If you threw a competitive smashfag into a pool of water, would he float from how empty his head is, or sink from how dense he is?
If you threw a competitive smashfag into a pool of water, would he float from how empty his head is...
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Reminds me of that guy who sold his car for a tiny container of that meme szechuan sauce.
>you will never be a smash autist
Feels good
I think it's commendable, it shows his dedication to the community.
This can't bee true.
I like Smash, and even I consider OP's pic related autistic.
I've had humanitarian thoughts of starting Fighting Game Tournament establishments in low-income ghetto neighborhoods. I think it would be a positive outlet for thugs, we all know how much they love fighting games. For the ones who don't want to play, I could give them jobs being organizers and bouncers to keep the riff raff under control.
it's just, I haven't been motivated or confident enough in the idea that I would sell my house to start it.
In 5 years there will be no more CRT's on the market and the last Gamecube Controller with a broken stick that allows for backdashing will have fully broken as well.
Meleefags will finally kill themselves and the world will be a better place.
I find it unlikely that a competitive smashfag knows how to swim.
That sounds very positive.
This is the world I want to live in
this kant be happening
Not all of them are black
He'd float from how empty his bowels would become.
Just be prepared for stolen merch. Try to put it near a police station.
I'd say fuck the community in an instant if it meant me having to lose my house
What a fucking retard
KoF is still more serious business.
I imagine if this happens anywhere other than china it would have been handled far worse
i think, being a human, he would float.
or he could be a witch
Your things don't even have their own wiki article
Bulgakov would be proud
That sounds like a good way to get a fistfight over videogames
To be fair the Orthodox Church was big on Kant's deterministic compatibalism, and Cykas take their church thing seriously.