest. If you lose yourself to the display, if you succumb to the horror, then you become the monster. You become reduced, not more than a man, but less...and it can be fatal...

FC 2 is undoubtedly the last good game Ubisoft made. I don't think with their modern political climate they'd even be able to make it or even remaster it today.

>millions of armed checkpoints around the map that you can't just ignore because they'll just chase you literally forever
>the enemies respawn almost instantly

The gunplay is actually garbage and the entire game is extremely repetitive "drive through jungle on linear roads, go to place, set everything on fire, kill black dudes with guns, repeat." the weapon durability system is also fucking bullshit, a brand new ak wont fucking explode and fall to pieces after going through 6 mags that's neither realistic nor balanced its fucking annoying.

At least farcry 3 and 4 had a big variety of shit to do and most of the weapons felt good.

farcry 1 was the worst farcry by far though

I fucking hate this contrarian shit hole

It's a shooter, you shoot people.

I dunno why we need to couple that with pointless busywork, maybe people don't like FPS games and they need to be constantly distracted from the fact that they're playing one.

Will I like this if I got bored with the base game?

I was so engrossed in the setting and atmosphere that I didn't find it repetitive. It's not a straight hallway with repeating textures or anything, the maps are full of geographic nuances to move through.

Crysis if you count Warhead as a separate instalment.

Hell yeah, FC2 was the shit. The oppressive atmosphere of murderous ooga-boogas at every corner in a beautiful setting like Africa really made an impression on me. The game may have been flawed, but no game in the series has matched the highs of FC2 since.

Every good shooter gets variety or new enemies. The only variety you ever get in FC2 is when the mortars are introduced. That's it.

I like Primal the best. I just prefer the raw and savage mid-stone age setting. Refreshing change from all the guns and explosions which gets old.

Not exactly hard when Drakengard is trash

You get enemies with a variety of different weapons, the same as any other military themed shooter. What else do you want, the same guys but they take more shots to kill?

>you will never play far cry 2 on the fox engine or idtech 6


Eh, the story is about 5 hours long

That doesn't look like Ghosts to me, you low-T count sissy.

it's the same exact shit with le epic 80 neon A E S T H E T I C and ugly filters. dropped after a couple of hours

That's not Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®.


They literally won't.
Quit literally using the word literally incorrectly.


I really like Far Cry 2 but it lacks content, for lack of a better word. There's only so much to do, and most missions are extremely similar.


The atmosphere and random encounters makes the game. No other fps feels like actually operating operationally in an operational capacity.

I wanted to like it but the melee combat really suffers without any option to block or dodge. What the fuck were they thinking?

It's the perfect game for me to dip into for an hour or so.

3 was the best and one of the best games ever

Don't know what everyone's on about in regard to FC2.
It's the only one in the series I played and I thought it was terrible. Like: terrible

Easily the best in terms of story and lore.

>The Pit
>Courtyards of Gilgamesh
>Valley of the Jaguar
GOAT shooter. Hopefully SS4 will live up.


Siege and modern Rayman games. Arguably Black Flag.

Far Cry 2 sucked.


The opening alone is one of the best moodsetters in video games. How can you miss this?

Rayman legends was probably the best 2d side scroller I've ever played

Intro was promising, yes, but it fell down quickly after... The dialog (pace and delivery) felt super awkward


Yeah, no
WorldG will be better

Did anyone else notice in FC2 that you are the Jackal? It's like the twist from Fight Club.

DMC3babby fuck off, no one likes you fags