Why do you always pick female characters, senpai?

Why do you always pick female characters, senpai?

Because people treat you nicer just because you're a girl?

Most crate-a-characters has more options to choose from then males.

As a kid,I always thought games were easier when you played as a girl or that I was better. Propably because I always played female characters the second time I played a game, so I was just more experienced

I would disappoint my Dad when I chose females in Fighters.

Because I fantasize I am the girl and all the NPCs/enemies/Pokémon/monsters gangrape me at every turn.
By the way EVERY guy who plays as the girl is the exact same as me, so disregard every "I don't want to stare at a guy's ass/females have better customization options" bullshit.

I'm not gay.

Because I want to be a woman, but am not deluded enough to think it's possible.

Also this. Very much this.

I don't

Better animations. More customization.

Why would it be?


Because girls are better and men are only made for my sexual gratification.

Because they look better and have more clothing options.

>Some kind of perk that makes you do better against the opposite gender or something, in a game where most people you interact with/fight are male
>Smaller size=Smaller hitboxes
>In a game with character customization, you get to make your own waifu
>the common "I'd rather look at a chick than a dude."
>in a game with relationships, but no sexual preferences, I can still be with a woman despite being a chick

tbqh why even play a guy?

get a load of this fag

I wish I was a girl but am not mentally unhinged enough to think I am one irl.

...i cant really say why, because i don't want the grief

>not being cute and growing little breasts to attract a bf anyway

But I'm gay and I always choose male characters

>worrying what people will think about you on an anonymous mongolian crotcheting forum

What game lets me be a gender neutral for the lolz


But I don't
I still picked the goofy ass male protag in pic related instead of the best designed fem protag out of all the pokemon games

I don't, I only play male.

I wish they would add an age option in Pokemon so you could play as a sexy 20s woman instead of a young girl.

No way homo

Fucking this
Same reason why I like NTR so much, self-inserting as the girl is great.

>not self-inserting as the cuck
You're not living your life correctly.

But.. Why don't you just get fucked by guys yourself?

If I'm going to be a beardless fagot either way I atleast want to be capable of wearing cute hats.

Because maybe I'm a girl?


Because in series like Pokemon, the males are victims of horrible design while all the work goes into the female PCs.

Because i'm a girl and i like cocks uwu ~

Only when the girl avatar is way too lewd, like in Pokémon B&W.

>Boy looks like a fag twink
>Girl is cute and pure
>I am a heterosexual christian male

Gee, I wonder which one I'll choose

Sauce? I've fapped to it but can't find the name

Nevermind, I was being retarded and found it already

What did playing male protagonist bring back your altar boy memories?

they always manage to fuck the male design also all the girls in pokemon games are cute

I don't. I always pick male and hate it because they don't get nearly as much options.

no you simply don't respect women fucking admit it you little shit

girls > boys

Girls are cute.
I'm not some delusional degenerate who thinks I'm a girl or could ever be one.
But having control over what is essentially an infinitely flexible idealized version of a female is cool.
You'd never have that kind of control, even in a very dedicated relationship.

I just think girls are cute dude.

I actually do this a lot on skyrim I've been raped so many times and by so many different enemies that I need to install mods to find some new fresh enjoyment in what I do

stop you are going to give me the gay

>Generally better customization
>Female heroines are generally (not always) more interesting because of an underdog dynamic
>It's a change of perspective from being a dude all the time

I generally only make male characters if I am playing a game where I can be a badass barbarian, since that's generally too good to pass up for a female character. Oh, and I fucking love to play as dwarves in games but male dwarves are far superior to females.

what just buy a slave or convert to islam what's the matter

I thought I already said I'm not a degenerate user.

Cuz I'm enough of a fag I'd like to see what being a lesbian for a day with my girlfriend would be like, but not retarded enough I'd do anything short of a magical transformation or some atomical reconstruction, and even then only if it was something temporary or inconsequentially reversible.

Because the girls are cute and I want to be a cute girl

How else would I self-insert?
Unless I made a guy and headcanon that he was actually a reverse trap.


the only degenerate person here is the guy playing as the male

We're living in one the most sexually liberated time periods in last few millenia. If you want to get fucked, you should go get fucked. It's okay to be a cute girly boy, it's fun.


He just said he's not mentally unhinged.

I always go male but i'm gay

I don't want your aids for fuck's sake

>Rosa is sexy as fuck and is built for breeding
>has very few quality doujins with her
Explain this.

you are supposed to be playing facebook games what the fuck are you doing here anyway

Why would you want that?

Alright fine geez. I was just trying to help.

reported next time censor this shit.
im literally shaking and in tears because of you.

user you touched on a wave so powerful and chaotic I bet you dont even know the half of what you just said.

In just ten years, the nature of how we percieve sexuality has changed so drastically to the point where its fucking unrecognizable to anyone born in the 90's

Shits such a great study

Yeah! As long as you're not doing anything dangerous or hurting others, why hold yourself back?

Cause am not a faggots for one

I like the idea of being something I'm not, you're a overly horny degenerate, not everyone who thinks it'd be fun to be a girl wants to be fucking gangbanged

Kill everyone in this thread


I agree. It'll be interesting what the next few decades will look like when extremist sjw and pol attitudes settle down and we can see gender and sexuality in a more logical and tempered light, seperating it from millions of years of social influence.

Cause the male character customization usually don't have options to be feminine enough to be a trap.

Though the female customization really needs to have proper flat chest breast slider and bulge slider.

Holy shit you are a real person

Because I have autogynophelia.

Cant make it to mars but i can see how the world evolves to a point never seen before

because fuck you i am a girl

dont do this to me

because the boys look like pussy faggots and the girls are nice to look at

also I typically prefer to play characters with good dex/agility/speed/perception/intelligence which usually requires you to dump the more manly shit, and I ain't playing no twink boy.

because I wish I was one.

>Why do you always pick female characters, senpai?

Waifuing and sexually fantasizing, and for MMOs, ERP.

>Are you a girl, or are you a girl (male)

Modern Pokemon games.

Because I like girls

So I can go through the whole game looking at a cute midriff slut and make her everything I like in a 2D girl.

Because the boys in Pokemon games always look like twats. Gold in HGSS is the only exception because Lyra’s hat is fucking bananas.

I don't want to be the girl, I just want to make it to look similiar in all games and dress her up in the way I like it which is that the navel and general midriff area has to show

>midriff slut
my man. If I can't do this the game is ruined and I wished I would have just done a generic muscle male instead

I'm glad someone else understands.

Boy. Because I self-insert.


Femui fags everyone.

I gave up on Sun/Moon because of no belly shirts, but apparently there's one top in US/UM that shows your navel.

Nowi is the quintessential loli navel slut.

Because ideally I want to be a woman, but I know that reality will never, ever give me or anyone else in my position what we need. That technology is decades upon decades away, if happening at all.

So to all you other transfolk out there, just suck it the fuck up. Mutilating yourself and having people flatter the paper-glass veneer of reality you have to build around yourself 24/7 isn't worth it. Let your personality, your self, be more important than your sex.

because i like cute girls. not all of us self-insert

I like girls.

I think pokemon X and Y might have a bikini top althought these are not exactly my choise for this
>pic related my usual, red ponytail and riff


the fuck is your problem? i'm glad i'm not your parents.

I want to catch them all.

All the boys that is.

>sam hyde fan
I'm glad I'm not yours either