
Thanks for beta testing PS4 users, but we're used to higher quality games on PC. Refunded.

Other urls found in this thread:

are you kidding? the game is amazing.

>Team Ninja
>No mouse support

Enjoy your garbage port, PCObese. I have a new love.

>bland, uninspired world design
>like...three different enemy types total
>diabloesque loot
this is amazing on nu-v

like 18 people played this on pc

Sorry if it doesn't resembles a perfect copy of your average Souls game and tries to be more more varied in that looting aspect, user.

Maybe if you play Lords Of The Fallen™, that could entertain an oldfag Sup Forums person like you, right?

you are welcome, PC bro!
with great power comes great responsibility! being the PS4 master race aka the backbone of the whole gaming industry, we are glad to carry other lesser community on our back!

dunno man looks much worse than the ps4 version

lol never even heard of this game but pcbros take what they can get lmao

>Buying games on PC
Trash it

World design is shit compared to ds/bb tho

Who cares about world design in a mission based game

>it's shit on purpose

how the hell does loot work in this game? How do I know if a weapon on the ground will be better than my current weapon after I raise familiarity with it?

>no mkb
Not even worth a pirate

Just look at the difference of damage between the two. If your current weapon with max of 900 familiarity does 100 damage and you find a fresh weapon doing 95 base damage and a max potential familiarity of 900 as well, then you'll likely end up with a weapon that does more than 100 damage. Approximate that shit. Or you could study the various weapon tables you can find on the internet.

>Weeb game
>Developed by a western studio
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy your SJW samurai game.

Literally not what he said you greentexting dumbfuck

ds/bb combat is shit compared to nioh

Nioh only sold 700K units on PS4, it flopped because it is not a very good game.

nioh is incredibly niche and did much better than KT was expecting

it sold well enough that we're going to see a sequel

A sequel is confirmed? Sweet.

Disagree. The levels in Nioh have better design and are more focused on exploring with the Kodama collecting. Most exploring exploring in Souls will get you some loot you'll never use or very very rarely an estus flask shard.

To be fair, there are a lot of kodama people never use either. There's not much point to the non-elixir boosting ones.

At least it tracks them on the map and has an extra goal to work towards.

>umibouzu fight
>took ages because I was out of fire talismans and refused to use the three bonfires to cheese the adds
The level was cool at least.


*crackling fart*


*blender noises*
*scraping steel*
*bones crackling*


*digestive noises*

*shit oozing from anal orfice*

"Nice game you got there consolefriend, mind if I... PLAY it?"

*lawn mower noises*



*blender noises*


*screaching scraping metal sound*


*vaccum scuttling sound*




*screams fade into silence as they are sucked in*

Ahhhh... Thanks for the meal consolebabbies!

Why didn't you just use the magic that lights your sword on fire? You get 2 charges which is enough to get him to his 2nd form


Top kek

Forgot pic

Because I'm honorable 1kat user, duh
I haven't touched magic yet apart from putting points in passive, am I doing a big mistake?

so this is the power of autism

I mean the fire sword is the first thing you can get, it only takes 1 point. There's a tutorial that shows you how to do it so I assumed the game expected you to have it.

Stay mad.

Whenever these clone come up it's they who are mad clearly lmao

I was just posting my edit


>Beta tested it 4 times to get it to decent quality
No problem faggot OP, sorry about japs nerfing the difficulty

This is delusion.


Should I buy it 'again' on pc?
I didn't buy any expansions on ps4 and got only to yuki-onna.


The world design is honestly terrible

The only problem with this game is the loot system


can someone give me some advice about this game? my gf just got this for me and i would like to know what to expect

No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror is significant.

Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.

Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquerors beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.

How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.

Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.

And then here comes f***ing Nioh, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind s***posts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.

And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it still says I'm not this guy No, I'm a Conqueror.


>peasantstation 4
>master race

>can't kill Nue the lightning tiger
how do i do it bros? I tried 20 times and one simple mistake kills me.

>Sup Forums hates open world games
>Sup Forums hates niohs would because it's not a meme open world like the souls series

>Sup Forums is one person
Neck yourself

>falseflagging general
I hope you simple cunts are just playing along and not actually buying into any of OP's shit.

I wish we could get a game like witcher 3 (world and side quests etc) but with niohs combat
Would pay double price and buy 17 season passes

its fact

Hit the front of him while's doing doing the channeled lightning attacks and his stomach when he falls over

don't get hit


The way to kill Nue is to bait him into a pattern. You want to stand in front of him by about 20-30 feet, outside the range of a claw attack, but inside the range of his beam roar. When he starts the beam roar, run in and attack his neck near his left paw, and the damage will hit his weak spot, causing him to lose ki and let you get damage in. Be sure to run after about 10-12 seconds of damaging him before he roars, as lightning will strike 3-4 times and that can insta kill you if it chains.

Hardest thing for me was avoiding the lightning strikes. Wait from him to do his breath attack sneak and, wombo combo and gtfo

Nioh has garbage combat.



Nioh gameplay is lightyears ahead of Soulsborne. Who gives a fuck about world design, we're here to play some fucking HD gamez.

Fuck, I want this souls copy meme to die. It's going to fuck with ninja gaiden 4. I like nioh, but not for the soulslike design points but that's all anyone is going to take away from the game and the publishers are going miss the point and meddle with every action game team ninja does from now on.
>You'll never be able to fight like this in a DS game

What does that even mean? It's Japan.

Every kodama is 1/5th of a free elixr though.

The only reason to use kodamas is for item farming

What did they fuck up?

>It's another game trying to capitalize off Dark Souls

Lol. Love all these clones that come out and try and challenge Dark Souls. Dark Souls 2, the weakest entry in the Souls/Borne series by far, is BY FAR better than Nioh or any other clone.

That alone says everything you need to know about Souls Clones. They're trash.

;_; is a GTX970 good 'nuff?

Drop AO and possibly turn down shadows to medium, and yes.

t. 290x

Nigga, I still play some modern shit on GTX660Ti 2GB, what the fuck are you on about?

>beta testing
>full released game

PC faga are truly most autistic people here.

Just turn off shadows and you will be fine

I'm playing it on a 960. Textures on high, shadows on medium, motion blur off and I'm getting a solid 60 frames. When I firsr got the game it wouldn't launch at all, but there was a Windows update that fixed it and I've had zero issues since.

thx senpai.. didnt want to accidentally waste $ on a PC version when I have a ps4 as well

Umi-Bozu is cancer man, his death beam isn't so bad, but then he has a second death beam that's an almost instant cast that one hits you. No one can defend that, absolute trash design. His health too, does he ever die?

lowest settings lowest resolution
could my i3, 8gb of ram,and amd 6450 handle it at maybe 25-30 fps?

Can someone give a quick port review, preferably without shitposting please.

>turn off
Medium is enough.

PS4 controller support is iffy, Steam controller support is perfect, 360 is fine. Turn rendering resolution to high and display resolution to native for proper image quality. No mouse support. Overall it's fine though, I've had one crash in thirty hours.

AO off, shadows medium. That should fix any performance issues.

t. 1700/290x

There are areas where you suddenly get massive FPS drops for some reason, most notoriously being the London Tower level which is where most people quit. But Japan proper, the game runs smoothly.

works for me

As someone who whined in the thread about that a couple of days ago, there's a telegraph. If he doesn't shut his mouth after a boat throw, you're getting lasered.

Fire talismans. Use them.

You guys do know there's an instant-win mechanic called the Living Weapon right? Use that. If you just want to get the first play through over with so you can grind all the sweet end game loot and features, use that shit.

there was some brightness bug on ps4 for the tower, maybe it's something to do with that.

I usually forget living weapon exists and die to something stupid when I could just bust that shit down and kill everything around me with my axe

>40 fps


>100 gig

70 and can be compressed to 22 with no performance difference



>I have western garbage


There's nothing stopping you from spamming it too since the spirit meter refills very quickly anyway. This game literally has all the tools you need to beat it but for some reason people just brute force it.

this rly 2bh

it falls under megaelixir syndrome for me where I avoid using it because I MIGHT NEED IT LATER and then I usually never use it

Fuck you, the game is fun.
>PCfats will never experience this level of godliness

it's been a fun game i guess.

>that 360 button
>that Amrita

W-what did you do?

that amrita is cheats, the 360 button is something. it just changed and now in main menu i have to press back to confirm and in map i have to press b to confirm.

combat works fine though.

Why cheat?

PC only got 360 buttons as far as i know, I guess they wanted to copy dark souls in any way possible