2018: The Year of the Spoony

Mark my words.

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His greatest highlight was being a victim of crazed lesbos. I doubt he will do anything noteworthy.

the year he finally ends it?


holy fuck, he launched a new video and it's even a counter monkey

This person looks retarded. Is he retarded?

He has like 70 different variations of AIDS and Cancer according to himself.

He looks like a serial rapist now.

How's his Patreon doing?

You got me.

>One week apart boring livestreams
Isn't his twitter basically all suicide threats now?

He's got something. His head seems too big for his body.

Of course all the underage here nowadays don't know who spoony is..

Must also be why the underage mods delete his threads, but keep up Dunkey and DSP threads with zero actual vidya discussion.


>it has literally been over a year since he updated his site

>all he does now is shitpost about Drumpf on twitter

Is Spoony the ultimate example of destruction by obsession?

>months of radio silence
>not even a single tweet complaining about Trump
>suddenly Spoony is back
>buzz cut
>he's been hitting the gym
>videos every week

We should congratulate him on Twitter. One whole year!

No because he went full JUST long before the election

Remember when Spoony was good?
I kind of do. His old videos are permanently tainted by the actions of his future self. Kind of like Hitler and his paintings.

Why do we still care bros? Why the fuck do i always click these threads? Old Spoony isnt coming back.

I used to watch Spoony but quit after he stopped releasing videos. Can someone give me the rundown on whats going on now?

Why yes, my rock is a very comfortable place to be under.


Spoony is a chronic procrastinator and has the work ethic of a sloth with leprosy. He made a Patreon wtih promises that he was never going to be able to live up to.
Once he hit "I promise I'll make a movie!" level of money he just shut down. These days he just rants about politics on twitter and does extremely shitty streams with as little audience interaction as possible.

He's gone into deeper depression, has stopped releasing videos entirely, constantly complains on twitter, and has only recently started live streaming again after fucking losing his shit on his audience on camera. "Don't tell me how to play!" Nigga went full DSP, but with like no content. Now we just waiting until he JewWarios because his patreon is under 600 a month.

Spoony's body may be shrinking

Give me some good old Spoony videos to watch.

DSP, now that's a name I can get behind, if Spoony's situation is on the same level as D-"I fucking rage quit a game for not telling me what to do except for when it was telling me what to do"-SP then it serves him right for not knowing how to play vidya.

Why yes, I did see "This is how you don't play Persona 3" that shit was gold.

aww seriously? i mean i know april or whatever her name was seemed like a dyke but for friks sake.

His stories got me into tabletop gaming. its seeing one you took inspiration from dive into madness.

The year he finally reviews House of the Dead with NC and Linkara?

I thought there would be a new video when I saw this thread.
But it was nothing but his Live Wire shit.

Same. He made a previously alien world accessible, and his stories were always fun.

I've been a long-time Spoony fan but honestly, while I want him to get better, I keep expecting to wake up to his suicide note instead.

How long until spoony actually commits suicide?
He JUSTed his life so hard that there is no turning back.

He was streaming a few months ago (when he was supposedly losing his house). Betrayal at Krondor and Sherlock Holmes and seemed almost back to normal, wasn't bitching at the chat, making jokes , seemed alert and lively, it almost seemed like he was on the road to recovery.

I used to watch Spoony back when I still visited TGWTG regularly. His Phantasmagoria LP, his Ultima retrospective and his tabletop stories were pretty nice. It's sad to see that he has fallen like this, boy deserved better.

Attachment. Not a proud fact, but I learned English through the AVGN/TGWTG/Spoony vids, that was actually my first contact with the broad internet culture. It's really sad to see it all end like this.

>His Phantasmagoria LP

That was great.

>boy deserved better

He literally got what he was asking for. It was no one's fault but his own. He can also have everything back if he just starts making videos again, but that actually requires him to stop being a lazy piece of shit.

I heard that, Curtis!

It could be if he got of his ass and made proper videos again instead of just randomly streaming shit.

The straight up truth.

Spoony's actually bipolar. He mentioned one time that the doctors misdiagnosed him for depression.

But that does explains his mood swings. Why he can go from zero to total bastard in 1.2 seconds flat.

>implying Spoony makes vidya content
>implying Spoony makes content
Mentally ill and medically ill homeless people aren't video games

He went into a straight up rant about a week ago when someone posted the Juan thing and mentioned DSP

Sounds like he's not cut out for streaming. Maybe he could benefit from some kind of format where the content is written and recorded in advance and then edited before release.

He doesn't deserve jack. He got loads of money on Patreon the moment he announced he was going to have one, and then decided to start doing nothing once the money was rolling in.

Some of Spoony's problems are out of his hands, but others very much aren't. He's made his bed.

I wish he'd return to form but I can't sympathize with his current plight. His job is to play video games, watch movies, and review them, occasionally sharing fun dumb D&D exploits he doesn't even need to script in advance. Editing videos can be a chore, sure, but I mean, it's his job. Do something dude.

>Spoony is a chronic procrastinator and has the work ethic of a sloth with leprosy.

>tfw I'm just like Spoony because I spend way too much time messing around on this site

TFW spooney soent all that time watching the golden one and getting fucking juicay...