Have you ever helped a girl beat a video game?
Have you ever helped a girl beat a video game?
My little brother is my room mate, I'm 26 and he's 18 and it's a nice arrangement because when I'm not working and he's not in class we just play vidya together.
Last night he had a girl over for the first time. I was worried how it would mess with our dynamic but then we just played WoW for 6 hours and it was a blast.
Her hair is dyed pink which is a red flag but overall she seems really cool. He's never even kissed a girl so I hope that it works out with this girl he likes.
is the ds3 better than the ds4 if i dont care about the bulky feeling?
no but I got mad at one for playing like shit
yeah, my sister loved Vice City, but couldn't beat most late-game missions on her own.
Needless to say she didn't like San Andreas which was for most part much harder
Several times. Only because they specifically asked me.
I hand them back the controller as soon as their problem is solved and leave.
Not a girl, but helped my older brother beat a section with clickers in the last of us. It seemed hilarious at the time, since he used to play the original MGS for me since it was too scary, and now he needs me to get past some mushroom monster he can't handle.
Dpad is way better and build quality with DS4s can be trash if you get the first batch they made.
Also better switches in the shoulders.
Never by actually picking up the controller from them but I've given plenty of advice.
I did help an old girlfriend beat the last boss of Drakengard, though I can't blame anyone for not being able to suss that out.
Yea, I helped a girl beat need for speed underground before I eventually went out with her. She liked to play with my dick a lot. Everytime we went to the movies she like laying down on my lap and jerk my dick. Good times.
My sister helped me in the final puzzle for 999 back when it released cause I didn't know how to play Sudoku.
The only game I've ever played with a girl was smash bros at sunday school for a few minutes. I can't remember who won
Post the one page where the girl lets a guy touch her boobs for teaching her how to play an arcade game.
I help myself by cheating
I don't think I've ever even talked to a girl.
Wanna meet up and play vidya?
it's been 15 years since I last met a human
Yes on dark souls 2, monster hunter 4 ultimate, and persona 3
I helped a friend beat Cynthia in Pokemon BW.
When I was younger my mom let me "help" her when she would play puzzle games. After that I'd help my cousins when we'd all be together and play N64.
No, but I've overreacted to a girl beating me to get Laid.
Did their entire party have a type disadvantage
Yes i have indeed. It was because at that time i was very pro and at it and wanted my cock too. She was very good at the game too for a girl but she was really autistic so i hated her.
No but her pokemon were like 20 levels lower than Cythina's.
When my sister was moving I was driving the moving van and it was like 3 tours from her old to her new place, like 2 hours each. I gave her my DS to pass the time with a flashcard and some Ace Attorney and helped her out occasionally.
She got hooked a bit and I bought her a pink DS for her next birthday but over the years it lost to smartphones and her not being a massive loser like me with actual stuff to do and friends and no time to be playing video games.
I helped my ex beat Order of Ecclesia. I also tried helping her beat Chrono trigger, but she couldn't get past Yakra . Women.
She named her Crono after me though, so that was nice
>Little Brother
I fucking hate w*men
>disgusting flat chest
Might as well be a boy
>girl playing Super Mario Land on gameboy.
>runs out of live on the final level, puts the game down and pouts.
>I ask to see it.
>played the game on family road trips for years, know it forwards and backwards
>speed run that shit to the final level where she was when she lost
>pause and hand it back to her
>she finishes it out on her own
my sister couldn't beat the Free Bird encore for GH2 on expert so I had to step in
>T;hat complete lack of tits
I thought this was a trap for a second.
no way fag
you should cuck your brother like a chad
>He's never even kissed a girl so I hope that it works out with this girl he likes.
if it doesnt maybe you can become is gf (male)
yeah I've helped my niece, probably helped other girls too that I can't remember. people being the other gender isn't really important.
I like that doujin more before he started fucking the girl's sister. It should have just stuck with a nice monogomous relationship. That way it was sweet and allowed me to masturbate, but in the end it just let me masturbate.
I helped an ex out several times with Skyrim.
She was kind of dumb and really bad at the combat.
>I didn't know how to play Sudoku
Namefags confirmed retarded, but that's nothing new.
My little sister used to bug me to play games that she liked so she could watch.
Then she got gud and started playing them on her own.
DS4 has better triggers and mushrooms, but the battery life is abysmal and the touchpad is a stupid gimmick. I also like the controller shape more with DS4, but not by large margin
Once helped a girl in Soul Calibur and Tekken having played neither of those before. Had to cheese in both games but I still was proud of myself afterwards, even though I must've seemed like some autist.
>invite friend over for some video games
>he spends the whole time just messaging his gf
I had to have a girl help me beat a vidya. My sister is fucking crazy good at games and i handed her the controller one day because i couldnt beat the final boss in the Pitfall game for wii because i suck
source on that image pls? yandex ain't even pulling anything.
I've got bad news for you.
>all these normalfags
I don't get the "let someone else defeat the boss" mentality. If I let someone else play my game then it's because I let them do a tedious task like grinding or getting past a segment I've passed many times before. Bosses on the other hand are milestones that you're supposed to clear yourself, advice is alright but letting the Super Guide take over is not.
This is the best way to handle that situation.
>girl playing Portal
>one of the last test chambers, a cube decides the physics engine is beneath it and starts gliding around the floor and clipping through walls
>impossible to finish the test
>load a save from earlier, zip through the tests at max speed
>make sure the cube behaves this time and hand her the controller
While not prime-time it IS american hours right now.
>invite some cousins for a lan party at my home.
>on the car way to my home.
>one asks me to drop at the super market in the way home telling us he will come with us later.
>we know he is bullshiting us and he is leaving to be with her abusive girlfriend, but drop him there anyway.
>of course, he doesn't goes to the lan party and ends up way later at his home.
My wife asks for my help every so often. I usually just procrastinate in doing it long enough and she ends up gitting gud herself.
She has some sort of phobia with underwater levels though, so I do truly get stuck doing those.
I've never played vidya with a grill. Might have been cool as a teenager but that'd be weird as an adult.
Every now and then, I play a difficult section for my wife.
My older sister and I used to play single player games together all the time when I was ~15, swapping out on deaths. We really enjoyed playing a bunch of other original Xbox and 360 games together. I think the one we kept going back to was Ninja Gaiden Black.
Oh man that was 13 years ago already
>Not having a niece or something similar to play video games with as an adult
>I don't get the "let someone else defeat the boss" mentality.
When you're like 10 years old some bosses feel impossible to defeat.
>She has some sort of phobia with underwater levels though, so I do truly get stuck doing those.
my older sister has that phobia too. she got it from watching mario drown in the boat level. man that game had some creepy animations and it still was kids and adults (today's E for everyone.)
When I was ten years old I was even less capable of swallowing my pride and letting others do what I can't immediately do myself than I am now.
Sister doesn't have a kid yet but even if she got pregnant right now that's still be several years away before the kid is old enough to be a person.
when i was 8 or so, i reached all the way to the first fortress in super mario world and then ask my babbysitter to beat the fortress for me. i can't even recall why but she was good at videogames if i remember correctly.
Yeah, but you'll most likely still be an adult when that happens.
Only my sister
When I was younger, as someone who was in the top 1% of the online rankings for Trackmania, I got my ass beaten into the ground by a girl playing it for the first time.
My babysitter got my through several levels in Gex. I had this memory that she was wicked hot and maybe 20. Found out she was 13.
Well, I helped my mom get started on Animal Crossing. And my ex couldn't beat the last boss in Tekken 5 and Chiaki on Nocturne, so I did it for her.
Also my grandma used to play Captain Commando with me on the PS1
My wife's was due to Mario, too. That damn eel in 64 fucked her up for some reason. Fuck you, Miyamoto.
>my gf
>my ex
>my wife
>That damn eel fucked her up
Stop talking about my dick on the internet.
>American hours
Fiancee's battlestation is near mine, so if she's stuck on a quest or a bug/tech issue pops up I'll look it up on my phone so she doesn't have to alt-tab. Can't recall a time where I literally took over and beat a part for her.
Oh wait, there was a jumping puzzle in Dragon Age Cisquisition to get some collectible thing that I had to do for her, because the movement controls in that game were not designed for precision jumping.
How often does she suck your dick because you spoonfeed her? Do you think she'll keep giving your the succ after you get married?
I had the opposite happen, girl at my school helped me beat Pokémon yellow
Yes. My mum
I help my gf all the time. She usually likes to do it herself, but sometimes she just can't handle it.
Is this the one where the guy buys an apartment with a goddamn hot spring inside of it?
brings a tear to me dick
I beat the final boss of FFX for my exfiance.
>Her hair is dyed pink which is a red flag
This is important.
Better do some research on her before she sucks out his soul.
>so I hope that it works out with this girl he likes.
Cuck him.
Suace on OP?
make sure you have the full story if he starts getting distant.
you don't want him to ruin his life over pussy
He's a phone poster.
that better be a boy
How do I get a gf, Sup Forums?
Just be yourself
Do you like power rangers?
The build quality is better, if you get an old one
After 2013 they made these shitty nu-model DS3s. If you buy one, get either used or old unopened stock like from ebay
By never posting on Sup Forums which means you are too late. You will never get a gf.
I can view all the filenames fine
my little sister beat dead or alive volleyboll for me
i helped her some with spyro and windwaker
Current or past eras?