RDR 2 will include microtransactions

Thoughts, Sup Forums?


Dont care about shit games lad

We all knew that was coming, though. Only thing I'm worried about is if it'll affect the single player drastically. I hope we can still unlock outfits like in the first game.

I am not giving that shithole clickbait site ad revenue.

Elaborate or fuck off.

>game is a sequel
>it's actually a prequel

It's no surprise, but as long as the sp is pretty good and the microtransactions are mp only I'll not be that fussed since I know I'll not be touching the mp after hearing about that

it's sad that gaming has come this low, whats even sadder is that braindead normies will eat this shit up

wow, just like gtav woeoeowoeow
It also doesnt mention where, its probably in mp, so then who cares.

Multiplayer killed gaming

yet you probably play irrelevant Japanese trash

It really doesn't say much besides it's going to have microtransactions we all knew this was coming. Rockstar has made over 500 million from just shark cards in GTAV. They are going to do the exact same thing they did with GTAV, release a bunch of free DLC with the ability to purchase in-game cash with real money.

Good. Making games is expensive and developers have to eat, too.

Then their CEO should take a paycut.

>Hoping the single player will be good after the cash cow that was GTA Online
RDR2 will be a multiplayer game with a cheap campaign tacked on.

Doesn't really matter at this point. If a studio is successful and relevant, they will have ministrations/dlc post launch. If there was no dlc or microtransaction after the game launched then the only thing the studio and publisher could afford to do with said game was just launch it and hope it turned profit

i-if .. yo-you ignore it itll go away.. r-right Sup Forums?
we just have to k-keep ignoring it and itll stop eventually, right?
right Sup Forums, thats what will happen? itll just go away soon? right?

This is what many AAA games are moving towards either
>Paid DLC without microtransactions
>Free DLC with microtransactions
This will most likely only affect multiplayer like GTAV but I can understand why they do it for multiplayer games.

As far as multiplayer games go I'd rather take the latter, paid DLC only serves to split up the community

>microtransactions have successfully taken over vidya

To everyone bitching about this, if you just made $500 million off something you implemented into your last game, would you not do it again?

Why does Sup Forums pretend to care about online or multiplayer? We all know that online/multiplayer is just a cash grab. What matters is single player. I'm not going to jump on the "all hype is dead, this game will be shit!" train just because we know multiplayer will be shitty.

This game was fucking amazing, I loved the single player and I adored the online, managed to get into the