How do i git gut in Mount and Blade warband ?
what are best tactics ?
whinch troops are the best ?
whinch companions should i choose ?
How do i git gut in Mount and Blade warband ?
respond you faggots
Just mass rhodok sharpshooters and stand on a hill in every battle. When you get bored of that try creating a mixed unit army and actually using the in battle command shit to flank with cavalry and that sort of shit.
Heavy Cav steamroll through motherfuckers. Swadian stronk.
This. Top Vaegir archers are also quite good. And Nords have the best infantry.
When you have the money to do it, literally 100% Swadian Knights will fuck up everything and anything, on the field or in a siege.
this but put some nord huscarls/companions with tanky shields/armor in front of them and run in front of the enemies on a horse to distract enemies while picking off troops
>running around with like 300 swadians
>get attacked by 1000 sand people
>figure I'm fucked
>it comes down to 1 guy vs 3 sand people
>he wins the battle for me
Use a shieldwall for initial protection and make a testudo.
Have cavalry flank the enemy lines and run into their back, that fucks them good
Then just have archers in the back cucking everyone without a shield
Rhodok ranged, Swadian Cavalry and Viking infantry
Enjoy taking over the world
>Befriend swadian villages (you don't have to be swadian)
>put a lot of points into leadership
>recruit tons of swadian units
>get 20 swadian knights
>win the game
The more swadian knights you have the more fun the game gets
>Do tournaments for super easy cash 4,000 easy
>Mounted troops are powerful on the open fields suck in sieges (all higher end troops are good in sieges)
>Make sure to get some dyeworks as your troops will get expensive fast if you dont get many fiefs
>Press backspace in battle for a map and learn how to use the commands
>Invest in your companions, give them all mounts or give them all crossbows, and give them armor
Horseback archery is OP
I bet none of you have this.
I'm not autistic enough to become the king even.
>Cavalry for open battles
>Archers > Infantry for defending castles
>heavy infantry for taking castles
That's it.
I've tried but holy fuck is it hard.
I won't ever risk leaving my comfy setting as a hobo mercenary who tries his best to survivre in a turbulent world
anyone who plays with more than a 20 sized party do it wrong
light or heavy cavalry ??
is Nord infantry and horse archers good tactic ?
infantry goes upfront while me and archers flank the enemy.
What others have said, Swadian cavalry
Nord Huscarls
I did it once but my game broke at the end. I took the last remaining king prisoner and released him for the keks. Then I got eternal warnings of him being near one of cities, but he was invisible or something.
Overall it's not worth the siege grind, in my opinion.
>play for 8 hours
>get captured by a large 200+ troop army
>lose pretty much everything
>motivation to play dissipates and never returns
It was fun while it lasted. Also I'd probably have an easier time getting Laid in real life as apposed to this game
I'm not gonna lie, I'm too casual for that. Doing it regularly is tedious and hard enough.
>everyone follow me
>find a hill
>stick your archers at the top
>make a wall of infantry, compress them if the enemy has cavalry, send them ahead to defend the archers
>get your cavalry to wait off to the side
>march your infantry forward or backwards a few paces at a time
>have your cavalry follow you as you flank and charge down their infantry
>repeat until everyone is dead
use tweakmb walla
How do you even become king normally? Whenever I've tried, I'd take over every bit of land from one faction but there'd still be 1-2 vassals running around the map at 20 speed harassing my villages nonstop while being impossible to catch and put down.
Huh. For me the factions just disappeared after capturing all land from then and killing the king.
Swadian knights for field battles and Rhodok sharpshooters for siege. Shield wall with Nord huscarls if you dont want to lose too many units when siegeing.