ITT: Games/expansions that are impossible to talk about on Sup Forums

ITT: Games/expansions that are impossible to talk about on Sup Forums.

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>implying anyone would have talked about this if it wasn't for the memes
a new expansion is already out and noone talks about it. Just be glad that the memes gave a lot of free advertisement for Aftican Kingdoms.

People can talk about AoE2 including that expansion as long as you post a pic that has to do with any other AoE2 expansion/the base game

Nobody is preventing you to talk about it.

any good game because Sup Forumseddit has shit taste

>tfw we're getting actual AoE1, 2 & 3 remakes
Feels fucking great man

What was the joke for this again?


Something about us being rulers?

>doesn't change the sprites to be black


Malians are a pretty fun civ desu senpai

No, that's much more recent, isn't it?

WE WUZ KANGZ came around the same time as the African Kingdoms. It's just a lucky coincidence

well Sundiata Keita grand nephew was really into universities and spreading the religion of peace

also nigga was filthy rich, probably the richest person to have ever lived, if accounts are true

so the mali empire having good universities is consistent to the real life counterpart

its impossible to discuss this game on Sup Forums

Games that aren't on every platform ever

t. Alberto Barbosa


i cant see the image user, can you tell me the name of the game?

Pokemon Colosseum 2

Its name is Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness and you know it.

you have to go back

Did you really make these 5 posts just to deliver a weak and predictable punchline?

>nigga was filthy rich, probably the richest person to have ever lived, if accounts are true

measuring his level of wealth is pretty hard though
when he made pilgrimage to mecca, he brought with him so much gold that the gold price in the lands he passed crashed hardcore


Right. But what was funny about that?

haha yeah i like Pokemon as well XD lol


I believe its a stereotypical Portuguese name, which got attached to the Malian for

Is there really a new expansion? Or are you talking about Rise of Rajas?

granted the fact back then transportation was way harder probably influenced that

if someone did that shit noadays you could still take the gold and resell it outside of the region he just passed, not so easy to do with camels in the middle of the desert

then again, he was able to transport all that gold himself in the first place...

>I believe its a stereotypical Portuguese name, which got attached to the Malian for

ive spoke with people who actually believed the black guy on the boxart was the king of portugal, instead of the clearly white dude on the right

idiotic meme brains

it started because one of the new factions in the "african kingdoms" expansion was portugal. the dude on the right is supposed to be some king of portugal.

people took it from there and spammed
and anybody who objected got memed on with
>t. alberto barbosa
which is just a very generic portugese name

This. Glad to see that at least ONE fucking person is aware of African history besides "black people lived in huts and didn't do anything lol"