Will Sanic team make another Puyo Puyo game after Forces Flops
Will Sanic team make another Puyo Puyo game after Forces Flops
Wasn't that Chronicles game they made garbage and sold like shit?
It wasn't garbage, it just wasn't nearly as good as a 25th anniversary game really should have been. It was just barely above 7's level when it should have been at 20th's. And the whole reason we got PPT localized in the west was because PuyoTetris was rereleased with all the DLC and localized to made up for PuyoChronicles flopping. Puyo is Sega's universal sales bandaid, even for other Puyo games.
Hopefully it'll be Puyo Fever 3.
No, It was a Shitty 20th, And Ally begin a shitty Character and Rafisol was a litteraly reverted Ally and was more Edgy than Infinite was just the Tip of the Shitberg
>''Do you have Shit taste and liked ~n, Well, Here's a shittier ~N Mode called Skill Battle and the only thing fixed is the Speed''
>''Do you miss the Classic characters, Here's Lagnus, Harpy and Seriri, But they're all locked to Skill Battle just like Onion Pixy and Dongurigaeru(Remplazed by Ally and Rafisol)''
>''Member Madou monogatari, We don't have the Rights anymore so, Here's a Shitty RPG Mode''
I never said that wasn't what it was, user, but it wasn't an objectively bad game. It was mediocre as fuck and definitely not worthy of being the 25th anniversary game, but it was by no means bad. Just boring.
Well, You are Right, Outside of the Lockerd Characters, There's still good and diverse content in the game, Unlike 7 ''Fuck my Everything's up''
Deaf bump
Please Waifuposting, Save my thread
7's not terrible, either. It's sure as fuck not good, but like Chronicles it's just kinda mediocre and lazy.
The only really bad Puyo games are Yo~n and maybe OPP, since those ones are the other ones where the core, mandatory gameplay is bad.
I don't think Sega has the rights to Madou in the first place, just the characters. So the closest you'll ever get to modern Madou is that one Sorcery Saga game.
>tfw no fever 3
Pretty sure 7 fags would whine and moan if SEGA made a game without Ringo and co. 7 really was a fucking mistake.
Fuck that shit, why didn't we get more Sega 3D Classics
I know we got like a dozen of them but they were fucking amazing, I wanted more damn it.
>7 fags
Nigger, those literally do not exist. People like the Suzuran crew, and people like 7's ost, but I don't think anyone actually likes how Sega's been handling Puyo sequels since 7. Someone pitched a roster a few threads back with 48 characters total; all the Fever characters, all the Suzuran characters, a good selection of Madou characters, and some new characters/tetris characters to fill the remaining slots, and I'm pretty sure everyone unanimously agreed it was a good idea.
48 characters would be too much work for sanic team. Also, Fever games are plot focused (Fever 2, at least) and having that many characters would be a serious detriment to said plot.
If you talk about the Compilations There's the First one and the Third one, Only the Second one released in America
Not even compilations, just more 3D Classics, downloadable or physical.
Not really. None of the Fever games ever had every character in every route, and if we take the Fever 2 method of doing story mode (3 characters x 3 difficulties for 9 routes total) That gives ample room for each route to have the different characters involved. As for the work involved, most of the VAs aside from Ringo are not big A-Listers, so that's not a huge issue, and Puyo's current method of animation is the easiest fucking thing in the world to do properly given that it's all tweening. The one thing I could see being an issue is giving everyone unique dropsets/powers in Fever mode, but that shouldn't be THAT big of an issue given that msot characters at least have one to work off of already.
No, get ready for Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Heck, If Fever 3 ever happens and has 48 Characters, They can even expand the Route Mode to include Arle/Schezo/Rulue
Here's my Roster
Here's a More Realistic 48 Roster
>Amitie(Alt: Red Amitie)
>Raffina(Alt: Adult Raffina)
>Sig(Alt: Black Sig)
>Klug(Alt: Strange Klug)
>Lidelle(Alt: Kimono Lidelle)
>Feli(Alt: White Feli)
>Ocean Prince(Alt: Prince Salde)
>Yu & Rei
>Accord(Alt: Dark Accord)
>Onion Pixie
>Donguri Gaeru
>Oshare Bones(Alt: Dressed Oshare)
>Hohow Bird
>Ally(Alt: Rafisol)
>2 New Characters
>Arle(Alt: Doppelganger Arle)
>Schezo(Alt: Doppelganger Schezo)
>Rulue(Alt: Duchess Rulue)
>Draco(Alt: Warrior Draco)
>Witch(Alt: Dark Witch)
>Seiri(Alt: Lovestuck Seriri)
>Banshee Trio
>Zoh Daimaoh(Alt: Red Hot Zoh)
>Nasu Grave
>Skeleton T(Alt: Skeleton T(With Friends))
>Satan(Alt: Yellow Satan)
>Ecolo(Alt: Unusual Ecolo)
>giving otomo his own slot
Aw. It's more fun when he shows up to block Ocean Prince from garbage Puyo.
Then again, it'd be pretty funny to have an Ocean Prince vs. Otomo match with that animation still present.