Switch Doom

>600p docked
>Lower than lowest settings on PC
>30fps with drops to 20fps
Wow, so this is the power of NINTENDO SWITCH.


Other urls found in this thread:


No screen tear, game itself, become more slow.
Welcome to SNES times baby.

If you will play on easy, more stable framerate, because less enemies on screen.

More ports when?
Doom showed, Switch capable of handling modern games.

Are you ready for Wolf 2 port?


I know people want to shitpost and I don't own a Switch and have never played the new DOOM, but why would you post super compressed .jpgs during moments with heavy motion blur to make an argument about the graphics?

>2 posters


It really doesn't look much better than that in the video.

The game is that blurry.

Yeah, where all doom hype.
It was a game changer. Modern port finally on switch.

The most embarrassing thing about these screenshots is how bad it looks on PS4 vs a literal handheld.

>People still think the new Monster Hunter can be on the Switch without completely butchering it
This pretty much means all new engine games won't drop on Switch, they will literally have to make a spinoff series.

As a Tribabby, I'm salty about MHW, but it was a dick move by Capcom regardless to just put all their MH games on another console like that. Sony fans honestly rightfully deserve World, but I wish Capcom would at least give us burgers XX to compensate.

>comparing id tech6 to MT framewrok goddess
I mean, it's some dark sorcery of an engine, would run even on PS2

Even if the "performance" (whatever the fuck that means when talking about a fucking video game and not a sports car) is slightly lower and autists who run weird comparison tools on their games have slightly lower numbers, the game still looks incredible on Switch, and the controls and portability of the Switch mean it'll always be a better experience than any other console or even the PC when it comes to multiplats. Stop acting like 99% of the world wouldn't prefer to play any given multiplat on Switch.

MHW runs on UE4 i think.
MT framework long dead.

The greatest video game of all time just got greater, now on the Nintendo Switch™

The issue at this point is they likely can't. The Switch has yet to have a proven concept of a game that looks good and runs good too.

All the best games are simple cartoony games with Gamecube tier visuals in HD.

Reminder that the Shield literally has built in Vulkan support, the processor is made to support their ID Tech engine. This was something Nvidia did. IF they can't master Doom with that, no engine can really scale down a game like that without completely tearing it apart.


The amazing part is how you suddenly worship nuDoom and shitesda just for the sake of this antibrand thread.
Spine isn't your strongest organ it seems.

>Muh handheld
Are you blind? Stop using it as an excuse for terrible hardware. It still pales in comparison the PC version but at least the other consoles run at 60FPS AND look miles better than the switch version.

>acceptable in 2017

Its going to be funny when they never make world for the Switch.

>Are you blind?

Nope, I can clearly see the Switch is a handheld.

Isn't XX on the Switch in nipland, though?

>games have slightly lower numbers
>the game still looks incredible on Switch
>and the controls
>it'll always be a better experience than any other console or even the PC
Its sad that people like you actually exist lmao

>Switch is a handheld.
So nintendo dropped out from home consoles market?
And switch sales compared to ds and 3ds look weak.

lmao even gdp win version has better graphics

Yeah it ran around 900p, and could only manage 30 fps. If they do World, it will be like World Lite, with removed features like grappling and tuned down physics.

All games were 20fps and less than 600p 10 years ago and they still played great and everyone loved them. This is like saying the chocolate you've enjoyed for years tastes like shit because they brought out a slightly tastier burger.

Doom is one of the best running games I've played in years, the game ran on my fucking r9 270x before I upgraded to a 1070.

Nope it's using MT framework wccftech.com/capcom-mt-framework-monster-hunter-world/

>Wow, so this is the power of NINTENDO SWITCH.
More like Nintendo SHITch

Yeah it's 2017. I can take my movies, my TV shows, my music, my books, my internet and now my AAA games everywhere with in my pocket. Why can't you do this in 2017 user?

Mario NEEDED resolution scaling.
This about that. Mario can't hit 1080p AND needed active scaling to maintain framerate, as well as a foreground blur to hide the lack of LOD in the distance.

I think the Switch performance is a lot lower than most people think. Once we get a taste of more current gen titles on it, this will manifest more and more, it will be a trash port machine.


not him so no need for the not an argument

Why not just go right ahead and move those goal posts into your anus, we all know you wan to.

I think you misunderstood my post. Sonyfans can have World, and Nintendo fans can get XX. I'm well aware the Switch wouldn't be able to handle MHW without having to completely downgrade it.

>sad that people who enjoy games instead of wanking to tech specs exist
Why are you even here? Go to Sup Forums and argue about CPU speeds and overclocking your graphics board.

>switch sales compared to ds and 3ds look weak.

>here with in my pocket
The Switch doesnt even have these basic features, nor is it portable.

what the fuck is a comma

it's 1/3 as powerful as original Xbox One when DOCKED

LMAO why post nonsense like this?

How fucking small is your pocket? Do you wear ball crusher jeans or something?

Also the PS4 is going to pass the 3DS within the year. The Switch will never catch up.

And it performs worse than 1/3 as the xbone when DOCKED.

>The Switch is portable
Nope. I don't wear huge ass cargo pants and don't have stick legs.

And? The XBONE and PS4 are grossly overpowered for gaming because of all the multimedia non-gaming shit they shoved on there. The Switch is more than powerful enough to do ANY game good graphics if the devs aren't lazy pieces of shit.

I think 2xWiiU more accurate description.
And 0.9xWiiU as portable.

Doom Xbone:
>medium graphics

>lower than low graphics

okay maybe it performs like it's 1/4 as powerful

If you’re going to be doing all that from your pocket you’ll need more than a Switch and I sure hope you grew out of cargo shorts.

It's called a comma splice.

>it's basically as powerful as an xbone!
Glad this meme was finally put to rest. I hope you learned your lesson about FP16

Slide off the joycons and woop it's the size of the Vita.

>The Switch is more than powerful enough to do ANY game good graphics
How is it that there hasnt been a single good looking, good performing game yet? All the software is still Wii U tier shit.


spotted the retarded consoloid, the consoles are weak

find me a portable console which can run the same game at better setting/framerates/resolution right now

>The amazing part is how you suddenly worship nuDoom and shitesda just for the sake of this antibrand thread
>when in other thread Switch shills said they're still hyped because they can play Doom on the go
kek nintendorks should learn to synchronize their damage control tactics


Why you need portable doom?

It really isnt. its much thicker than the Vita.
THat and why do you need to piece out a console to carry it anywhere? That's fucking retarded.

maybe 1.5x as powerful as a Wii U

Shit is running on a Tegra X1. It's a miracle it even runs at all.

BUBUBUBU TEH GAEMZ?????????????????????

Fucking Nintendofags. Being ignored by almost every single major publisher for the past two decades. You almost feel sorry for them. Almost.

I think 2x good enough, maybe not cpu, but gpu definitely.
Some wiiu games got bump from 720 to 1080p.

could pick up a gaming laptop on CL for $300 that's several times more powerful and play Doom on it

>I have no argument so here's a consolewar pic
Good to know the NDF is under the age of 12

Underclocked Tegra at that.

256 maxwell cores clocked low

even a 750ti has 640 maxwell cores clocked way higher

Because the joycons can bend? And the Switch is actually thinner. I have them both right here. The Vita is broader and thicker. The Switch is taller. Both easily put in any normal pocket.

“Nintenbros” isn’t a joke user.

I dunno I'm skeptical, I think more of the improvements might've come from ease of development due to the architecture being modern and supporting modern APIs

Spotted the kid. Every current gen console has more power than a good dev even knows what to do with. Name a single PC game that does anything a current console couldn't that actually affects the gameplay. All PC games have is forced graphics that usually shits up the art direction just to show off how many light shafts and particle effects and blurs they can throw over the image. Sorry you wasted all that money on a machine if all you want to do is play games on it.

Why do you need video games?

I love how the guy in the video still stops every minute or so to suck nintendo's dick despite there being almost nothing positive about this port

>it looks like garbage but considering it's on a handheld it's pretty impressive

Yeah, I can take a turd and spend several hours polishing it, and it will be pretty impressive how shiny it will be considering it's a turd, but it's STILL just a turd and nothing more.

run games at 60fps+

>Doom Xbone
>60 FPS
It wishes.
Doom on Xbone drops to laptop-tier resolutions.


no even today games are made entirely with compromise in mind

>that actually affects the gameplay

I'm getting it because I don't give a shit about doom and I think multiplayer will be fun. Moving forward I don't plan on getting other multiplats for my switch except games that don't look like shit on the switch (2-d games, indie games, you know)

In other words, they literally can't afford to make a new version just for Switch. It just won't be worth it then.

Retard hundreds of games where the frame rate actually matters run well above 60 fps on console

Kek, someone tell him.

>said portable console, replies with a laptop
nice try thou

oh well let's say 1/3 as powerful again then

>I'm getting it because I don't give a shit about doom and I think multiplayer will be fun
I didnt think a post could be this cancerous

It's ok Nintendo does

I was agreeing with you until this post. This is simply wrong user.

The new CPU upgrade in PS5 and Nextbox should make for new gameplay design options.

>that actually affects the gameplay
There's no game you can't make with graphics from the NES era, in terms of game mechanics

There is however a VIDEO in video games. It's nice to have nice graphics, it increases the immersion. And while PC ports typically do not increase texture or geometric detail, it's nice to be able to run at higher resolutions and framerates, which does increase the overall scene detail. Crisper images, more clarity, smoother motion. These very much DO affect gameplay because it's part of the game experience.

frame rate changes how your game plays and you're a retard if you even try to deny this

I apologize sir, I'll go spend my money how you want me to

>I'm getting doom because I don't give a shit about doom
nintenfags, everyone

>GAME SPEED ITSELF affected by frequent fps drops to 20


>said portable console
>when talking about Nintendo's latest tablet
I can do that too. The fact is you can play Doom "on the go" since when it launched last year. Switch is doing nothing new. And it's doing nothing new very poorly.

Lol, imagine having bought a switch

>600p docked
Except it isn't. It's ALWAYS 720p and mostly sub while fighting is going on.