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tell me it isn't real

It was removed from the game the day it was added so idunno

>add a joke into the game
>triggered autists like reeeeeeeee
>joke is removed

I want autists to leave

>kicking a knight in the balls in plate armor

>being this autistic

Nice try ubisoft shill im still not playing for goner

>secretly wishing I wasnt a poorfag and could spend 400 dollars on that.

That's actually pretty funny though but of course spergs will scream about muh feminism/sjws and SJW will scream about my women is sex objects

fucking hell thats why we cant have nice things

Isn't the joke here how anime characters accidentally touch some titties and overreact to it?

It was removed because the animation had major clipping issues (hands going through chest) jesus you guys are spergs, every day the same shit.

Ubisoft resorts to fan service to keep the 200 players?

so if it happens in anime its fine

It just seems to be the tipical protag and tsundere girl interaction.

Now I want a tsundere berseker, but I donĀ“t trust westerners and OPs girl is probably ugly, such a waste of a fit body.

Post the Kensei one.

epic weeb

Why are for honors animations so good but everything is else is ehhh

Lods of emone for production + mediocre game designers/programmers with no idea how to make a fighting game = for honor

About 90% of all the executions have clipping issues. The newest Raider one makes FemRaider force choke people. That's a bullshit excuse.

The colors in this game just kill me.